Getaway - Norman Bates smut

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Requested by PopsiFlower (loved ur description. It deserved an A+)

October 4th, ¹⁹⁶¹

You decided it was time for Norman to go on a little vacation from that depressing motel for the sake of his mental health, and he hesitantly agreed.

You and Norman walked through the sliding, glass front doors, entering the large, bright hotel. The floors were red carpet, and the ceiling was decorated with golden rim chandeliers. People in flaunting attire walked back and forth, flashing their pearl necklaces and tailored tuxedos. You looked over at Norman as his breathing became shaky and his eyes wandered swiftly.

He was visibly nervous, no doubt a result of all the movement. "You okay, Norman?" You asked him as he pulled the suitcases. "I'm fine. I-I'm just not used to all this." He answered with a fatigued look on his face. "Here, let me get that for you." A bellboy swiftly took Norman's suitcase and put it on a carrier.

As he tried to grab Norman's other suitcase, Norman's hand locked, Norman and the bellboy making direct eye contact, both of there brows furrowed.

"Norman, it's okay! He's just trying to help you carry them." You grabbed the suitcase, putting it on the carrier. "I apologize, he's just a little on edge." You apologized to the bellboy.

Eventually, you made it up to the room, walking through the door. The bed was huge, and it looked very soft. It had nice carpeting, a good paint job, and it smelled impeccable, not to mention thr balcony. Bringing in your suitcases, Norman sat on the chair in the corner, his expression displaying fatigue and concern.

"Are you alright, Norman?" You kneeled down beside him. "Oh, I don't want to hurt you, but I simply don't like it here. I miss the motel, I miss the mansion, and I don't want to seem ungrateful, but this place is so unfamiliar and overwhelming. I cant even go anywhere without feeling overwhelmed or nervous. I feel so stupid. " He explained, too ashamed to look you in the eyes. He felt like he was being ungrateful, and he didn't want to disrespect you.

"Oh, Norman," you rested your head on his knee has you sat on the carpeted floor. "I completely understand. That's the feeling you get when you go somewhere new, but trust me when I tell you, you needed to get away from that place. At least for a little while. It's not healthy being locked up in one spot for so long. You're not stupid, you're just new to this. I love you, Norman. Don't you ever doubt that." You began to rub his thigh with your thumb.

Norman smiled down at you. "I love you, [Name]." Said Norman, running a hand across the curve of your lips. You stood up,  pulling Norman over to the bed. Gently pushing him back onto it, Norman watches as you slip out your skirt, sliding your fitted sweater over your head. His breath hitched in his throat, pupils dilating as he stares intently.

His hands dragged up your hips slowly, his fingertips shaking at the sight of you.
They dragged up to your breast,  pulling back down to the front of your pantyline. "Just relax, okay?" You told him, Norman nodding in response, as he was at a lost for words.

You leaned in, kissing him on the lips. He was warm and soft, his tongue pressing against yours. Your tongues wrapped around in circles, pushing back and forth in a playful fight. You slid your hand down his chest, making your way down to the zipper of his pants. Norman unhooked your bra as you pulled down his zipper, your fingers caressing the prominent bulge.

You sat down on top of it, grinding against him in a teasing manner. Oh, the way hated your teasing. You really knew how to make him blush. As your hips rolled in circles, Norman grew more desperate, grabbing your hips and pressing you onto him. It was like a way of begging.

You ignored his silent plea, still grinding your pantie-covered lips against his damn near throbbing cock. "Please.." Norman begged eagerly, rubbing against you.

You slid your underwear to the side with a smirk, easing Norman inside of you. His eyes closed as he let a disgruntled gasp, his breath releasing in a shaky manner. You began to rock your hips again, biting your lip as you rode him. Norman definitely needed this break. He was finally letting himself loose, becoming more relaxed and immersed.

Norman sat himself up,  burying his face in your neck. You let out breathy grunts as he nibbled on your skin, his arms wrapping around your back. His right hand dragged up your back, stoppwhen his fingers reach the back of your head. He kissed you on the lips, pressing you against him as held the back of your head. His other hand gently rubbed your ass cheek, squeezing it every now and then in a patterned movement.

"I adore you..." You whispers into his lips, your warm breath pressing against his skin. "Say it again.." he begs you, kissing down your jawline. "I adore everything about you. The way you smell, the way you taste.." you whispered, closing your eyes. "Tell me you love me...please..." He kisses your neck. "I love you, Norman..." You answered to his request, arms straddling shoulders.

"You feel so good.." He tells you with a soft, loving voice. He then proceeds to slip out of his shirt, moving it away and pressing his body against yours. How he loved the way your skin felt on his. He held your hips, assisting you as you shifted up and down on him. "Never leave me.." he pulls you down on top of him as he leans back on the bed. He rolled over, now hovering above you, still buried deep near your cervix.   

"Don't be too loud. We wouldn't want any of the other guests to hear us." He whispered in your ear. "Oh, but don't we?" You teased him.

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