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Chapter 2

The group heard Jasper scream. Which made Clarke and the rest run back to the river.

But when she get there he was gone. Treekru must have taken him to set a trap for them. Fallon thought.

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When they get back to the camp Wells was fight another boy. Which of course Clarke broke up.

Which made Fallon disappointed she wanted to see who wins.

The guy who was wearing the black jacket saw Octavia with a bleeding leg and ran to her.

Then he asked "Where the food?"

Clarke and Finn explained how they where attacked and Jasper was taken.

Then Clarke gave a whole speech about how they thought they were the last people on the ground.

During the time away apparently the group take off 24 wristband including Wells.

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Clarke comes out and asks for the dirty jacket guy who was now where a blue shirt's help

"I heard you have a gun." That makes Fallon scared when he show her the gun tucked into his jeans. "Good follow me."

"And why would I do that?" He asked.

She tells him a speech about Him wanting to be the leader.

The guy tells his pal Murphy the on in the fight to come with him and tell another guy Atom to stay with Octavia who was his sister.

Fallon follows after Octavia's brother and Murphy in the trees.

Octavia'a brother tells Murphy that they are only there to get the wristband iof Clarke's arm.

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The Group splits up. Clarke and Finn and The three boy

Fallon had a feeling more would happen with the 3 boys so she stuck with them.

Octavia's brother compares him coming down for Octavia the same as Wells coming down for Clarke.

He also calls Wells invisible to Clarke.

Finn and Clarke call them over to the rocks which makes Fallon get out of the trees. Finn found Jasper's blood. So they use that to track it.

They run toward a noise. Where they find Jasper tied to a tree.

They start to move towards him when Clarke falls into a Trikru trap. Octavia's brother caught her and pulled her up after a bit of hesitation and help from everyone else.

Clarke realize that they saved him to use him as bait.

Murphy and Finn climb up the tree to untie Jasper.

While they were doing that the group heard a noise.

Fallon recognized it. She couldn't believe she didn't notice it before. This land was panther teretory.

They panther started to run toward them.

"Bellamy Gun." Clarke shouted which help Fallon figure out the last piece of the puzzle.

He couldn't find it. But then there where gun shots. It was Wells. He fired a few shots.

The panther was in front of the trees where Fallon was hiding. Wells fired two more shots. One hit the Panther which killed it and the other hit Fallon.

She winced in pain quietly but loud enough they could her it.

"Did you hear that." Bellamy asked.

"Yeah it came from the trees." Clarke said. Fallon heard it and knew they where going to come looking.

She got off the tree she was laying on. And stood on her feet. She tried to run. But it was to painful. So she walked as fast as she could.

She heard Bellamy close behind her. So she decided to climb up the tree but couldn't. She fell back on the ground.

"Is that blood." Bellamy says pointing to the ground near where she was shot. He wasn't sure it was black.

They followed the trail of blood that lead them to her.

He saw the ravened haired he looked down at her with a shocked expression. She's Beautiful he thought to himself. Then he saw her hand to see it was covered in black blood.

"Clarke." He yelled.

He ripped a piece of his shirt and put in on the wound.

The blonde girl came run and saw the girl almost unconscious because of the pain.

She used more cloth to cover the wound and instruced Bellamy to carry her back to camp. Which he gladly did.

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When they returned to camp Finn and Wells carried Jasper into the drop ship as Bellamy carried Fallon in.

Then when he got out he had a lot of questions about who she was.

They spilt up the Panther and made people take off their wristband to get food.

Clarke attended to Jasper then Fallon then she got food.

Just got stitched up and Jasper need much more attention.

Then Clarke and everyone else went to sleep. Fallon know if she tried to leave that night she wouldn't make it past the door. Let alone Polish or Ton DC. So she stayed there one night.

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