The Movie - Ghostface x ☆Scaredy Cat☆ reader

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Inspiration: SPOILERS! that one scene from SCREAM 2 that always gave me butterflies where Jada Pinkett Smith was sorta cuddling the killer bc she thought it was her boyfriend.

Inspiration: SPOILERS! that one scene from SCREAM 2 that always gave me butterflies where Jada Pinkett Smith was sorta cuddling the killer bc she thought it was her boyfriend

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It was your first time going to a movie theater by yourself

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It was your first time going to a movie theater by yourself. That means no emotional support, just you and your crippling social anxiety.

And to make matters worse, it was a horror movie. Just your luck, huh?

You crept into the semi packed theater, your hands clasped together as you made your way to a seat somewhere in the midsection. It was all crowded, except two spots, in which you slid to the second one, just in case someone wanted to sit beside you, considering that you didn't want them sliding across your legs. Your eyes narrowed at the screen's title card. You stepped across the lady in the seat before, making your way in.

'☠THE PARASITE☠', a movie about a decease that grows in the human body until it eventually outgrows and stretches its host. Harrowing, to say the least. You're not even sure what brought you to watch it, but you had already bought a ticket, and you didn't wanna seem like a little bitch for leaving the theater before the movie ended.

As you shivered, your eyes locked on the screen with great anticipation, a man sits beside you. All you can make out is his  black leather jacket and hood underneath, considering how dark the room was.

As your eyes adjusted, you noticed he was wearing a white mask, bearing the expression of a screaming ghost. You tried not to let it bother you, because it wasn't exactly unusual for people to dress up for the premiere of a popular movie, but his costume had nothing to do with alien parasites.

You keep your eyes on the screen, not just to pay attention, but to avoid the man beside you. You knew you wanted to leave, but you had to push through, forcing yourself to stay chill as he sat between you and some unknown woman. The scene flashes and you lose it. You scream, and the lights go out. It's dark, quiet, awkward, and as the screen slowly brightens back up, you find yourself clinging to the scary masked man, clutching his jacket for your life.

He looks over at you,  his head tilted, you can't see through the sockets, but you can feel his eyes on you. It's almost burning through your skin. You look past the man, and your heart drops to your stomach. The woman beside him is struggling to speak, her words catching in her throat as blood pours from her mouth. Your eyes drift to his other hand, tightly clutching the knife he shoved ever so deeply into the woman's stomach.

The theater was dark and packed. No one else but you knew what was going on and there was nothing you could do.

He puts one finger of his mouth in a shushing motion, before yanking his knife out of the dying woman, wiping it clean with a rag. You sit back, tears simmering in your eyes as you try not to panic. He pats your head, silently cooing you as he holds the knife readily in his right hand. You just had to finish the movie and play it cool and he would let you live, right???

You wish this was you, huh? ( slasher headcanons & oneshots )Where stories live. Discover now