Can't sleep -Dewey Riley

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YOU ARE, INFACT, 18 IN THIS CHAPTER. WE DONT FUCC WITH PEDOPHILIA. I'm gonna start doing more survivor chapters because they need a little love too. Also, I still need some more Bubba sawyer chapters.

Ghostface had murdered Sidney, and he attacked your house mere minutes after she died. For the sake of safety, you were staying with Tatum until this was resolved.

Tatum snored as she laid out on her bed, visibly unconscious. You stared at her, unable to sleep after the incident. He'd climbed through your window, attacking you the second you walked into your room. You didn't leave unscathed either, going to show the little laceration on your forearm that was well bandaged with gauze.

You crept from your bed, quietly easing into the living room. It was quiet and dimly lit by the little lamp in the corner that had been kept on unintentionally. Not knowing what your next move was, you decided to take a seat on the soft couch. "[Name]? What are you doing up?" You looked over to see Dewey in a white t shirt and some shorts.

"I can't sleep." You told him, frowning at your own words. "You wanna talk about it?" Dewey asked, taking a seat on the couch. "Not really." You joked, letting out a short laugh. "It's jus— Sidney is the third person to die, and the police still have no leads on who the killer is. I could've died tonight had you not been around patrolling and noticed me through the window." Dewey nodded, putting his hands together.

"I don't know who this guy is nor his motive, but I know he's not gonna stop until we're all dead." You sniffled, Dewey pulling you over to him. "It's okay, [Name]. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." He tried to comfort,  seeing that you started to cry. "I know I might just seem like your friend's annoying older brother, but you mean so much more to me than that. I'll be damned if I ever let you die." You leaned onto his chest,  wrapping your arms around his body. "Now, let's get some cookies and go  to sleep." "Okay."

You wish this was you, huh? ( slasher headcanons & oneshots )Where stories live. Discover now