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He's from a very niche fandom with little to no fics so let me tell you about him:

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He's from a very niche fandom with little to no fics so let me tell you about him:

"The night ripper" is a character from a game about a girl leaving after a long shift and walking alone at night through a dangerous area. He's basically known for killing prostitutes and women that are out at night.

this was made by puppet combo, a game developer who makes VHS style horror games. they are actually quite popular on youtube but fanfiction wise, puppet combo doesnt get enough recognition. I recommend watching the playthrough on Kubzscouts' and CoryxKenshin's channels.

 You were working at a diner during a late shift, listening to the radio as a man spoke on the recent murders. multiple prostitutes had been murdered in the past week, in which you live in a very dangerous place with a high crime rate anyway.

"Aren't you scared?" asked your coworker, Rachel. "Nah. I'm not a prostitute so i have no reason to be scared," you joked, grabbing your bag as your shift had ended. "Be careful out there. That Night Ripper guy isn't the only thing to worry about." she warns you.

"Yeah, the sex offenders and gangs are the real threat." You say, waving as you walked out of the store. it was the silliest thing you'd ever heard. a guy in a duck mask and a fedora is going around and killing hookers. "Now i've heard everything" you thought to yourself, seeing how  crazy the world has gotten in twenty one years you've lived on it. and what makes things worse is that you have to walk all this way at night, by yourself, with no weapon.

As you walked, two men in wife beaters and skull caps walked up to you, each one carrying fully loaded guns. "What's up, girl?" the one in the blue cap called out. You ignored his stupid question. "Hey, hey." the one in the red cap said, running up to you. "Let us take you home. It's dangerous with that killer on the loose."

"I'm fine, thank you," You said aggressively. That's when blue cap pulled a gun on you, holding it to your back. "You might wanna watch your town, hooker," said red cap. "I am not a prostitute." "Shut up" He yelled at you, you turned the corner with them, all three of you staring in utter shock and fear.

 A dead body, the body of a hooker as a matter of fact. She had been countlessly stabbed in her right eye, blood trailing from her eye all the way down to the provocative dress she was wearing. yet another victim of "The Night Ripper". The men, being scared as fuck, ran off, not even giving you a second thought. an interesting way to get out of a hostage situation.

You stared motionlessly at her, being in such a state of shock that you were barely able to move. But your fight or flight instincts kicked in when you noticed a black sedan with tinted windows driving rather close up on you, his headlights beaming down your body. you rushed down the dark alley and past the cadaver, running as fast as possible to get away from the suspicious driver.

Making it out of the alley way, you take a gander around the streets. "What the fuck," is all you could mutter, being that you had experienced so much in such little time. and you didn't even have a phone to call the police on. then came that fucking car again, brandishing those dangerously bright headlights. finding that there was no more alleys to run through, you were forced to run in an open apartment building.

busted windows and trash littered floors. LED lights and unlocked doors. bags of crack and passed out whores; this was definitely a trap house. 

as you eased your way around the building, you noticed the a man following close behind you, a flashlight and a knife in his hands. he was wearing a duck mask and a fedora. "THE NIGHT RIPPER" you thought to yourself. you were left with one choice. run in one of the open apartments and possibly get shot by the owner, or be stabbed by a weird man in a duck mask. "Fuck it" you muttered, running for the the staircase.

As you ran up the many, many stairs, you make it to the rooftop. you absolute dumbass. Night Ripper followed in your steps, trapping you on the roof with a dangerous criminal that has a record for killing women. He brandished his blade, making you back towards the edge of the roof.

He waved his hand in a 'come hither' gesture, you shaking your head in defiance. looking to the right, you notice a wooden plank that reached all the way over to the next apartments' roof. it was a little flimsy, but could potentially hold someone of your weight. It was dangerous, but if done right, you could make it across. The Night Ripper noticed you looking at the plank, and immediately knew what you were up to.

He waved again, you easing towards the plank. Night Ripper was visibly nervous, being that his body language was more shaky and uncollected. As you walked across the plank, the board began to shake, wobbling as you walked across. just when you were going to step across, you tripped, falling off of the plank. as you caught yourself, you looked down at the ground below; the fall was pretty damn high.

Night Ripper held on to the plank, reaching out for your hand. You wanted to grab his hand, but this guy was verifiably untrustworthy, so you just pulled your way across the board, making it over to the next roof. as you tumbled, laying out on the roof, you stared back at The Night Ripper, him being a little relieved that you didn't fall. Breaking the eye contact, Night Ripper walked away, making his way back down stairs.

You took this chance to run for it, scared that he was coming to this building next. You sped down the stairs, basically flying down as every step tapped against your feet. but just your luck, making it to the last flight, you tumbled down the stairs, hitting your head and cutting yourself on the many pieces of broken glass that coated the case.

There was a particularly large shard in your calf, while your left arm was severely cut, the blood running down your arm. as you limped out of the building. a familiar sedan was waiting outside, the engine revving. 

Being that you were in pain and delusional from hitting your head, you got into the vehicle, the driver being none other than The Night Ripper. after at least eight minutes of driving, You made it to your house, not even questioning how he got your address. Once you made it in, you laid out on your couch, Mr. Night Ripper pulling the piece of glass out of your leg and bandaging your wounds. He got a face towel of your and wrapped some ice in it for your head before leaving the house, disappearing into the dark night.


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