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This is chapter is inspired by this image above that I found on Tumblr. I don't remember the original artist account name, but the idea goes to them, I'm just writing it into story form.


Security guard Ghostface, who would be on your ass if you left your dorm at night, attempting to walk the campus with malicious intent. Whether it be to prank a neighboring sorority, or simply stealing snacks from the cafeteria.

Security guard Ghostface wouldn't hesitate to taunt and pester you if he saw you bringing a hunky frat boy back to your dorm, feigning concern, when in reality, he wishes it was himself that you were bringing back.

He would act all pretentious and angry when you called his phone without a real emergency, but soon enough he'll cool off after hearing your sweet, playful voice, leading to long hours of you two talking, even though he's on the clock.

If you were throwing a party, he'd be the first to know, since he's always watching. Not to mention he's got hidden cameras all over the campus.


Janitor Michael Myers, who absolutely adores how clumsy you are. Always dropping your food, wasting your drinks, cutting yourself, leaving little bits of trash in places you go, Michael always being stuck with the duty of cleaning it up. He's almost like a personal butler to you, considering how absolutely obsessed with you he is.

He loves it when you throw big parties, because he knows you'll depend on him to help you clean up the aftermath of your fellow college students, who were either too drunk, horny or trifling to clean up after themselves.

One night, a night neither of you mention, Michael finds you drunk and half naked in your bedroom, covered in Polynesian sauce and vodka. How you got in that situation remains a mystery, but Michael stumbled upon your unconscious body in the midst of cleaning your dorm, and took the courtesy of giving you nice, warm bath, washing your hair, and putting you to bed and in nice warm pajamas, not before blow drying and combing\brushing your freshly washed follicles.

Coach Jason Voorhees, who would get all the boys hyped for sport season. He would make sure everyone was in shape, drank enough water, and always eats their fruits and vegetables. He would flex his amazing swimming skills to his students, which he perfected for years after the trauma of (nearly) drowning to death.

He would make sure to make a big deal out of EVERYONE'S birthday, and be in absolute tears when you celebrate his. He loves how you sit out in the gym with a cup of juice, not to watch the frat boys and other guys train, but to watch him teach. The way he blew his whistle, the way he demonstrated certain workouts, you couldn't help but watch it like a favorite show.

He would take you fishing on his speedboat, almost like a father daughter bonding trip.

You wish this was you, huh? ( slasher headcanons & oneshots )Where stories live. Discover now