𝙍𝙀𝙂𝙍𝙀𝙏 - Michael myers angst

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this is a angst shot where you die, so if you don't like the idea of dying(most people don't), you dont have to read this. in this AU, Michael and you are the same age.

For further context, 17 year old Laurie is your next door neighbor and she comes beating on your door to ask for help. That's when Michael began chasing you as well.

Michael chased you down the dark, moonlit streets of Haddonfield, fear in your heart and rage in his. you tried relentlessly to get away from him, but he always managed to catch up, despite the fact that he wasn't running. 'God, Laurie, where the hell are you?! Your brother's gonna fucking kill me!' you thought to yourself as you ran for what felt like eternity down a seemingly endless sidewalk.

That's when you saw her. Laurie was running down the sidewalk across from you, a laceration on her arm leaking thick blood as she clutched it eagerly. "Laurie!" You called out. Taking your chance, you ran into the street in attempt to reach her, but Michael tackled you the ground, holding you down on your stomach. He flipped you over, stabbing you in your chest, the long cold blade piercing through your skin, past your ribcage, and into your heart.

You gagged, coughing up blood as you groaned in pain. You looked into Michael's eyes, warm tears running down your face as blood leaked from your mouth. His rage filled pupils dilating as he stared into your eyes. you seemed so. . . familiar.

September of 1963(or basically whenever you were six), before the murder of Judith Myers

Michael and Judith sat on the couch together as they watched a cartoon, A dull expression on Michael's face as always. That's when Michael's parent's, Donald and Edith Myers walked through the door, Edith holding two year old Laurie in her hands. You peaked from behind Edith's legs, as you had been hiding behind them.

 "Michael, Judith, This [Name]. She's the neighbor's daughter. I need you to babysit her while your father and i go run some errands." Said Edith. You came from behind Edith, stepping over to Michael. He tilted his head, analyzing you as you stood nervously. 

"Mom, you can't be serious! I already have to watch Michael and Laurie!" Judith exclaimed. "relax, Judith. [Name] is a very behaved little girl. she shouldn't be that much of a hassle." Said Donald. "Oh, alright." Said Judith, rolling her eyes.

and with that, Mr and Mrs Myers left you with the future serial killer of haddonfield and his future victims. "I'm going to hop in the shower, you two sit down and don't go anywhere." Judith said firmly, leaving with Laurie in arms. You stares at Michael, his eyes seemingly soulless. "Hello, Michael." You greeted him. No response.

"Can't you talk?" You asked him. Michael turned his head to you, a 'shut the fuck up' look in his eyes. "I'll take that as a no." Michael rolled his eyes, turning back to the television. "That's okay. I don't talk much either." You said. Michael turned his head to you, sarcastically raising an eyebrow. 'I highly doubt that' Michael thought to himself.

Michael turned his head away again, completely ignoring your presence. You frowned a little, putting your hands together and looking away from Michael. Michael saw your upset expression through his peripheral, rolling his eyes once more.

 'I should probably pretend to care' Michael thought to himself. He pulled you over, hugging you tightly. You leaned into the hug, a little phased. You smiled at Michael, a happy look in your eyes. Michael stared into your eyes intently as you looked at him. He smiled back, laying his head on top of your head. God, you didn't know how lucky you were. A hug and a smile from thee Michael Myers? Now i've seen everything.

Back to present time

Those eyes. Of course. "[Name]?" Michael said in a low, stuttery voice. That was the first time he had ever spoken. His eyes contracted as the realization kicked in. He squeezed your hand tightly as he held the side of your face. "Michael. . ." You muttered, staring into his eyes as they filled with panic. 'no. . .' he thought to himself. 

Michael hadn't seen you in years, Being that he was at the sanitarium. You were his only friend, but he assumed you forgot all about him. 

But friends don't forget, they forgive. 

Michael wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly. You buried your face in Michael's Neck, embracing the hug for as long as possible. You looked up at Michael, giving him the same smile you gave him when you first met. "I forgive you," You uttered your last words. Michael watched as your eyes glossed over, knowing it was far too late. 

Tears formed in his eyes, his chest burning as the seconds passed. what was that painful feeling in his chest? Sadness. An emotion he was seemingly incapable of feeling. Headlights shined as a police car pulled up to you, both you and Michael laying in the streets. 

An officer and Doctor Loomis hopped out of the car, running up to you and Michael. The officer dropped down on you, checking your pulse. "She's dead. . ." The officer said, looking up at Loomis. "Michael, What have you done!" Loomis exclaimed, the officer cuffing Michael. Michael refused to leave your body, holding his weight as the officer attempted to arrest him. Then he gave up, too hurt to resist arrest. 

There was no longer rage in the heart of Michael Myers. It had been replaced with a more painful emotion: regret.


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