how they see you and why they like you

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Michael Myers: he's not into you or anything but. . . He thinks you're kinda cute. He ain't going to tell you though, and he might still try to kill you. Something in his will is just letting you live.

Jason Voorhees: there's just something about your aura that makes him like you. His mother doesn't see a reason to kill you so he'll let you slide.

Billy Loomis(aka ghostface): Billy thinks you're really sexy. he's been stalking you for a while now. And now that he finally had you, he doesn't want to let you go.

Stu macher: you were originally just a planned victim, but now he can't even think about hurting you. He thinks you're chill and he likes that you accept him
despite his goofiness.

You've unknowingly sucked up to a serial killer, taking you off his murder list.

Bo Sinclair: you make him feel normal. he's had a hard life since childhood, especially when it comes to romance, obviously due to being in ambrose.

You make Bo feel like he's not so weird, despite his job.

Vincent Sinclair: Vincent Sinclair is extremely self conscious, Making it hard for him to date. He likes you because you treat him like you love him. The way you talk to him makes him feel good about himself.

And the thing that really gets to him is how you don't care about how half is face is missing. You boost his self esteem.

Lester Sinclair: Lester's pretty bashful. He sees you like a loving wife, even if you're not engaged yet. He loves you to death.

And he likes that you don't think he's weird for collecting roadkill.

Brahms Heelshire: He sees you as a loving person, someone he can trust and depend on. if he ever got sick, you would always make him feel better, even if it was just emotionally.

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