Secret Admirer - Harry Warden

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In this AU, you are the mayor's stepdaughter. This is not Canon compliant, so just imagine the mayor as anybody I don't feel like researching right now.

You throw a big stack of Letters and mail onto your comfy bed, sprawling them out in a messy manner.

Being the stepdaughter of the mayor, it was practically a tradition for you to get the most Valentine's out of everyone in Valentine Bluffs just for your status.

– Even people in committed relationships sent you one for the fun of it.

You rip open the first letter, a pink envelope with a red glitter heart sealing it. "From Christian Smith to [Full Name]" is written in red marker.

You open it to see a cheesy card and $15 dollars in ones. You immediately go for the cash, putting the card aside in a drawer of other cards you hoarded over the years. You were a collector of some sorts, keeping the little  love for the sake of nostalgia, maybe even to flex them to your future grandchildren, showing them just how popular you were.

You ripped through another letter, which contained a note and a $100. "Buy yourself some candy, kid." It was from the sherrif, who was pretty close to the mayor. How sweet of him. Little did he know, the money would probably go to plushes, or a pair of new shoes. It was the thought that counted.

After twenty-two minutes of opening all your envelopes, you counted all the money you received in total. "$317." You say with a grin. The whole town was practically paying your bills if you had any. Then you noticed one last envelope, hiding under the messy stack of torn up mail.

"I wonder if there's a little extra cash in this one." You ask out loud. The envelope was thicker than the others,seeming stuff with something. You didn't hesitate to violate the envelope like you'd done to all the others, curious as to what was inside this final gift.

"Dear, [Name]. You are the most fascinating person in this entire town. I love how you keep your curtains open some nights to let the light in. It makes it so much easier for me to watch you sleep. I love watching you sleep. You look so beautiful sprawled over the bed, the way saliva runs down your mouth. The way you look wearing clothes twice your size that look like they were bought at a discount thrift store. You look so comfortable. And I love how excited you look every time Valentine's rolls around. Knowing you'll get all those gifts must make you feel very special, and you are very special. And I want to make you feel special for the rest of your life. So I want to ask you something." You eyes are wide with confusion, your eyebrows low with discomfort and your mouth agape in shock.

You pull out the contents of envelope, screaming as you drop it. It was a finger. It was a fucking finger. With a ring on it. You watch as a second letter graciously falls to the floor, covered in blood. "Will you marry me?"

You wish this was you, huh? ( slasher headcanons & oneshots )Where stories live. Discover now