Hide and seek - Brahms Heelshire fluff

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Over time, you found that your favorite game to play with Brahms was hide and seek. He would always hide, and you would always seek, and as of right now, you are trying your best to find him, as he is a pro hider. "Brahmms, I'm gonna get yoouuuu." You say in a sing-song voice. By then you could hear the sound of little snickering coming from the kitchen. You slide in, analyzing the giggles as they grew louder.

You smile, making your way to the pantry, swinging the door open."Got ya!" Brahms burst into a loud storm of laughter as he hit the ground. You grin as you watched his enthusiasm. He loved the game more than you did. "Now, it's my turn." He says standing up. "What?" "It's my turn to seek!" he says. Brahms had never been the seeker, being that he's had to hide most of his life.

"I'm gonna count to ten, and you go hide." "Okay" Brahms turned his head to the wall. "One,Two,Three..." Brahms' voice faded as dashed down the halls. You slide into a bedroom, closing the door. You then crawled under the bed, tucking your feet in. Brahms feet tapped against the floor, his footsteps growing closer to the room. He opened the door, checking the closet and bathroom. "Hmmm." He mumbled, seeing that you weren't there. 

You slid from under the bed, silently moving into the dark closet. Brahms dipped down to see if you were under the bed, but you were gone. He walked out of the room, continuing his search. You took your chances, walking out of the room and down into another room. It was yet another bedroom, a large picture of eight year old Brahms on the wall.He was a really cute child, and would've probably been fun to babysit.

 "Aww." You mumbled, something grabbing your waist from behind. "[Name]!I knew i'd find you!" he says excitedly. "Now, we can go make peanut butter jelly sandwiches." You tell him. "One more round first?" "Okay, one more round."

You wish this was you, huh? ( slasher headcanons & oneshots )Where stories live. Discover now