Vincent, Bo, & Lester bonding time😊

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Bo sat on the couch quietly as he stared at the TV, His feet kicked up on the coffee table. Vincent walked into the living room with what seemed to be a can of beer. Bo looked at him with a confused look, unaware of what he was planning to do.

Vincent handed him the beer, "Thanks, Vince." Bo said, watching quietly as Vincent walked back towards his downstairs lair. Bo frowned a little, contemplating on if he was going to call out his long-haired brother, seeing as to how Vincent was seemingly upset about something.

Bo, letting out hesitant sigh, called out to his brother. "Vincent!" Bo yelled, making Vincent's head whip back as he stopped in his tracks. "C'mere." Bo insisted, standing up from his seat. Vincent nervously walked towards his brother, assuming he'd done something wrong. Walking up to Bo, Vincent tilted his head down, afraid that his brother was mad at him.

"C'mon, Vince. Let's go." Bo insisted, pulling his brother towards the front door. Bo stepped outside, immediately being stopped by a certain force. Bo turned back to Vincent holding on dearly to his hand, not daring to pass the door's threshold. Vincent was never allowed to leave the house, so it doesn't make sense for him to just let him roam now.

"It's alright, Vince. You can come out, i won't be mad." Said Bo, partially tugging on Vincent's hand. Vincent nervously lifted his foot over the threshold, placing it gently on the front door. He wanted cry right then and there. Vincent gets easily overstimulated with his emotions and tends start panicking if certain things happen, like being allowed outside for once.

Once he stepped out, Bo brought him to his truck, getting him to hop in, the scent and material of the car exciting Vincent a little. Lester pulled up to the house in his truck, peeking his head out to see Vincent in the passenger seat of Bo's truck. "Well, I'll be. What's Vinny Doin' out here?" Lester asked with a large grin on his face, showing off the gap in his teeth.

"I'm takin' em out for a joyride." Bo said, looking back to see Vincent sitting with his hands in his laps. "Can i ride with ya?" Lester asked, Bo rolling his eyes in response. "Yeah, sure. Just hop in." And with that, Lester hopped out of his truck and right into Bo's, Putting Vincent in the middle of a brother sandwich. Bo cranked up his truck, pulling off of the property.

Bo glanced over at Vincent, he could sense the smile on what was left of his face. "STOP!" lester yelled out, making Bo slam on brakes. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Bo cursed, Lester opening his door to let Jonesy hop in. "You did all that for a mutt?" Bo said sarcastically. "She was chasin' the car down, we gotta bring er." Bo pulled off again, squinting in slight irritation.

He wasn't planning on taking anyone other than Vincent, Since he was the one that never got out. And so the trip began, Vincent, Bo, and Lester riding on a dirt road that went on for miles, Jonesy laying on the floor as she enjoyed the ride. Bo let down all the windows as to make some airflow, making the wind Blow through Vincent's long  black hair. Bo chuckled at the sight, continuing to drive.

Vincent had never been so excited in his life; finally getting out of the house. The sight touched him deeply. Even though it was just an everyday sight for others, this was different for Vincent. The way the yellow rays of sunlight shined through the leaves of the tall trees while wind blew them ever so gently. The way the tires of Bo's Truck crunched against the gravel-like dirt road. The way sky was so clear with small hints of what was once a huge cloud.

Vincent had no idea why Bo was being so nice, but he liked this side of Bo. He liked the Bo that, despite his attitude, was still kind and caring towards him and Lester. This was something he wanted to do more often.

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