House of wax - teenage AU pt. 2

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After a couple of minutes, Bo walked back into the living room with a little long haired friend. "This is my brother, Vincent." Vincent waved shyly. he was wearing a long-sleeved white sweater and a black apron.

"Hey," You waved at Vincent, noting his odd appearance. "Here," Bo said, handing you some tylenol pills. "Vincent is gonna help you get cleaned up and Me and Lester are gonna go see if we can find your friends." Bo said, leaving the strange house. 

"What's with the mask?" You asked Vincent, Vincent dropping his head as if upset at the question. "It's fine, you don't have to answer." You insisted, not wanting to hurt his feelings. Vincent signaled for you to follow him, and you did just that. Vincent brought you to the bathroom. 

As you stood in the doorway, Vincent took a seat on the tub, turning on the faucet. he stuck his hand in the water to make sure it was warm enough, eventually adding bubbles and filling it up. He waved his hand in a 'come here' motion. you walked over to him, taking a seat on the tub. he pointed to the water, obviously wanting you to get in. "Uhm, could you step out?" You asked Vincent.

He nodded, exiting the bathroom and closing the door behind him. you took off your dirty clothes, placing them on the floor. You stepped cautiously into the tub, sitting down in the bubbly water. Once you were clean, Vincent knocked on the door, you doing your best to hide your body with bubbles.

 "Come in!" You yelled, Vincent coming in with his hand over his eye left eye and a towel on his shoulder. You questioned why he only covered one of them, but ignored it. "Thank you." You said as Vincent handed you the towel and some folded clothes before picking up the dirty ones.

He leads you into the bedroom, telling you to have a seat at the edge of the bed. As he left with your dirty clothes, you put on what he had given you to wear. It was an oversized beige sweater that fit like a dress and some red boxers. It wasn't the best, but it was better than nothing. Plus, it was hella soft.

Vincent came back in with a rather large first-aid kit, medical gloves on his hands.

He sat down beside you, a cotton ball in his right hand. He dabs the cuts on your legs and arms gently, cleaning them with alcohol and putting band-aids on. "Ah!" You hissed at the pain your side. Vincent carefully lifted the shirt, noticing a thick cut on your hip. He put a hand to the mouth of his mask, touching it gently.

Vincent grabbed the alcohol and cleaned it, putting a nice amount of gauze on it. you smiled at him. "When do you think your brothers are gonna be back?" You asked curiously as you noticed the sun setting, Vincent shrugging his shoulders. "Do your parents know i'm here?" Vincent didn't answer. Vincent got up and patted the pillow, you laying down.

Vincent began to walk towards the door, when you called out to him. "Vincent!" You exclaimed, Vincent turning around in confusion. "Can you stay in here with me?" You asked, Vincent taking a seat on the side of the bed. You drifted off to sleep, Vincent laying down beside you.


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