Jason bath oneshot

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Jason had come home covered in blood,  dirt, and sea moss. "Jason! Look at you you're covered in- well everything!" Jason stared at you blankly as you ranted. You knew what you had to do but you didn't know if you had the strength to do it.

You had to give Jason a bath, Despite his undying fear of water. "Jason, I know you don't want to do this...." Jason sighed, already aware of what he had to do.


The water was running and Jason was getting undressed with the help of his trusted assistant, [NAME].  It was like undressing a husky bear man,  but he was your husky bear man nonetheless.

He stepped into the tub, the bubbles swishing around his feet. You held him wash in every place he wasn't able to reach.  Being playful, you put bubbles on the top of his head.  "C'mon,Jason. You gotta take off your mask so I cam wash your face." Jason grunted, still being insecure about how his face looked.

He took his mask off reluctantly and washed his face,  giving him a little face  massage. He eventually leaned into your hand. "See it isn't that bad, Jason." you say givng him a little hug

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