Get over her - Randy Meeks

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I didn't know what to call this because it's kind of fluff, but Randy is hurt, and then you comfort him, so i guess hurt/comfort.

"I can't believe she would do this to me." Randy sniveled, blowing his nose into the tissue. "I'm not sure why. You know Sidney." You stated, walking past the couch. "What?" "Don't be coy, Randy. She chose some conventionally attractive pretty boy with way too much gel in his hair, and a cute smile over you and youe unique, entertaining personality and goatee, only for the pretty boy to be revealed as a crazy killer. You knew she would reject you." You said, sitting down beside him.

"But it doesn't make sense. We've been through so much together." "She doesn't care. Think back to when you and stu were outside on the doorstep, both of you claiming that the other was the killer. Stu even claimed that "you killed his best friend" to get you shot, and do you know what Sidney said?" You asked ""fuck both of you."" Randy said.

"See? She couldn't see through the lies of TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE, and yet, you expect her to see through to your heart. Sidney is not meant for you. You're gonna get yourself killed if you keep chasing after someone who doesn't love you." You said, placing a hand on his back.

"Randy, look at me. You're a genius. You are a full-on expert when it comes to the rules of surviving horror movies. Now you've gotta learn the rules of surviving love." You stated. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I, uh, don't know what to say." "Say you'll stop obsessing over her and find someone that genuinely likes you for you." Randy wrapped his hands around you, hugging firmly as you gave into it.

"Thanks. You're the only real friend I've got. Everyone else either got murdered or was a serial killer." Randy stated. You grinned, placing your face in his neck as the hug continued.

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