Ghostface reader AU draft from last month

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That bitch Casey Becker. That rumor spreading wench. That reputation wrecking slut.

She had the absolute nerve to lie about you sleeping with Billy Loomis. Not that you wouldn't do it,he was an attractive guy and you had a massivr crush on him, but the reason she claimed it was what threw you over the edge. For money? She told everyone you slept with him for MONEY?! WHAT KIND OF PROSTITUTE DOES THIS BITCH TAKE YOU FOR?!

Casey walks into her kitchen, picking up her phone.


"Hoe. The things that you've lied about." Casey's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Who is this?" She asks, tilting her head.

"You think it's funny, huh? You trifling bitch. Lying about someone's sex life for giggles in your little click? Really funny, whore. Let's see how you like rumors spreading. Open your computer, bitch."

Casey fearfully runs to her bedroom, opening her computer and logging in.

"Why don't you open your (social media platform) account?" Casey, dreading what she's gonna see, opens it.

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