Chapter 1: Agent

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(Play the video until the weather clears)

Date: September 9, 2024
Time: 12:15 AM
Location: Downtown Tokyo
Weather: Stormy

A man was running down a sidewalk as fast as he could; feet splashing in puddles due to the rainstorm as the figure approached him. He was dressed in a black jacket and wore pure black jeans. He faced forward and saw a nearby alleyway he could take a turn in. He was quickly deciding whether to take the risks or not, but time can't wait. He shook his head to clear his brain and took a right and into the alleyway. But, to his surprise and complete fear, the way he took was a dead end.

He looked behind and saw a figure which was only made prevalent due to the faint lighting of nearby streetlights. He backed up till his back touched the wall behind him. Soon after that, he collapsed onto his knees out of pure fear as his purser approached him with malicious intent.

The faint sounds of police sirens could be heard in the background, but the man knew that the police won't come anytime soon. As he saw his pursuer and the figure slowly approach him, he knew that it was carrying a smile full of pure sadistic, and evil thoughts.

As a flash, if lightning hit nearby, he could only get a glimpse of what seemed to be a man in a pure black suit with a red undershirt, a black tie, and pitch-black gloves. He also had on what seemed to be a futuristic mask with neon red and orange lines running all through it. The man also saw that his hair was black, but he was not so sure of it, as he could only stare at his unusual attire and posture.

Once the figure was a few feet away from the man on the ground, he took out a knife, or what seemed to be a knife, as the blade was missing. But that question was quickly answered as the blade came out of the handle like a switchblade, but according to the color and heat. The blade was made of pure plasma and was bright red in color. The man in the suit then took out a silenced USP as he held the knife to his own face the light emitting from the plasma blade revealed more detail about his mask, which now looked like it have pure red eyes with two lines of neon red and orange running through both eyes.

A quick snap was heard in the alleyway, as the man on the ground was completely wet from sweating and the amount of rain that had poured on him from earlier, but that did not matter as his life was on the line.

"Hey." The man in the suit snapped. "Eyes up here." He then stated. The man on the ground quickly looked up at his attacker with pure fear and anxiety worrying about what will happen next. "You know what? Let's play a simple game." The man in the mask said. "What game?" The gangster said. The masked man let out a small chuckle and then said, "A game called "Interrogation." "What if I don't want to play?" the gangster instantly replied. He couldn't see, but he could tell that the masked man was now showing a sadistic smile, "If you don't want to play, then I will put you and your entire bloodline into an infinite hell that they will never escape unless they themselves commit suicide." The masked man said it in such a tone that even the most battled-hardened people would shiver until they are bones in their shoes. At this point, the gangster was hyperventilating so fast that it seemed like he was only inhaling once every minute. "...Fi-f-f-fff- Fine!" The man yelled while stuttering a lot. The masked man didn't do anything but smile under that cursed mask of his.

The masked man then picked up the gangster by the collar and pinned him to the wall behind the gangster. "Now, I'll ask you this once and ONLY once, where is the parcel?" The masked man stated in a dead shot tone. "I-I-II-I d-ddon't kk-k-know!" The gangster exclaimed while being slowly choked to death. "Don't give me that type of reply, I want to know the truth." The masked man calmly stated. At this point, the gangster was crying tears full of fear. "I-II-I-III Can-t tt-tell yy-you, mm-y bos-s w-would k-kil-l m-e." The gangster said. "Does it look like I care about you your boss is, he won't decide your fate, I WILL. So, let me say this again," The masked man said while shaking the gangster viciously. The gangster then said "Oo-k, j-just ss-to-pp shh-aking me first." The masked man just smiled at the fact that the man he was choking finally said his first coherent words ever since he met him. He then put him on the ground by releasing his collar causing the gangster to fall to his knees once again.

The masked man then met him on the ground and put his plasma blade to his neck in an attempt to threaten him and to leak the information which worked all too well as the gangster immediately understood what the meant and began to leak as much information as possible, "The parcel is in a park in the suburban area of Tokyo, west from here. It's inside a tree with an "x" marked on it." The masked man loosened his hold and his threatening demeanor only by a little bit, "The park near the high school that is west from here? Right?" The gangster then nodded violently. The masked knew he was telling the truth as he could sense it. He then grinned and then stated, "There's a good player, now, I'll set you free, but before that..." The masked grabbed one of the gangster's arms and crushed it without any issue. The gangster screamed in absolute pain and agony. He then grabbed his crushed arm with his other arm in pain. The masked man only stood up and fixed his gloves. "I'll let you go for now because that broken arm can become a real pain soon, so I recommend you get that checked up at a hospital, which is only a..." The mask then rolled up his sleeve and checked a smartwatch that was on his wrist. "...20-minute walk from here." The masked man then turned around to leave, but before leaving the gangster, he unleashed a dark aura and turned around menacingly and stated, "Oh, and if you ever come in my way again, I'll make sure that your demise won't be quick and painless. So, I recommend you run away before you end up like your friends from earlier." The masked man then slowly walked away from the alley leaving the gangster in pain, fear, agony, and anxiety. A formula that can kill simple-minded men like him.

A few minutes later, the masked man was sitting on top of a building with his weapons placed inside his suit while waiting for his friend to join him. Just as he got there, something rang in his ear. It was his earpiece, he quickly answered it by pressing the only button on his earpiece and responded with a serious tone, "I got the location of the package, he said it was at Kimetsu Park." The earpiece then responded with a male's voice then seemed like it was too tired to speak, but still maintained a degree of seriousness. "Good, head down there right now, and in the meantime, I'll send one of our drones to your location." The masked man only gave him an approving grunt, and quickly dropped the call and began running across the building rooftops at teleporting-like speeds.

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