House of wax - highschool AU

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In this au, Lester is 16. Bo and Vincent are 17.

This was supposed to be a fun little school field trip to the middle of buck fuck nowhere. And being that this was buck fuck nowhere, it was quite easy to get lost, if not impossible to know your way around. you wandered tiredly through the woods in attempt to find your classmates, the rays of sunlight shining through the trees.

"Ugh," You groaned at the foul smell that invaded your nose. "What the fuck!" You cursed, gagging at the scent. That's when you tripped over a rock, tumbling down the steep hill like a ragdoll. Your skin was repeatedly scratched and cut by a plethora of sticks and sharp leaves that decorated the forest floor.

You had finally hit a somewhat soft landing, but the cushion was rather traumatizing. you screamed as you backed up off the dead deer you landed on, taking note of the many corpses that covered the ground.

That's when a young looking man in a cap rushed over to you, stepping on and over the many bodies. "Are you okay, miss?" the man said, seeing your mortified expression. he shaked your blood covered hand. "Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly.

"A little." you responded. "What are you doing out here by yourself?" Lester asked, helping you stand up. "I was on a school field trip but i separated from my group." "School field trip?" Lester asked, tilting his head.

"Nevermind." you said. you assumed he was homeschooled so you ignored his confusion. "Hey, i live in a little town just a few miles down that way. maybe i can help you locate your friends?" Lester said, pointing towards a dirt road.

"That's a long walk." you stated, already tired from your seemingly endless wandering. "Who says we have to walk?" He asked, bringing you to a truck. "Your parents let you drive?!" You exclaimed. "I wouldn't say 'let'." he said, opening the passenger door for you. as he hopped in, you took note of a of the hoof hanging from his mirror.

Not to mention that smell. It was terrible, but he was nice enough to help you out and you didn't want to be rude. You two rode for at least eight minutes before you reached the small town. he pulled over by a carshop, turning off his truck. "My brother should be here. He knows those woods like the back of his neck." Lester said, taking you over to the shop.

The bell ringed as the two of you entered. a boy in a green collared polo shirt walked from the back of the business, his hands covered in dirt and car oil. "Why, hello, beautiful. Who might you be?" Said Bo, grinning as he put his hands on his hips. "Bo, stop flirting." Lester teased, Bo rolling his eyes as you giggled.

"I'm [Name]." You told him. "Well, it's nice to meet you, miss [Name]. I'm Beauregard. But you can call me Bo." Said Bo. "What happened to you?" Bo asked, noticing that you were covered in animal blood and cuts. "She'd lost her friends in the woods when she fell down that hill right above my collection." Said Lester. Collection?

"C'mon, we gotta take er back to the house so she can get cleaned off." Bo said. The three of you walk to a an interesting house up a hill. finally making it to the house, you walked in. "You can have a seat here, i'll be right back." Bo said. You took a seat on the couch, waiting for him to return.


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