Mine - Michael Myers smut

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In which Michael Myers claims and marks you in every way he desires. this is NOT noncon.

(Harry Warden is next)

10:00pm, Nov 19th. The Myers Residence.

You lay on your back in your lingerie, your hands above your head, leaving you at the mercy of Michael Myers, a man who the world knew as far from merciful. Michael stood before you, on his knees and with a knife in his hand. Surprisingly, Michael wasn't wearing his mechanic suit, rather than some baggy black plaid pants and a grey t-shirt, in which he insisted on keeping his mask on.

You looked up at Michael, smiling at him as he kept his movements as stoic as the expression his mask. He placed the knife on the nightstand, putting his left hand on your bare stomach. his fingers were cold, making you tense at the very touch.

He dragged his cold fingers down your stomach, bringing them down to the rim of your underwear. He wraps his index and middle finger around the band of your panties, tugging on the elastic and letting it snap back on your waist.

Michael moved his hands sensually up your body, squeezing your breast. he placed his left hand on your cheek, gently slapping you afterwards. Michael spread your legs apart, fiddling with your panties once more before finally sliding them to the side. He put his left thumb on your lips, rubbing them slowly before forcing it in your mouth.

You swirled your tongue around his rather large thumb, sucking it as he curved his index finger, placing it under your chin. taking his now wet thumb out of your mouth, he began to rub your lower lips, pressing against your entrance. figuring he would put some use to his other hand, he slid the front of his pants down, just enough to pull his already hard cock out.

Michael began to jerk himself, you placing your hand on the tip. he placed his right hand beside your head, leaning in closely to your face. You felt your cheeks warming, Michael completely invading your personal space.

you kissed the lips of his latex mask, Michael burying his face in your neck. He slowly lifts his mask, planting warm kisses along your collarbone. placing one final kiss, bit down lightly on your neck, followed by continuous bites and kisses. Michael began to ease himself inside you, making you huff and moan as he edged a painfully thick eight inches into your body.

He started to thrust, making the bed rock against the wall with great force. you reached your hand out, placing it under Michael's shirt and on his firm stomach. Michael eased his left hand up your body, your neck being his intended destination. He wrapped his hand around your throat, squeezing it as he continued to buck.

He used his right hand to pick up the knife on the nightstand, dragging it along your thigh and drawing a little blood. your breathing became heavy and tense, indicating to Michael that you were close. but not close enough. Seeing that you were nearly choking, Michael removed his hand from your throat, bring it down to your inner thigh.

You moaned as Michael hit against your cervix, tears decorating the brim of your eyes, ready to fall at any given point. He tugged at the center of your bra, letting it snap back onto your chest. Michael lifted your legs up, wrapping them around his firm hips. you turned your head in embarrassment, Michael grabbing your chin and forcing you to face him.

His thrusts became more forceful, the impact feeling as if it was knocking every little braincell you had right out. Michael leaned down, allowing you to wrap your arms around his neck as he rammed into you.

"Fuck!" you cried out, burying your face into his shoulder. your walls tightened around him, Michael only stiffening. you whined and whimpered under his weight, making Michael groaning in your ear. he wasn't normally one to make noise in bed, but teasing you was one of his biggest turn ons.

Feeling yourself come to a release, you dug into Michael's back, clawing at his shirt. but he wasn't done yet, there was so much more to go. Michael sat back up, grabbing at your hips with great strength, almost hurting them. His pace picked up at a notably faster speed, your brain boiling at this point.

It was impossible to think straight when he was bucking full speed into you as you were post-orgasm. you looked up at him, your eyes hazy and glossed over as tears ran. Michael wrapped his hand around your throat yet again, making it nearly impossible to breathe.

"Michael!" you moaned out, Michael loved it when you moaned his name. it was one of his biggest kinks. Michael came inside you, his body twitching a little. thank god for birth control.


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