Acid Rain

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Chapter 28

The next day, Fallon escorted Bellamy back to Arkcadia.

As soon as the got there the acid rain started. But the Sky People called it black rain.

Everyone rushed inside.Fallon, Kane, Bellamy, and other guards made sure everyone made it inside.

When they got in the dropship Bellamy found out that Octavia took off. Then they put every thing that the rain touched in water.

Then once Fallon cleaned herself off from the rain water, she only had a bra and underware on. She didn't live at Arkadia so she had no spare clothes. So she was stuck in that.

She just sat in a chair by a window. All she thought about was if her people were okay.

Then Bellamy came up to her. He had some clothes with him.

"I know they probably won't fit but..." Bellamy said before he was interrupted by Fallon.

"It's fine. Thank you." Fallon said graceiously. She stood up and took the clothes he handed to her. It was an oversized tshirt and some some shorts. She put them on then sat back down. "Who's shorts am i wearing?"

"Octavia's." Bellamy answered as he took a seat next to her.

"I know you miss her." Fallon said.

"Yeah. Well at least I have hope she's..." He said before stoping himself, knowing it might bring up old memories of Lexa.

"Alive. It's okay. I don't want people walking on eggshells around me." Fallon said with a small fake smile. "My sister is dead. The last person who I was allowed to openly care about, and my reason for living because I knew she needed me to pretect her, is gone."

"So why are you still here?" Bellamy asked.

"Because I think she would want me to be." Fallon said with a real slight smile. "And sometimes I can still hear her in my head. Sometime she appears in my dreams. I have the flame. That keeps me connected to her. That way I know she is with me in every decison I make. She might be telling me what to do."

"Clarke told me that Lexa used to have the evil past commanders yelling at her for not going to war. Does that happen to you?" He asked.

"Sometimes." She answered that made her smile fade.

"Why don't you just listen to them. To get them to shut up."

"I can tune them out sometimes. And they're yelling won't work on me. I'm not the commander. Nor do I want to be."


"Because I've seen first person what it's done to people. Like it turned my kind mentor into a cold, ruthless killer. It turned my sister into someone I barly reconized for a little bit. I don't want that to happen to me."

Then Bellamy had to do his job. Fallon kept herself busy. She helped the wounded. She brought them food and clean water.

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She was doing her job when she noticed Bellamy propared to walk outside.

"Bellmy?" Fallon asked. Which made him turn around and look her in the eyes. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to find Octavia and the rest of my people." He stated.

"The rain will kill you get anywhere close to her." Fallon stated.

"Thats why I'm wearing this." He said before walked outside.She just ha to stand there and watch as he ran away in clear pain.

Kane radioed him but there was no answer.

"I'm going out there." Fallon said worried.

"You can't. You don't have any protective gear." Kane tried to reason.

"I don't care. and besides, I'm a nightbleeder I might be able to survive it." Fallon stated. "Try him one more time. If he doesn't answer I'm going after him."

Kane tried Bellamy one more time. This time he answered. Fallon was relieved. Then some more of the skikru radio in.

Fallon left Kane with that in private. Since it didn't really concern her.

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Harper and Fallon were helping a guy who fell down when he was running inside. He died on them.

"Yu gonplei ste odon." Fallon said.Then left Harper alone to grieve.

Then Kane needed a break. So he left Fallon with Bellamy.

She helped him calm down. Told him stories of a person she had to watch die but couldn't do anything about it. It was her sisters friend, Costia, who was killed by Ice Nation.

It seemed to have helped him.

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As soon as the ran cleared Bellamy got the rover out then came back to Arkadia.

Where Fallon and Kane greeted him. Kane told him there was still no word from Octavia. Then he left.

"So I should had back to my clan." Fallon said.

"Now?" Bellamy asked.

"They need me. They could have also got hit by the rain. They've lost to much." Fallon stated. "Last time I checked there was only like 200 of both of my clans. Thanks to the rain it could be less."

"You don't have to go now. Just stay for the night. At least until its light out." Bellamy asked.

"I can't, Bellamy." Fallon said. Then she went to grab her horse. And left. While Bellamy watched.

 While Bellamy watched

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