Ride - Night ripper oneshot

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It was your ending shift, and it was finally time to go home. "It's so dark outside." Rachel pointed out. "Yeah, this diner is probably the only light for miles." You added. "Are you sure you're gonna make it home safely?" She questioned, leaning against the counter. "I wouldn't worry. I've got a ride." You answered.

"Oh? And who is this "ride" of yours?" Rachel teased, hopping up on the counter. "That's for me to know and you to find out." You teased. "Oh, I see. You've got a boyfriend that you're not telling me about." Rachel sniggered. "Maybe I do." You chuckled. "So, tell me. What's he look like?" She asked. "Hmm." You contemplated. "Well, he's tall," "Go on," "That's all I'm tellin' ya." "Aw, what? That's description wasn't even enough  for the police to find a criminal." Rachel pouted.

"Exactly." You teased. A pair of bright head lights beamed into the windows of the diner, signaling that he'd arrived. "Well, here he is now." You stated. "Tell him I said "Hi" okay?" Rachel requested as you grabbed your purse/bag. "I'll be sure to." You answered, walking out of the door. Walking up to the black sedan, you opened the door, looking down to see your favorite duck-headed serial killer.

You sit down in the car, closing the door. "Rachel said hi." You tell him,  planting a kiss on his cheek. He nodded silently, putting the car in drive. "Hey, uhm, I wanted to ask you something." You blurted out, his head turning to look at you.

"Well, I was wondering if I could come over  your house tonight." He nodded, turning the car around rather wrecklessly. It was almost jet black outside, being that there were very few streetlights in the area.As he continued to drive, he placed a hand on your thigh, squeezing.


You placed your hand on top of his, rubbing your fingers against it. Upon looking out your window, you noticed that the past few buildings were very unfamiliar and that you'd entered a new jurisdiction. The buildings were less and less rugged, and little of them were abandoned, unlike the many near your house.

He pulled into a weird little subdivision of apartments, parking the car in a dark corner of the street. He stepped out of the car, closed the door behind him, and walked to the other side. Opening the door for you, he holds his hand out, and you grab it, rising from the seat. Once the door locked, you made your way around the corner and up a set of stairs.

It was a bit dark, so he pulled out his flashlight, leading the way to his apartment. He unlocked the door, opened it, and turned on the light. It was minimalistic, with a few paintings here and there. He walked off, seemingly to his room.

You took a seat on the brown couch, waiting for him to return. That's when your phone started to ring. "Rachel?" You asked upon answering it.

"Hey, I just wanted to know if you made it back safely." Said Rachel. "

"I told you I was going to. I'm with my boyfriend, remember?"

"Doesn't matter. I don't know your boyfriend like that. What if he's secretly a murderer?"

"Yes, what if?" You teased.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked nervously, followed by your maniacal laughter. You felt a hand grip your shoulder, looking up to see the ripper in a more casual outfit. A grey shirt and some black sweatpants.

"Put him on the phone, I wanna talk to him!" Rachel exclaimed.

"He doesn't talk."

"Oh? Well, put him on the phone anyway, I've got somethin' to say." You rolled your eyes, handing him the phone. "Listen, buddy. If you do anything to my friend, I'll castrate you, got?!" You giggled profusely while your friend ranted.

"Mm-hmm." He hummed in a low tone, making you laugh even harder.

"I'm serious. You hurt her, and I'll kill you!" She argued. "Okay, Rachel. Be nice." You demanded, taking your phone back. "Alright, alright. I'll see you at work tomorrow. Bye!" "Byyee!" You exclaimed, hanging up the phone.

You stood up, following him into the bedroom. He reached in his closet, handing you a white t-shirt, clearly wanting you to put it on. You slid out of your work uniform, putting it in a little pile on the floor. He sat on the bed, watching as you you put on the shirt he gave you.

It was notably soft. Ripper made his way to the top of the bed, he tapped the spot beside him, signaling to you that he wanted to cuddle. You smiled, crawling up beside him. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close to him. You propped your leg up on him,  placing your arm around his torso and closing your eyes. He pulled the cover up, over you,  turning off the lamp on the night stand.

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