Bo Sinclair smut

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FOR MY BO LOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WIT HIS LIL COUNTRY ASSS😍😍😍😍💖💖💖💖💖🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🥛🥛🥛🥛🤠🤠🤠(its not like the original that i posted but i'll still try and make it just as enjoyable)


You were in the kitchen washing a plate you recently used. Vincent didn't really like it when dishes were left laying around in the sink, so you did your best to prevent that. Bo walked into the kitchen, a rather cocky smile adorning his face, complemented by his godly dimples. Bo had one some loose bootcut jeans and white tank top that wrapped around his figure tightly, showing off his firm abs.

"What's with the look on your face?" You asked, Knowing Bo was up to no good whatsoever. "Nothin', i just like the way you look bent over that counter." Bo said, taking note of how you were leaned over the sink as you washed the cup. You sat the now clean cup down, drying your hands as you frowned at Bo.

"Don't tell me you don't like it when i tease you?" Bo said, walking closer to you. "No, i don't like it when you tease me." You lied. It wasn't that you didn't like it when he teased you, it was more so that you couldn't handle his teasing. his petty flirting if i may. the way he would turn you on just to leave you hanging.

"Oh, really? Then what's this?" Bo said as he stood behind you, his stomach pressing against your back. you grunted lowly, Bo just barely able to hear it. "You're such a flirt." You said under your breath. "Oh, but you like that, don't you?" "Maybe."

Bo turned you around, picking you up and placing you on the counter. He kissed you eagerly, his fingers trailing under your shirt and up your waist. Bo immediately backed up off you once he heard the sound of the front door opening. You jumped off the counter, straightening your shirt. "Hey, Bo. oh, hey, miss [Name]." Lester said as he walked into the kitchen. 

"Hey, Lester." You said nervously, trying to cover the fact that Bo had his hand up your shirt less than a minute ago. You and Bo walked out of the kitchen, your face warm with embarrassment. "How about we take this somewhere more private?" Bo whispered, you nodding in response.

You and Bo walked into his bedroom, Bo locking the behind. He got on top of you, placing your hands above your head. Bo could see the nervous look that coated your eyes. "Do you trust me?" Bo asked. You tucked your lip in, still being a bit nervous. "Yeah." You responded, Bo starting to slide your shirt off.

He placed warm kisses on your neck, making his way down to your breast. As much as he wanted to absolutely wreck you, he had to ease you first. His right hands made its way down to your lower lips, twirling his fingers around them as he stared into your eyes. You moaned lightly, not wanting to make too much noise. 

He used his other hand to unzip his pants,he took his dick out, sticking it inside of you. You whined at his actions, feeling your insides starting to warm up. "You like that?" Bo teased, baring the same cocky grin from earlier. the bed rocked as Bo thrusted into, the sound of it creaking could be heard throughout the room. It would only get more intense from there.

Your quiet moans became wordless begs for help, his thrusts became breathtaking and power-driven. the colliding of your bodies became forceful hits in a battle. a battle fate knew you were bound to lose. the sex was but a war, and his bedroom was your private arena. 

His thrust became more lustful and aggressive. "Fuck," he moaned, his breath becoming heavier every time he exhaled. Bo flipped you over, facing you towards the edge of the bed.

"Just my luck," You thought to yourself. He has a mirror in his bedroom.

Bo rammed into, making your hands lose balance and leaving you on your elbows. You put your hands together in a praying position. a prayer would have done you some good. You bowed your head down as he railed you, your moans being cut off with every muscle weakening hit. He reached around and pulled your hair/held your throat, forcing you to look into the mirror.

You close your eyes, Bo smacking your ass in response. You let out a breathless scream, Bo only going faster. "Look in the mirror," Bo demanded. "I want you to see what i see. I want you to see what turns me on." Said Bo. You stared weakly into the mirror, tears running down your face. you could feel yourself coming to a climax. his tantalizing movements drove you crazy.

"Bo!" You moaned out, feeling yourself come all over him. But Bo wasn't going to stop yet. to your surprise, Bo continued to thrust, your body weakening under his strongly tantalizing movements. your eyes became half-lidded and your vision blurred as your eyes filled with tears. "I'm gonna fuck you until the only word you can remember is my name." Bo said, smacking your ass again. 

several minutes had passed and Bo's pace hadn't changed in the slightest; he meant what he said. "Look at your reflection. Look at how pretty you are. how gorgeous you look when i fuck you." Bo teased. you climaxed yet again. "Bo~" You let out an unintentionally loud moan that lingered in the room. "Say it again. say it like you mean it." Bo said sternly.

"L-Lester is still in the house," You stated in protest of his demands, "Well this isn't about him, Now is it?" you dropped your head in shame of how much you were enjoying this. "Bo— fuck!" You yelled out. "Hm? What's that?" "Bo, Please— i—" "Use your words, sugar." Bo said in a softer, calming tone. "I—hm!~— don't think i can take anymore." You said with what little breath you had left. Bo immediately stopped, laying you down gently on a pillow.

"You did good." Bo said, covering you up. you smiled at him, your blurry vision made it seem as if you were staring up at an angel. "Alright, you get some rest," Said Bo, rubbing your head, "I don't think you'll be able to walk for a while."

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