☆Spirit☆ Ghostface headcanons

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Okay, so I found this photo on Tumblr and it got me thinking... What if Ghostface died and came back? What if he was turned into a vengeful spirit like in other horror movies? It sounds so cool, but how would it work?

Well, for starters, Ghostface can now possess objects, specifically phones and and televisions. And his mask? Doesn't come off. It's part of who he is now.

You're watching a movie? Don't be surprised when he appears in the background of a scene, watching you from inside the film. Trying to comminucate? He just goes into your landline and talks to you through it.

Now, let's get to the murder part. This entity has the power manipulate electricity, cutting off the power in your house to scare you. He hides in your closet, under your bed, and maybe even in the bed with while your asleep.

As for actually killing, he still uses his signature knife, as it still gives him the same thrill from when he was alive. He lives on as long as the memory of the first massacre lives on, and he's practically invincible now.

And his voice? It's exactly like the voice changer sounded. Whoever the man was under the mask is long gone, and he's nothing more than a humorous and violent specter that floats the streets of Woodsboro.

If you happened to be friend's with the killer (or maybe his significant other), expect to be haunted relentlessly. He'll leave flowers at your door, appear in your dreams, creep into your bed at night, and he'll always be watching over you, however, don't let that sweet facade fool you, he's still vicious.

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