how they would react to walking in on you naked

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(BTW, these are post-relationship headcanons)

Michael Myers: he'd just stand there. He wouldn't leave or interfere. He'd just sit there and watch unless you asked him to leave.

Jason Voorhees: same as Michael, except he'd probably walk off after a bit.

Harry Warden: would make himself comfortable. He'd just take a seat and watch like it's his favorite show.

Norman Bates: "Oh, I'm sorry!" He'd get embarrassed and cover his eyes, leaving the room unless you tell him he can stay.

Bo Sinclair: "Oh? What have we here?" Same as Harry. He'd just sit and watch, probably teasing you the whole time.

Vincent sinclair: would get extremely flustered and leave immediately. Would probably think about it for the rest of the day and feel top embarrassed to talk to you.

Lester Sinclair: "My bad!" Would politely leave and close the door.

Stu Macher: "Oh, hi, honeybun! Ya hungry?" He wouldn't feel uncomfortable around you being naked, and he probably thinks you feel the same. Stu respects your boundaries, so he'd leave if you ask.

Billy Loomis: *insert devilish grin* This horny mf would definitely try something, nothing you're uncomfortable with, of course. He'd probably go in for a kiss or might try and cuddle you.

Billy Lenz: he'd try and bite you. in a romantic way, that is. Biting and cuddling is a guarantee.

Bubba sawyer: would let out a little shriek and walk back out completely flustered.

Brahms Heelshire: "Kiss." "What?" "Kiss." He'd automatically ask for a kiss.

Roman Bridger (Ghostface): "My bad. I, uh, didn't know you were in here." He'd explain, trying to remain calm and leave you be.

Candyman/Daniel: "My apologies, dear. I  wasn't aware that you were getting undressed." He'd explain, leaving the room respectfully.

Easter ripper: *insert friendly wave* he'd greet you and go about his day,  completely ignoring the fact that you were naked.

Butcher/Night shift abductor: Would completely forget what he was doing and freeze up.

Night ripper: he would try to stay and watch.

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