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Chapter 4

A few weeks later
Fallon was mainly healed for her gunshot wound.

Lexa had been planning her revenge on the 100.

Fallon was getting ready to go back to the blue cliff when they saw a small pod heading toward the lake.

After a bit of convincing Lexa agreed to send Fallon there with a guard.

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Fallon and the guard Lexa insisted she took where riding their horses to the crash sight.

When they got their they found Bellamy he was inside it. So they hide.

Then they saw him throw something into the lake.

From what Fallon could see inside their was some one wearing a space suit inside.

Then when Bellamy left the girl left her horse with the guard and went to check on the person inside the pod.

It was a young girl. She had dark hair. She was unconscious,

Fallon was going to help her when she heard footsteps.

She ran back to the guard but the people show her.

"Hey" Clarke yelled.

Fallon jumped on her horse and made it run away. With the guard following,

"Was that the grounder that escaped?" Finn asked.

"Yep." Clarke says. "I think she ran before she could grab anything."

The two went to see what was inside the pod and Finn was shocked to she his girlfriend, Raven.

They got her up and noticed the radio was missing. They knew two people were near it. But they assume it was Bellamy.

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Fallon sent her guard back to Polis to inform her sister while she stayed and watch the 100 go through the lake to find the radio.

When they found it she knew she had to find a way to destroy vit for good. If the Ark sent more people down they might have deadly weapons the kind that could wipe out her people.

She followed then back to camp in the trees. There Raven said that the damage was beyond repair. So they came up with a new plan to launch flares.

Fallon watched and learned the entire time. Then she saw Octavia walking out of camp.

Fallon followed her. Octavia fell down a hill. Fallon got out of the tree to help her.

She was dizzy. She hit her head on the way down. Then Octavia pasted out.

Fallon thought about taking her back to camp. But decided since her people kidnapped her. She would get revenge by making them worry about Octavia.

But unlike the sky people she would not torture Octavia. She would heal her. Then set her free.

Lincoln came down he decide to help Fallon.

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