Stu Macher smut( 50th part special)

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(I know this is only half as long as my usual smut shots but don't sleep on it)

You looked up at Stu as he sat readily between your legs, your clothes nowhere to be found. You stared into his gorgeous blue eyes, an uncanny grin on his face and a blade in his hand.  Your face heated up like a toaster pastry as he kept his eyes fixated on your bare breast.

"Do you like it when i stare?" he said flirtatiously, his hand squeezing your breast a she held the knife to your throat. "Open." Stu demanded. You opened your mouth, Stu sticking his index and middle finger inside. he twirled them around in your mouth, moving them above and below your tongue. Stu pulled them out, his fingers drenched in saliva.

He then stuck them inside of you, making you moan under pressure. "Aw, your moans are so cute." he teased, moving his fingers a little faster. you bit your lip, Stu using his other hand to unzip his pants. taking his cock out, he stuck it inside of you. You let out a pitched grunt, Stu placing a thumb over your lips.

He began to thrust, each one being aggressive and powerful. You huffed as Stu basically knocked the air out of you with no intentions of stopping. he wrapped his hand around your throat, smiling as he watched you gasp for air. He really meant no harm towards you, but it was instinct. 

There was something that turned him on about pinning you down and watching you struggle, even if it was just holding your throat.

You whined as Stu rammed into you, your eyes filling with tears of satisfaction. the atmosphere became hot and moist. Stu removed his beige sweater, leaving the necklace he was wearing on. His movements drove you crazy, making your low grunts turn into full on moans that reverberated throughout the bedroom. 

Stu wrapped your legs around him, watching the tears run down your face. "You look so pretty when you cry." Said Stu, your loud moans filling the room. "I bet all our neighbors can hear you, I bet they all know what a dirty little slut y ou are." His hair was drenched in sweat, making it look wet and greasy.

You closed your eyes, far too embarrassed to look at him. "No. Don't close them. I want you to look at me." Said Stu, cupping your chin. you were a mess, and Stu loved it. He loved the way you looked, sounded, tasted, feeled. "Look at you, squirming under me, all flushed and pretty looking. Can't even take a little teasing, can you?"

You whined and whimpered as you bit your lip; your way of asking for more without using words. "You want it? beg for it." Stu teased. you let out a muffled whine, one could only assume it was a failed attempt to speak. "Use your words." Stu said sternly. "Please," You begged, your words now audible.  "You want to come?" "Y-yes, I— please—" "Hm, but do you really deserve to?"

You closed your eyes once more, feeling humiliated by Stu's words. "What did i say about closing your eyes?" Said Stu. "Please!" you begged, feeling yourself come close to release. "Do I turn you on that much?" Stu teased. "God, please~." "Since you ask so nicely." He pulled out soon after.

your legs twitched uncontrollably as you came all over him. "Open your mouth," Stu demanded. You opened it, Stu cumming all over your face and chest. you laid there tiredly, Stu picking you up and laying you down on his bare chest. "I think you've had more than you can handle." Said Stu, wrapping his arms around you. 

He planted a kiss on your forehead, wiping the excess cum off of your face and pulling the covers up to your waist. 

"How about we bring in the mask next time?"asked Stu. "I'll think about it.".

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