The Massacre

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Chapter 17

Fallon went with Lexa and Clarke to deliver Nia's body to Skaikru.

She didn't really want to go but Lexa said if she didn't Fallon would never get her people back.

So she went with them. She rode on a horse a head of Lexa. She really didn't want to talk to her.

Then when they could see where Lexa's Tropes were they saw a field of dead body's.

Fallon jumped of her horse to check if anyone was still alive.

They looked around at the fallen soldiers Fallon knowing exactly who killed them.

It was Skaikru. Then a soilder further up signaled. Someone was alive.

Lexa, Clarke, and Fallon ran over to them. It was Indra.

She tried to move but was in to much pain. Clarke tried to help her but she refused until Lexa to her to.

Indra told them how Skaikru attacked them while they slept. And how it was Pike.

Bellamy spared Indra to deliver a message. "Skaikru rejects the coalition. This is their land now. We can leave, or we can die." She saided.

Then Lexa ordered a war with the Skaikru. Clarke tried to convince Lexa to let her talk to her people. But Lexa refused.

Clarke came up with the idea to signal Kane using the radio. Lexa agreed.

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About a hour later it was Octavia who showed up. She came into the tent and walked over to a injured Indra.

She explained how Kane lost to Pike. Lexa got angry that the Sky people voted for it.

Clarke convinced Lexa and Octavia to let her speak to Bellamy.

Fallon decided to go with them.

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When they got to Arkadia Clarke and Fallon stayed in a office while Octavia went to find Bellamy.

The the door opened Octavia came in first then Bellamy came in.

He saw Clarke first. He froze. Then Octavia walked out. His eyes shifted a bit which made him see Fallon in the corner.

"What are you doing here, Clarke?" Bellamy asked trying to ignore the girl in the corner.

"We need to talk." Clarke replied.

"You've decided that?" He questioned. "The Mighty Wanheda who chose the Grounders over her own people? Who turned her back on us when we came to rescue you? Now you want to talk?"

"I came here to tell you that the Ice Nation has paid a price. Justice has been served for the attack on Mount Weather. I came here to  tell you it's over." Clarke explained.

"There it is again. Why do you get to decide it's over?" Bellamy questioned the blonde.

"We did our part." Replied Clarke.

"We?" Bellamy asked.

"Lexa and I. The Ice Queen is dead. The problem was solved and then you let Pike ruin everything." Clarke told him.

"Why are you and Fallon here, Clarke?" He asked which made Fallon lift her head hearing her name.

"Arkadia need to make things right." Answered Fallon.

"Or Lexa and the Twelve Clans will wipe us out." Clarke continued for Fallon.

"Let her try." Bellamy said which made Clarke look at him confused.

"Please tell me that go to war is not what you want." Clarke pleaded.

"Because you will not win." Fallon added.

"We've been at war since we landed." Bellamy replied. "At least Pike understands that."

"Pike is the problem." Clarke tried to reason. "This isn't who you are."

"You're wrong." Bellamy saided. "This is who I've always been. And I let you and Octavia and Kane convince me that we could trust those people."

"Those people." Fallon said pissed. "You know what screw you Blake." Fallon said as she stormed out.

Bellamy felt bad. He wanted to run after her but he had to stay in the office to finish his conversation with Clarke.

Luckly that no one was around. Bellamy and Clarke continued as Fallon mad her way out of the ship.

"The you made a deal with Lexa who left us and her own sister in Mount Weather to die and forced us to kill everyone who helped us. People who trusted us!" Bellamy yelled at Clarke.

Then he almost stormed but no before handcuffing Clarke to a chair.

The him and another guard tried to take her to a cell but Octavia stopped them. By knocking the other guard out.

Bellamy yelled at her. Then Clarke knocked him out.

They ran out of the ship where Fallon was waiting.

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They went back to Lexa where Clarke convinced her to make a new moto.

Blood must not have blood.

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