Love is Weakness

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Chapter 12

Everyone was asleep. Except for Bellamy and Fallon.

Bellamy slept on the floor as Fallon slept on the couch

"You still awake?" Bellamy asked quietly but still loud enough for an awake Fallon to hear.

"Yeah." Fallon replied.

"Can I asked you a question? Since I know now you speak English. And we might die in this mountain." Bellamy asked.

"Go ahead."

"Why did you save my sister?"

"I don't know. It was like when I say her down in the ravine. There was this strange felling telling me you can't leave her there to die." Fallon explained.

"I think that means deep down inside your a good person. Even if you don't want to admit it."

"Yeah well down here kindness, compassion, mercy," she paused for a second. Then she looked into his eyes. "Love is weakness. It can get you killed."

"If you truly think that, then why did you save my sister?" Bellamy asked.

"I don't know. Something inside of me wouldn't let me walk away."

"That's because your a good person."

"Maybe so but I can't show that."

"All right the I'm gonna ask one more question." He states.

"Go for it."

"Why we're you the one who followed us?"

"I was on my way to Polis when I saw your drop ship falling. So I followed it. I hide in the trees thats when I saw your group. At the time you were talking about a trip but didn't know to were. Then I found out it was mount weather. I know I should have stopped when I got all the info but. Something told me to stay."

They talked for a bit longer before they both fell asleep.

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