Guilt - Billy Loomis hurt/comfort that turns into fluff

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SOME CHARACTER'S I'LL BE WRITING FOR IN THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS BECAUSE I DONT HAVE THAT MANY WITH THEM: The Easter Ripper from "murder house", Lester Sinclair from "house of wax", Jason Voorhees from "Friday the 13th", Bubba Sawyer from "Texas chainsaw massacre", Randy Meeks from "SCREAM" and i might do some more Harry Warden and Billy Loomis shots. 


It was the morning after your best friend,  Sidney Prescott's murder. She had been the second friend you'd lost to Ghostface, next to Casey Becker. You sat on the couch, tears running down your face as you cried in denial, Billy patting your back in attempt to comfort you. "And how exactly did you know the victim?" Asked an officer. "We were....close friends." Said Billy. You didn't know Billy that well, being that you only hung out with SIdney.

"Okay. Thank you for your cooperation. Please, come forward if you have any further information as to who would want her dead." Said the officer, leaving the scene. "Shhh, It's okay." "NO! It's not okay." You said through sobs. Sidney didn't die in any ordinary manner, it was gruesome.

Ten stab wounds to the chest, slit throat, gouged right eye, organs removed. It was like something out of a scary movie. "I have to go, Billy." You said, rushing off. "Wait! Oh, nevermind." he says as you exit his house. That's when his phone started to ring. 

"Hello?" Billy said into the phone.

"Is she there?" Asked Stu.

"Nope. She left after the police."

"Cool. So when are we gonna do it?"

"Her Mom/Dad/Parents are going out tonight and (and siblings if you have any). She'll have the house to herself and that gives us enough leeway to kill her."

"Alright. Are you sure you wanna kill this one? I mean, we barely know her."

"Which is why it'll be a lot easier to slice her into pig meat."

"I know, it's just— Maybe, if we knew her better, we would have better judgement on if we should kill her.If she really deserves this."

"Stu, trust me. You're being paranoid and overthinking is not a good look on you. 8pm tonight. don't come until i call you. Got it?" Stu let out a sigh of reluctance.

"Got it."

"Good. Make sure you bring my costume with you,"


7:47pm, your house

You sat on the couch, flipping through the old pictures of you and Sidney. There was one of you, Sidney and Billy. Upon turning the picture around, you see everyone's number. You look over at your phone, contemplating if you were gonna call him or not. Eventually, you gave in, calling the number you saw on the back of the picture.

The phone rang loudly, growing your anticipation and anxiety.


"Hey, Billy. Are you free tonight." Billy sighed, knowing what plans he had.

"Yeah, why?"

"I was wondering if you could come over tonight. My family is out right now."

"Uhm, sure. As long as you're safe."

"Thanks, Billy. I appreciate it." within three minutes, Billy was at your door. "How'd you get here so fast?" "I, uhm, was already out. I needed to get some air to take my mind off Sidney." Said Billy as he walked through the door.

You sigh glancing over at the many images of Sid. "You okay?" Billy asked. You didn't respond. it was too hard to talk about. "I understand." he said, taking a seat on the couch. He glances over at the DVD case sitting on your coffee table. He let out a low unexpected gasp. "Is that 'Psycho'?" He asked you.

"Yeah," "I love 'Psycho'." Said Billy. "Me too. It's one of my favorite horror movies." You said. " i didn't take you as a horror movie fan." Said Billy, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, well, we don't really know each other too well." You tell him. "Yeah, i guess you're right." he says. "So, uhm. Did you wanna watch it?" you ask. "Are you kidding? I'd love to watch it." Said Billy.

As the intro begins to play, you make an important statement. "Wait, we don't have any snacks." You stand up, running to the kitchen, Billy following close behind. "What about popcorn?" You ask. "Nah, it gets stuck in my teeth." he tells you. "Oh. What about some nachos?" "Now that sounds pleasing." You get a big bowl of cheese and a party pack of doritos.

The two of you take a seat on the couch, watching the movie intently. "Hey, Billy." "Hm?" "I just wanted to thank you for coming all the way over here." You tell him. "It's no big deal," Said Billy. "Well, to me it is. I appreciate you for comforting me with this whole Sidney situation. When Casey died, Sidney would have never done this. I think it's very sweet that you'd take time out of your night to hang out with me." Billy put on a fake smile, his heart sinking as he started to feel bad. 

"To be honest, Sidney was the only real friend i had with all the bullying i go through, but she was a bit iffy as well. Still, she didn't deserve to die." Billy tried his best to keep cool. He had just planned on killing you tonight, but he felt that he couldn't. He felt somewhat guilty for what he was about to do.

"Hey, can i use your kitchen phone?" "Sure," You tell him. Billy makes his way to your kitchen. He dials Stu's number. 

"Hey, Billy-bob! You ready?"

"We're calling it off."


"We are calling it off. I can't do it."

"Why not? You seemed so down for it before?"

"I JUST CAN'T, OKAY?! She's no longer part of the plan. We'll replace her with someone else, but i can't kill [Name]."

"Ahhhh, i see. You've got a crush."

"What? Stu, you're crazy."

"C'mon, Broskito. I know you. The only other woman you'd be this serious about protecting is your mom, and i wonder where she is." Stu says the last line into the voice changer.

"Listen, Fuckrag. You live my mother out of this!" 

"Fam, bro, homie, dog. I need you to chilllll, man. Why are you being so hectic?"

"Stu— Stu, are you high?"

"As a bird."

"Whhyyyy are you high?" Billy asked, audibly annoyed.

"Well, i thought we were gonna kill somebody tonight and it's very stressful trying to do this without getting caught or killed, so i used the weed to relax me first." Billy sighed, smiling at his friend.

"Hey, where are you?" Stu asked.

"[Name]'s house."

"Ooooh, someone's tryna do a little hanky panky with the target?"

"Stu, you are ridiculous. We are just watching a movie."

"Awww. Watching movies was our thing." Stu said in a sad voice.

"You are so gay."

"Only for you, Billy-boy." Billy laughed.

"Are you sticking your tongue out again?"

"Hell yeah, i am."

"Well, listen. She's waiting for me so i'll have to call you later, okay?"

"Oookayyy. Just don't slit any throats without me."

"Okay, i wont. Bye." The phone hangs up. Billy walks back into the living room. "What took you so long?" "Just personal stuff. Still down to watch the movie?" He asked. "You bet i am."

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