On a call - Billy Loomis smut

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Guys, I need some inspiration for some Jason Voorhees smut.

Billy sat at the edge of his bed  with the burner phone to his ear, looking down at you as licked the tip of his cock. "Hello?" A feminine voice called from the phone.

"Who is this?" Billy asked into the voice changer, a devious smirk on his face.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Forget who I am. What are you up to?" Billy covered the microphone, letting out a disgruntled moan.

"Nothing in particular. I'm just watching a movie." The girl answered. Tears welled in your eyes as you looked up at Billy, forcing more inches of him down your throat.

"Oh? What are you watching?" He asked, placing a hand on your head.

"Oh, uhm. It's a scary movie. 'Devil'."

"Is that the one where the strangers get locked in the elevator, and they each get killed off by the devil?"

"Well, it sounds like you know the answer to that one." Billy grunted, taking a deep breath as you deep throated him.

"That's a really scary movie to be watching by yourself."

"Who said I was by myself?" Her voice grew nervous.

"I know you are." He teased, caressing your face.

"You don't know anything. I'm with my boyfriend," She argued, audibly upset.

"Is that so? Is your boyfriend part of the football team?" He asked.   "H-how did you know?" She stuttered.

"Because you're not really with him. I gutted him and hung him in a tree by his intestines." Billy blurted out, breathing heavily as he looked into your eyes.

"Listen, you fucking creep. I don't know who you are or what you want but this isn't funny!" She shouted,  making Billy laugh. Reaching his release, he came down your throat, tears running down your face. Reluctantly, you swallowed, standing up from your spot.

"This isn't a game. Jane." He responded, leaning back as you climbed on top of him.

"How do you know my name?" She asked, frightened. "Look out of your window." He demanded, lifting your skirt as you sat on top of him. The woman screamed loudly, seeing her boyfriend hanging from a tree. She burst into tears, sobbing into the phone.

Meanwhile, Billy held onto your hips,  easing his cock into you as you whined. "You're not getting away with this!" She exclaimed. "Oh, I'm so scared." He responded, the girl hanging up in his face. "Fuck." Billy cursed as you rode him, biting his lip. You placed your hands on his shoulders in an attempt to give yourself some balance. Billy grows your waist, his eyebrows furrowing in ecstasy.

You whimpered under the heat, little moans escaping your mouth. Your phone rang abruptly, catching your attention. "Leave it." Billy commanded, and you complied. He reached a hand up your shirt, groping your breast as you whined.

"You look so pretty like this." Billy grunted, watching as the tears welled in your eyes. "Billy." You moaned, digging your hands into his shoulders. You heard loud knocking at your door, gradually turning into beating.

"Billy, I have to get the door." You managed to utter. "Not yet." Billy flipped you over, pinning you to the bed. He held your wrist, thrusting aggressively  as the beating continued.

"Billy, this is serious–Fuck!" You cursed. "They'll have to wait a bit." He answered, ramming into you. Tears ran down your cheeks as you moaned helplessly. Billy looked down at you, smiling at the mess you've become.

"Shhh. We wouldn't want them to hear how much of a slut you are." He teased. You came on him, your face heating as you met your release. Billy continued to rail you, completely ignoring the person at the door. "Billy!" You exclaimed. He pulled out, cumming all over entrance.

He got up off of you, helping you off of the bed. As you walked towards the door, Billy stopped you. He wiped your tears and fixed skirt. "Okay, you're free to go." He told you.

You made it to the door, opening it to see your friend. "Jane? What's wrong?" You asked. "Peter's dead!" She exclaimed, the officer standing behind her. "Oh, that's terrible!" You gasped.

"What took you so long?" Jane asked, wiping tears from her face. "I was asleep." You fabricated. You brought Jane in, calling the police for her. Luckily, the situation was quickly resolved, but Jane was staying with you for the night.

She laid down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. "Call me if you need me." You said, walking back to your bedroom.

"Does she know?" "Not at all. I said I was asleep." You explained. "Ready for round two?" "We can't do that with Jane here." "We can if you're quiet."....

to be continued?

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