Brahms Heelshire smut

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FOR MY BRAHMS LOVERS!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍💖💖💖💖❤❤❤💕💕💕❤


because  @Acetonesssss has been waiting on this forever and is sick of my bullshit

Brahms was always the bratty type, getting into mischief and what not. But today, Brahms had been oddly well-behaved. He made up the beds, did the dishes, swept the floor, he even went so far as to make you something to eat, even if it was just a little peanut butter jelly sandwich (Brahms can't cook for shit).

This meant one thing and one thing only. he wanted something from you, and you knew exactly what he wanted. Brahms sat anxiously as he watched you remove your clothes. there was just something that turned him on about watching you undress. He loved to admire your body. it was a reward, a hobby, and an obsession.

At this point, you were in nothing but a bra and underwear. As a bonus reward for Brahms' good behaviour, you decided to wear lingerie. You got on top of Brahms, sitting on his lap as he wrapped his arms around you. Brahms' face only being a few inches from yours, you looked at his glossy brown eyes as they peered through his antique porcelain mask.

His breathing became heavy, loud, eager. "Kiss," Brahms requested in his child voice. And with that, you kissed the lips of mask, Brahms squeezing your ass as you did so. Brahms lifted you off of him, standing up as he did so. "Bend over," Brahms demanded. You bent over, leaning against the bed with your arms in a sphinx position as you stood there. Brahms stood behind you, rubbing his groin against you as he fiddled with your underwear. You moaned as Brahms rubbed your clit.

Brahms rubbed his hand on your right ass cheek, slapping it afterwards. He slid your underwear to the side, pushing himself inside of you with great force. Brahms began to thrust, his hands gripping your hips tightly. The bed began to rock, hitting against the unfortunate wall loudly with every breath taking pump. 

Brahms grabbed both of your wrist, holding them behind your back as he kept the rhythm of your bodies colliding. He helped you up into the bed, laying you down on your back before climbing in as well.

He lifted your legs onto his hips, reinserting himself and letting out a shaky whimper. Brahms had sped back up to his original pace, hitting your walls aggressively. Brahms let out repeated whines of ecstasy, his breathing becoming heavy and unnerved.

It was the cutest when he moaned.

Brahms leaned on you, his chest pressing against your as he humped you repeatedly. You let out a whiney huff, pulling on his fluffy black hair as you did so. Brahms loved it when you pulled his hair, it drove him crazy. But what he loved the most was the look on your face.

The way your eyebrows would furrow as he rammed into you. This was worth killing your ex for. It brought a certain pride to Brahms. He felt accomplished in a way. Malcom was missing out on a worthy prize and Brahms was loving it.

Brahms flipped you over yet again, putting you in a doggie position. Brahms continued to rail you, removing his dark green cardigan. He then leaned into your ear, going  on to let out some of the most ungodly moans known to man. Brahms loved to whine in your ear, he loved what it did to you. 

The way you melted at the sound of his weak whimpers of lust and desire. he wrapped his arm around your stomach, placing his left hand on the bed as to give himself some better balance. The sounds of skin hitting together at a swift pace filled the room, if not drowned out by the sound of Brahms' moaning.

"Brahms~" You moaned, clenching the sheets. This only turned him on further.

The way you moaned his name, it awakened something in him. can i make her do that again? Brahms thought to himself, speeding up. your head dropped in satisfaction, Brahms hitting your ass again. You gasped at the hit, being unaware of his sudden action. He buried his head in your neck, the porcelain mask pressing against your skin. 

He squeezed your right tittie, reaching under the lace material bra you'd worn. tears ran down your face as Brahms blew your back out, the tension between you and Brahms becoming more personal and romantic. His body language and poster had become more connected with you and your figure. 

It was like he was trying to achieve something. some sort of sexual goal. He caressed your nipple, using his left hand to massage your clit vigorously. you heated up like a piece of toast, no doubt the result of his aggressively sensual actions. You moaned lowly, Brahms eyes lighting up with excitement. 

You bit your lip, Brahms grabbing your chin from behind. "Holding back?" Brahms questioned, his stomach pressed against your back firmly. You moaned at the feeling of your walls tightening around him. "Again," He demanded, breathing down your shoulder.

Not being able to hold back, you moaned out his name yet again, the sound of your disgruntled moan filling the room. precum leaked from your lower half as Brahms thrusted with no sign of slowing down. he was relentless.

"Brahms, please~" You begged, feeling yourself come to a climax. Brahms grunted in ecstasy, sweat dripping from his skin as he body was heated. he almost didn't care if he pulled out or not. His mind was elsewhere, everything else didn't matter. his thoughts were on you and you only. 

Brahms didn't want anyone else, no one else could make him feel this way. He pulled out within seconds, releasing on what was once a clean comforter. his cum adorned the sheets as it leaked out of him.

You basically tumbled over, laying out on your side. Brahms sat down beside you, wrapping you up in his cardigan. You looked up at Brahms, smiling at the tall figure as he placed a hand on your cheek.

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