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Chapter 31

Later, Fallon walked in on Bellamy yelling at a radio.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"The radio went down." Bellamy stated.

"I'm sorry. Did you at least get to say goodbye?" Fallon asked.

"Yeah. I did." He said.

"That's good." Fallon said. That made her remember all the times she got to say goodbye to Lexa and Lincoln. Just not the 1 time that mattered. It made her have tears in her eyes.

"Hey you okay?" Bellamy asked. Fallon shock her head yes. But clearly Bellamy could tell she was lying. Because he hugged her.

At first she tried to fight it. Tried pushing him away. But then she slowly gave into it.

Then he let go of her. She sat down on a chair that was right behind her.

"Was it Lexa again?" He asked as she sat right next to her.

"And Lincoln. You know his mom was very close to my mom. We grow up like siblings." Fallon stated with a tear coming out of her eye.


"Yeah." She said looking into his eyes. Something inside her head was trying to pull her lip to his. She tried to fight it. But lost. It was happening to him too. Cause they kept moving closer. Then finally their lips smashed together.

Then they heard someone calling for them to come down.

The 2 rushed down. To see the radiation getting closer.

Raven explained everything they had to do before the radiation reached them in 90 minutes.

Monty and Murphy went to the old lighthouse. While the rest stayed.

Raven made the rocket crash. She made Emorie and Harper work on the rocket. While Fallon, Clarke and Bellamy did some work outside.

They found Murphy with a piece of electronics. He said Monty was in trouble. So Bellamy and Murphy went save Monty. Raven brought the electronic thing back to the lab. And Clarke and Fallon went to deal with the comms.


When Clarke and Fallon got to the Comms tower they set it up. It had to be manually set.

Which meant someone had to climb up the tower.

"I'll do it." Fallon said.

"You don't know what you're doing." Clarke said.

"I've done it before." Fallon said which made Clarke look at her confused. "I was a kid and bored. You figure that out."

So Fallon claimed up the tower while Clarke did it down on the ground

When Fallon got up to where she needed to be, she set up the needed thing, then it still wasn't working.

"Clarke it's not working." Fallon yelled. Then she figured it out. "I have to rotate the satellite. You should go."

"I'm not leaving you." Clarke said. Then they saw the rocket. It had launched.

The error signal stopped. Fallon got it alligned. So she grabbed what she had to and climbed down.

Then her and Clarke ran like hell back to the lab.

Where they both had radiation burns and where coughing up blood. Eventually they passed out.


6 years and 7 day later,
Clarke and Fallon were sitting on top of the rover when they felt rain.

Clarke grabbed the radio and satilate. Fallon knew what she was doing. She was radioing Bellamy and the rest of the people in space. She did it everyday. It was her way of staying sane.

Fallon mainly focused on the thing that were real. Like the 2 night blood kids they found. Or her now best friend Clarke.

They both started to get concerned. It had been safe for them to come down for over a year. And they didn't. Clarke and Fallon had no idea why.

The bunker also wasn't available. There was to much rubble on top of the hatch. Clarke and Fallon couldn't get it open.

Clarke was still on her silent radio call when they heard a loud noise. Then they saw something falling from the sky.

So they ran and woke up the kids sleeping in the rover.

"Hei Ai Strik natblida (Hi my little nightbloods) time to wake up." Clarke said.

"Nou lessons today." The blonde girl that Fallon was trying to wake up said.

Then they heard the ship fall. "Don jak op Yu long enough. (Took you long enough.)" Fallon said. Then the 2 girl got up. And went to look at the sky.

"Ai thought Yu don biyo ship was strik. (I thought you said the ship was small.)" The brunette girl commented.

That made Fallon and Clarke go running to the 2 girls. "Maddie go get my rifle now." Clarke instructed the brunette.

"Hailey grab me my gun and knifes." Fallon told the blonde.

Clarke then figured out it was a prison transport ship. She told the girls to drive the rover out of the sight of the guns.

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