Billy Loomis draft

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This is a small draft I wrote two months ago and I don't intend on completing it, but I thought I'd summit the draft anyway. I was gonna turn it into smut but I decided to save that for another chapter

The summer's sun was as brutal as ever, leaving it far too hot to do anything that required going outside. What's even worse is that you had planned on going out today.

Curse that wretched burning sphere in the sky. How could it be so inconsiderate of your plans? As you lay there on the couch, the ceiling fan blew a gentle wave of air onto your face in an attempt to cool the atmosphere, but to no avail.

Even the living room fell victim to the heinous heat, leaving very little ventilation.You wore short, thin clothing. You turned the air down, and you drank cold beverages, but it was all useless. Nothing could help ease the heat. This was California, after all.

Abruptly, you hear the sound of a man calling out your name, followed by loud knocking at your door. With what little energy you had, you got up to answer it. Upon opening the door, you see none other than two of your closest friends, Stu and Billy.

"How's it goin?" said a certain greasy haired male who didn't understand the concept of using small amounts of hair gel. "Terribly. This heat is killing me." You say, wiping a small amount of sweat off your face. Stu laughs upon noticing how actually hot you were.

 Upon further examination of the two men on your doorstep, you notice that neither of them had any real clothes on.

Billy was wearing red swimming trunks and some simple black flip flops, whilst Stu had on blue swimming trunks with a black palm tree design and a matching, unbuttoned shirt, complemented by his ash brown sandals, charm necklace, and black sunglasses that he wore like a headband.

"Where exactly are you two going?" you asked them. "Stu is having a pool party, and I wanted to know if you'd go with us." Said Billy, baring his signature pretty boy smile. "But it's so hot outside." you argued.

"Well, is it any cooler here?" Billy asked, raising an eyebrow. You sighed in defeat. Billy was right. It felt like hell inside your house. "I guess I'll go." You agreed, putting on a swimsuit and making sure to lock the door before you left.

Upon your arrival at the party, Stu brought you to the pool, where at least fifteen of your classmates had been sitting in. You stood in the shade, watching as Stu jumped in the pool. "Something bothering you?" Billy asked from behind you. "It's just so hot outside." You said. "Let's go inside for right now." Said Billy, taking you back in the house.


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