House of wax - teenage AU pt. 3

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Slowly opening your eyes, you groan as you attempt to sit up, looking back to see Vincent sleeping rather peacefully as he spooned you, his long arms tight around your waist. It was now completely dark outside, as you could hear the sound of crickets chirping right outside.

Finally, you heard the sound of a door unlocking, followed by two pairs of footsteps and a loud thud as if something had fallen over. Vincent immediately wakes up, moving his arms from around you. You stood up from the bed as one pair of footsteps proceeded up the stairs, the other one going elsewhere.

"Sorry, we took so long. i wasn't expectin' us be out for so many hours," Said Lester as he stood in the doorway. "Did you find them?" You asked. 

"'Fraid not, miss. i think they left withoutcha." you frowned at his answer. "Where is Bo?" "He's downstairs handling some business. you can call your parents if ya want." he suggested. Lester brought you downstairs, Vincent following close behind as you made your way to the house phone.

You sat down on the couch as you dialed your mom's/dad's number, Vincent and Bo waiting eagerly with you for them to answer.

"Hello?" Said your parent, you could tell they were worried.

"Mom/Dad, it's me."

"Are you okay? Where the hell are you?!"

"I'm with a friend right now."

"A friend? What happened?" you explained how you ended up in said situation, and told them about the nice people you'd met in the process. 

"Okay, as long as you're not in danger. It's late and i don't know where you are so I'll have to get you in the morning, okay?"

"Alright, i love you."

"I love you too." the phone hung up.

"How'd it go?" Lester asked. "My mom/dad is coming to pick me up tomorrow." Lester nodded. Within seconds, Bo busted through a back door, small traces of blood on his hands. "What happened to you?" You asked curiously. "Nothin' much. We had some truck difficulties on the way back and i hurt ma self in the process." Bo states.

"I thought you knew how to work on cars?" "Yeah, well, it was dark outside." He responded, making his way towards the stairs. He tapped Vincent on the shoulder, signaling  to him what time it was. Vincent nodded, making his way to the back door.  Lester took a seat beside you, removing his cap. "How're those injuries holdin' up?" Lester asked. "Pretty good. Vincent cleaned them and wrapped them up." You responded. 

"Aw, Did Doctor Vinnie patch you up good?" Lester gushed. you giggled at his remark. Bo walked back downstairs, now wearing a white tank-top and some dark green drawstring plaid pajama pants. Your stomach began to grumble audibly, loud enough for both Bo and Lester to hear.

"I see someone's hungry." Bo teased walking towards the kitchen. "You want me to cook?" Lester offered. "Pfft, no. what are you gonna cook, roadkill?" Said Bo, Lester frowning at his brother's remarks. Vincent returned from downstairs, his apron covered in wax. "What's with the wax?" You asked curiously.

"Vincent makes wax figures." Lester answered. "Really? Can i see them?" You asked eagerly. "I wouldn't suggest it." Said Bo. "Please?" you ask. Vincent nods, grabbing your hand and taking you to a separate room. There were two wax figures dancing, both being life size.

Over to your right were miniature wax figures. as you took a closer look, you found that they were all signed 'Vincent'. "Vincent, these are beautiful." You tell him, Vincent looking down bashfully.

"What's in that room downstairs|?" you questioned. Vincent looked both ways, making sure his brother's weren't around. he pulled your hand, bringing you to the ominous staircase that hid many secrets. What were you about to see?


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