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Most slashers tend to have anger issues making it a hassle to calm them. Here's how to calm them down.

Michael myers: this man been angry since birth, ain't no calming him. He's going to kill whoever aggravated him, in which it doesn't take a lot to tick him off. The best I can tell you is back up while he goes zoro.

Jason Voorhees: hugging. Jason just needs a hug. Cuddles are the cure and that's just a known fact.

Brahms heelshire: kisses. Brahms is a sucker for kisses and EVERYONE knows it. Maybe a few head rubs to go with it.

Vincent Sinclair: run your hands through his hair. TRUST ME. Massage his scalp. If he's ever aggressive, just rub his head. He'll instantly turn into soft little Vinny boi.

Bo Sinclair: Bo's always a little grumpy, but a few cheek kisses, scalp massaging and compliments will do the trick. In my opinion, he seems like the type to have sex when angry.

Lester Sinclair: he isn't really the type to get angry. He just needs a few words of reassurance. You being in his presence is enough to calm him.

Bubba sawyer: praise him. He isn't used to people being nice to him, so it makes his heart melt when you call him "handsome" or "sweetheart".

Billy loomis: flirt with him. He loves it when you act all provocative around him. Like Bo, he seems like the type to have angry sex.

Stu macher: be playful. Being that stu is always the life of the party, he's the one that makes things fun and goofy. But when he's feeling upset, he needs you to lighten the mood. Give him a snickers, cuddle with him, play a game.

Roman Bridger: Like Billy, it eases his nerves when you're being flirty. Give him a shoulder massage. Give him a kiss. Distract him from his issues, and if possible, help him solve them.

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