The Escape

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Chapter 3

When Fallon woke up the next morning she had a whole group of people watching her.

That group included Bellamy, Monty, Octavia, Clarke, Finn, and Murphy.

Fallon just looked at them.

Clarke was the the first to says anything. "Where you the one to put Jasper in that tree or did you just spear him."

Fallon just looked at her confused. She was taught to. When questioned act like you don't speak their language.

She spoke a few random words in grounder language. That mean you people are idiots.

They looked her confused now.

They tried more questions. That didn't make her switch languages. Then they resorted to torture. When that didn't work they all moved down a floor to plan.

She was on the top floor. Then she saw someone swing throw a hole in the drop ship roof.

It was her friend Lincoln. He told her that he would watch them if she could get out.

The he left. They tried again one more time but she still acted like she didn't understand them.

Then when night came and everyone was sleeping. She got up. She was in so much pain but she had to get through it.

She quickly made her way to the first floor and walked quiet but fast out side their camp. When she was outside she started to run.

There was a sharp pain in her stomach but she ran through it. When she was far enough away she started to walk there.

On her way she was being a good sister and walk to Polis farther away or be kind to her body and stop at Ton DC. In the end she decided in sisters.

She past Ton DC and kept walking to Polis.

It took almost 17 hours but she made it. She walk through the gate and people stared.

"Fallon" Indra says. "Fallon your blood is on your shirt. Are you injured?"

"I was shot." Fallon answered about to pass out.

Indra rusted her to the medical room. Where they examined her.

He told her that her discomfort was because she didn't let the stitches heal.

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When the 100 woke up and realized that she was gone they freaked out.

"Bellamy." Clarke screamed inside the drop ship. Which was loud enough to carry out to his tent.

Bellamy ran out of his tent to see what was wrong.

When he got to the last floor he noticed the empty bed. Where a specific raven haired grounder was staying.

"No" he said.

"We have to find her." Clarke says. "If she get back to her grounder friends they will come for us."

"How she knows these woods better then we do. She probably long gone by now." Bellamy states.

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Lexa walked into the room where Fallon was.

"Why'd you have to do this?" Lexa asked.

"Because their now and I have information." Fallon says.

"What information." Lexa asked.

"They are from a space station called the Ark which is dying. So they sent about 100 teenage criminals to test the ground. But there is a guy who is taking of the wristbands which tell the rest if their alive."
Fallon informed Lexa.

"Nice work." Lexa says impressed. "How did you get shot?"

"Panther. They were trying to shot a Panther." Fallon tells her.

"I'm going to kill them." Lexa says angry.

"Please Lex stay here for a minute?" Fallon asked.

"Ok" Lexa say and then goes to lay by her sister.

Planning how to kill those who hurt her sister.

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