Sidney x Tatum fluff

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Sorry that i've been taking too long to update, i'm still trying to write plots for three different things and writers block is on my ass.

Due to the previous attack in Sidney's home, she had to stay with Tatum to ensure her safety. Life wasn't going too well for Miss Prescott, with all that had been happening in the past two years.

Her mother's death, the weird call, the man in the mask trying to kill her, not to mention Gale being her typical annoying self, leading Sidney to punch her on what one could only assume was live news. It was very embarrassing for Sidney, but all Tatum could do was praise her for it.

"You were a total badass out there." Says Tatum, Sidney smiling at her words. "Ya think so?" "Yeah, I think so. Gale was being a bitch and you put her in her place." Said Tatum. "It's hard being accused of lying, especially if it involves murder." said Sidney, dropping her head.

"I completely understand, But you can't keep letting her bully you for that, she's a grown ass woman." Said Tatum as she hugged the teddy bear in arms. "Yeah, I guess you're right." Said Sidney. "I know I'm right, I'm always right." she says playfully. "And you know what?" "What?" Sidney asked, tilting her head like a puppy.

"You're gonna make it through this." "I am?" "Yeah, you are. And you're gonna be strong and nobody's gonna stop you!" Tatum says encouragingly. "How do you know?" Sidney asked. "Because I know you, Sid. You're fierce and powerful. You're a girlboss." Said Tatum.

"No, I'm not." Said Sidney, smiling at Tatum bashfully. "Oh, but you are, Sidney! You're the most girlbossyest person I know." Said Tatum. "Why are you saying all these nice things about me?" "Because I love you!" Said Tatum, grabbing Sidney's hand. Sidney smiled at Tatum and her authentic enthusiasm.

"You don't mean that." Said Sidney. "Ugh, can you stop being so stubborn and accept the fact that I think you're awesome?" "Fine." Said Sidney, Tatum basically tackling her into a hug and giving her a kiss on her cheek. Sidney laughed bashfully, covering her face.

"What's so funny?" "Nothing." Said Sidney, tucking her lips in to prevent any further giggling. "Oh, yeah?" Tatum asked, going on to tickle Sidney, making her laugh hysterically. "Tatum, stop!" she yelled playfully, still laughing loudly.

Abruptly, Tatum's mother began to knock on her door. "You two better get to bed." said Ms Riley from the other side. "Okay!" Said Tatum and Sidney in sync. "We're not done yet. I'll get you in the morning." Said Tatum deviously. "Pfft, you wish." Said Sidney, laying down on her back. Without warning, Tatum lays down beside Sidney, placing her head on Sidney's chest.

Sidney smiled at the blonde, patting her head gently.

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