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Chapter 5

Raven had been working on the radio none stop since Finn was stabbed.

Up untill she finally got it to work. Clarke's mom Abby helped Clarke help Finn.

While up just 2 level where 2 grounders imprisoned. Lincoln was trying to be as difficult as possible. Fallon however was just standing there.

Lincoln stopped fighting when he saw Octavia. Bellamy tried to get her to leave but she refused.

"I told you he was protecting me. And she found me. You didn't have to do this." She explained to her big brother.

"This isn't about you. I'm doing this for all of us." He told her.

"You did that for all of us." She said referring to bloody nose Lincoln has.

"I did that for Finn and Jasper. For Diggs, and John, Monroe." Bellamy states.

"It wasn't even him." Octavia says.

"You don't know that." Bellamy says. "But if it wasn't him it could have been her." He says as he looks at Fallon. "We need to know what we're up against. How many there are and why they're killing us. And he's gonna tell us right now."

"No, Bellamy, please." Octavia says holding her brother back.

Bellamy ordered Miller to get her out of here.

When she was leaving she said "I don't think they even speak English. He won't understand you."

Then Bellamy torture Lincoln as the other two guards try and get Fallon to speck.

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Then Miller starts to go throw there stuff. He finds old remedies in Lincoln's bag and notes for Lexa in their language in Fallon's.

Bellamy finds a book which makes Lincoln get angry. Bellamy starts to go throw it and finds Lincoln's notes on the 100 and a drawing. There was one of Octavia, the camp and mark 102 for each member at the camp. With some crossed of to represent the dead.

"You've been watching us ever since we've got here." Then he goes to Fallon's notes.

It has the people she's watched and the places they went.

"So have you but you followed us." He says looking at Fallon. "That's how you got shot." He had a hint of pity in his voice but also anger.

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Clarke came up. Her and Bellamy talked when Raven yelled for Clarke.

She ran back down.

Then a few minutes later Clarke up. She was holding a knife.

She walked up to Lincoln "what's on this." She said holding the so he could see.

Everyone one was confused. When Clarke explained that the knife was poisoned.

Lincoln refused to answer her.

Bellamy showed her the box of remedies. She wanted him to tell her but he wouldn't. So Raven used old wires and used them to torture him still nothing.

So Octavia cut herself with the knife which got him to tell them.

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Octavia cleaned Lincoln and Fallon up. Then she went down to another level.

Lincoln and Fallon were alone so the talked.

"When your sister finds out about this they're dead." Lincoln explained.

"They shot me they where dead awhile ago." Fallon tells him.

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The next day Bellamy and Clarke went for supplies. And Octavia gave them bad food that made everyone crazy.

That night she let Lincoln and Fallon escape.

Lincoln went to his cave and Fallon went to Polis and then back to the Blue Cliff.

This time nothing fell from the sky so she was free to go.

She wanted Lexa to send for her when they are about to attack.

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