Norman Bates oneshot - 69th part special

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Guys, i just watched Psycho (the 1960 version) and i think im in love😍😍😍

Like omfg what a fucggin cutie😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 (send me to church)

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Like omfg what a fucggin cutie😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 (send me to church)

You had gotten into a huge argument with your family, so you decided to just fuck it and leave town. You didn't know where you were going or why you left. A jolt of adrenaline just brought you to get up and get away. Away from what, i wonder? how bad was this argument?

 Either way, you were still speeding down the highway during the late hours of the night, $1500 in your purse and a little chain necklace.

You were very drowsy, meaning you weren't even fit to be behind the wheel. and it only got worse when it started raining, pouring, storming, if i may. After a few more minutes of risky driving, you saw it. Bates Motel. it was a little twelve room motel, seemingly no people checked in.

You decided to pull up anyway, seeing as to how it was too dangerous to drive anywhere else. You honked your horn. no one to be seen. in desperation, you honked again, a young man running out of a strange, mansion-like house that sat on a hill right beside the Motel. As he walked up to your car, you unlocked the door, him opening it for you.

"Sorry! i couldn't hear you past the storm!" He yelled, the rain drowning out his voice. "That's okay!" You yelled back, both of you running into the lobby. "Are you alright, Miss?" he asked, seeing that you were soaked. "I'm quite alright. just a little damp." You joked, both you and the man laughing. 

"I'm Mr. Bates. Norman, if you may." he introduces himself, smiling at you. You smiled back at him. "I'm Ms.[Surname]. [Name][Surname]." you told him. "It's wonderful to meet you, [Name]. What b-b-brings you out here?" he asked, his stuttering delaying your response a bit.

"I'm...." you didn't want to talk about it. if you wanted to talk about, maybe you wouldn't have run away from it.

"It's personal." You responded. "Is your family troubling you?" he asked. "How did you know?" "I guess from experience." He answers. "Does your family [insert problem]?" you asked. "Well, My m-mother. she can be a bit... difficult." he answers, you nod in response. "You have some interesting decor in here." "Oh, the birds? haha, uhm, yes i take a little interest in taxidermy."

"I see." "It's really not as expensive as most would- would think. it's just a- a rare hobby." he says. "I would assume so."

 "How about we get you a room, then?" he says, smiling. Norman makes his way behind the counter to get things settled. You sign the manifest, and pay for your room, Norman turning around to pass you a key. "Here,  you can stay in room one. that way you'll be by the office if y- if you need anything." Said Norman. and so you and  Norman walked into the room.

He even gave you a little tour of it. "Well, that's about it." he says putting his hands on his hips. he looks back at you, furrowing his eyebrows in concern. "Are you alright, Miss? you seem a little-" "Tired?" you asked. "hungry." he corrects you.

"Well, i am a little hungry. I've been driving since this morning and..." You flashback to earlier that day. all the mean things that were said, objects that were thrown. but you were miles away from it now. "How about i run up to the house and fix you a sandwich?" "In the rain?" you ask.

"I can deal with a little rain if it means you'll feel better." You smile at Norman. He may have been a stranger, but he seemed so caring. after a couple of minutes you began to here loud bickering from the house, the voices belonging to Norman and an older lady.

"You think you can just bring some tramp here and expect me to help her?!" yelled the older woman. "Mother, she's been out in the rain and she's hungry! why must you act this way?!" he yells back. "Oh, of course you would feel sorry for her. Men always want to feel sorry for those provocative heathens you call women." she shouted.

"I will not allow you to speak that way about Ms. [Surname]!" and with that, the loud argument was over. boy, was it intense. Norman walked back in, a small sandwich wrapped up in his hand. "Sorry, if this isn't enough. It's hard getting past my mother and her orders." he states. "That's okay, Norman. Why does she talk to you like that?" You asked.

"She's been that way since i was little." he responds. "Shouldn't you be trying to get away from her?" "I know it sounds easy as you've just run away from your family, but you see, i can't do that." he said. "Why?" "My mother, she's inv- in- invalid. When father passed, it kind of broke her, but she completely lost it when her second husband died as well." Norman stated.

"Oh, my. And she's handicapped now?" "Yes, uhm, she can't walk and, well, she can't really speak that good." "She seemed to speak well enough to say all those mean things about me." you said. "Oh, you heard all that? uh, it's sort of a selective mutism thing." "Have you considered a nursing home?" "A NURSING HOME?! Oh, i can't send mother there. they would treat her terribly." he says

"I promise, mother wouldn't even hurt a fly. Why she's, she's about as harmless as one of my stuffed birds." he assures you. you knew an abusive relationship when you saw one, even if it wasn't physical. But poor Norman couldn't help himself. I mean look at him. He stutters, he's jittery, he's a part-time taxidermist, and i highly doubt he has any friends. 

You wanted to hug him, to help him. "Uhm, Norman?" You say, putting what was left of your sandwich down. "Yes?" "I think you're a really nice person. You went through all that trouble with your mother, just so i would be okay. i appreciate you more than you know." you said.

"Ap-ppreciate? no one has ever really appreciated anything i've done, not even mother. even when i was on my best behaviour, she didn't even go as far as to buy me a gift." Said Norman, the words hurting you a little. it's sad to know that the only family member you have hates you.

"I have something i'd like to give you." you say, rambling through your purse. you pull out a silver chain necklace with a little cross on it. "For me?" He asked as you handed him the necklace. "Mm-Hm. It was a gift my mother bought me when i was little. Now, i'm giving it to you." He looked as if he was holding back tears.

As he stated, he'd never gotten a real gift before, so a strange girl from out of town giving him a little necklace was his pride and joy. "Put it on!" you said excitedly. "What would my mother say?" he asked, closing the necklace in the palm of his right hand. "Maybe we should keep this away from mother, Hm?" he nods, putting the necklace on. 

"How do i look?" He asked. "Very handsome." You responded, Norman smiling against his will as his face became red with blush. "You shouldn't say things like that. My mother would kill you." he states, turning his head down bashfully. "I can't say you look handsome?" you asked. "I'm afraid not. My mother is very protective of me when it comes to women, after both of her husbands passed." Norman tells you.

"Hmph, well a son is a poor substitute for a husband." You tell him. "I guess you're right." he says. Norman begins to walk towards the door, "Wait!" you yell getting his attention. "If your mother sees it, just tell her you found it outside or something." Norman smiles and nods.

"Goodnight, Ms. [Surname]" "Goodnight, Mr. Bates"

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