Chapter 46: Scouting

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Date: December 2, 2024
Time: 1:30 PM
Location: Kimetsu High School
Weather: Windy


"Alright, bye guys!" Tanjiro said while waving to his friends at the gate as he walks off. He sighs at the thought of them having club activities meaning that they can't be with him as he walks the path back to his house.

"As if things couldn't get any more boring..." He thought with a frustrated look, "Where are Andrew and Edmund?" He thinks to himself while looking around the area for any signs of his friends. His nose picks up something in the trees as he soon turns to the origin point of the scent. He soon saw two pairs of eyes looking at him from the trees, "I can see you guys..." Tanjiro said with an unamused tone. Andrew and Edmund soon come out of the trees and walk next to Tanjiro while groaning and laughing, "God dammit Tanjiro, if it weren't for that nose of yours, you could've just walked past us without knowing!" Edmund said. "Nose or not, I would still find you guys anyway because you always do this to me. It doesn't take two brain cells to figure out that your dumba*s friends that you've known ever since birth have decided to do a 'Vietcong' and hide in the dam trees." Tanjiro said while listening to Edmund laugh at his statement. 

"If you want to give me Vietnam Flashbacks, then the least you could do is wear a Vietcong outfit and have a toy AK47 or some shit and hide in the bushes and pop out." Tanjiro as he points to some bushes, "Does it look like we have the time to do that?" Edmund asks while looking very confused, "Ain't my problem." Tanjiro responds. "Anyway...enough with the f*cking Vietnam jokes, what's our mission?" Andrew asks.

Tanjiro turns around looking very confused, "The f*ck you want me to say, man?! You guys came here on your own accord, and you're asking me what our mission is?! Didn't you get the briefing from the f*cking HR bruv?" Tanjiro says in a normal accent but then quickly switches to a British accent. "Oh shit, he's mad..." Edmund thought, "I'm just saying what are we doing now?" Andrew replies back unphased. "Ask Minato for any missions nearby, I don't know the f*ck we're doing!" Tanjiro exclaims while turning around and sighing heavily, "Uh...yeah...problem..." Edmund says while pulling up his phone.

"What..." Tanjiro says while slowly turning his head, "So...remember that time, when we last, left Kurina in charge of the 3 idiots?" Edmund asks to which Tanjiro slowly nods, "Remember how she established a 'Disciplinary System' and basically punished the 3 into kingdom come whenever they did something wrong?" Edmund said, "Yeah...wait...That happened, didn't it?" Tanjiro as Edmund nodded. "Yeah, so apparently Minato is not allowed to take any of our assignments until late in the night because he f*cked up the servers for a bit..." Edmund stated.

Tanjiro groaned at this, "God f*cking know what? I'm not even surprised, I-I should've expected less from Minato, but here we go!" Tanjiro shouted. "So...we just wait for him then..." He asked after he calmed down, "Yesh." Edmund replied. "Great...what do we do in the meantime...?" Tanjiro asked, "I don't know, they gave us homework, so may as well complete it at your house..." Edmund replied while scratching the back of his head in uncertainty.

"Ok, seems like a plan I guess," Tanjiro stated as he started to walk on the road back to his house along with his friends.

" do you view them?" Tanjiro questioned, "Who?" Edmund replied. "My friends," Tanjiro answered, "Oh, they're fine! I get what you like about them, apart from Inosuke." Edmund said. "Inosuke is...'special'..." Tanjiro stated before getting briefly interrupted by Andrew, "I heard special, what's happening?" He said. "Nothing, just Tanjiro's retardeda*s friend," Edmund said while laughing.

"Oh..." Andrew stated while slowly going back to normal, "Anyway...Inosuke may be a bit wrong in the head, but he does have a big heart, which I guess counts." Tanjiro stated while somewhat trying to defend Inosuke, "I mean come on, he was raised by f*cking boars, what do you expect?" Tanjiro added while chuckling a bit. "Wait...if he was raised by boars his entire life while living in the mountains, completely isolated from civilization, then how the hell does he know Japanese?" Edmund asked which caused Tanjiro to stop laughing and actually start thinking.

"I-uh...I-what the f*ck...that's actually a good question..." Tanjiro said with a very confused face. "Man spoke the language of boar." Edmund joked, "Yeah, I'll go ask him tomorrow..." Tanjiro stated. "Also, these guys seem pretty chill, a bit like us. And also, they aren't last time we were here..." Edmund said with a huff. 

"OH! PFFFFFT! I FORGOT ABOUT THAT MOMENT, HOLY SHIT!" Tanjiro sputtered, Andrew also chuckled a bit while recalling what happened. Edmund was looking at the two with very unamused expressions and continued walking on, "H-hey! Eddie, buddy! Did we do something wrong?" Tanjiro asked while slightly pushing his friend forward with his arm. "No...but remembering that moment made me realize how much I hate Southeast Asia..." Edmund said with a frown. 

"'s ok buddy! You're here now and it seems like you're having a good time!" Tanjiro stated. 

"If." Edmund simply stated as the three walked to Tanjiro's house while talking about all sorts of things.


"What will thou like for supper?" Tanjir speaks from the kitchen as Andrew and Edmund do their homework in the living room, "I'll take whatever the f*ck you have!" Edmund screams from the living room. "Give me some basic ramen...I'll do it myself," Andrew says. "Alright!" Tanjiro said as he started to cook.

"Anything from Minato?" Edmund asked Andrew. Andrew lifted up his phone and looked at his notifications and shook his head, "Nothing so far..." He replied, "Why don't you ask Kurina when Minato is going to be back?" Edmund said. "Good idea, I'll try it," Andrew replied as he dialed a number on his phone and put his phone up to his ear.

A few seconds of ringing passed by before the call was answered by a female voice. "Hello, Andrew, what do you need?" Kurina asked from the other side, "Uh, hey Kruina, me and Edmund are just wondering when Minato will be online so he can give us some missions." Andrew stated. "Oh, he's not going to be on for a couple of hours." Kurina stated with an innocent tone, "Can you please cut his time short? We're getting bored here..." Andrew said. 

"Hmmmmm....fine, but you owe me something afterward." Kurina replied, "Thanks, Kurina. Appreciate it." Andrew saw while dropping the call and turning to Edmund.

"So?" Edmund asked, "She said she'll do it, but I owe her a favor." Andrew stated, "Yes! Let's goooo!" Edmund said as he shook his friend.

"Edmund! Stop shaking Andrew! Your food is ready! Come get it before I give it to you!" Tanjiro yelled from the kitchen, "Ok!" Edmund said as he ran to the kitchen before getting abruptly stopped by Tanjiro at the kitchen entrance, "No. You are no longer allowed to enter a kitchen, especially mines." Tanjiro stated as he passed Edmund his food.

"Awww..." Edmund stated with a sorrowful expression, "Don't 'Awww' me! We can't even trust you with a spoon!" Tanjiro exclaimed, "At least Minato learned how to cook as well as all of us, but your yee-yee a*s can't even make cereal!" He stated, "I really need to find a woman who knows how to cook..." Edmund says while sighing, "Yeah you should, 'cause getting your homies to cook for you is embarrassing." Tanjiro replied. 

"Can't even let you step one foot into a kitchen before it mysteriously combusts." Tanjiro said, "Andrew! Your ramen is in the kitchen, get what you want and do it quick." Tanjiro said while receiving an "ok" from Andrew. "Good, now go to your seat and do your homework." Tanjiro said as he forcefully turned Edmund around and pushed him a bit, "Ok, Dad..." Edmund teasingly said as Tanjiro scoffed at his joke.

Andrew got up and went to the kitchen while passing by Tanjiro who was heading upstairs with a bowl of ramen. "Where are you going?" Andrew asked. Tanjiro swallowed a bite before speaking, "Getting my things in case we get a mission." Tanjiro simply stated before walking upstairs. "Wait...doesn't he keep his things in the basement...?" Andrew thought before shrugging off the thought and walking into the kitchen.

"Let's see..." Tanjiro thought while placing his bowl on the dresser in his room and reaching for his phone that was on the nightstand. He opened it and pulled up his other friend's group chat.

The 5 Senses (+Some more) GC

ZenitsuA: Help...

NezukoK: What do you need help with?

GenyaS: Life...

NezukoK: Genya! Don't be so rude!

ZenitsuA: That and some of these problems on the math homework.

NezukoK: Oh, I can't do that for you Zenitsu because I am a grade below you, but I bet Aoi or Kanao could help you!

AoiK: Nope, you're on your own...

ZenitsuA: Why?!

AoiK: Kanao, me, and my older sisters have decided to go to a restaurant tonight, so you are on your own.

ZenitsuA: Awwww!

NezukoK: Don't be so bummed Zenitsu, I'll try to help you! Even if I don't know the material, I'll try my best to at least give you an idea of how to solve the problems.


NezukoK: No problem Zenitsu, want to hop on VC with me?

GenyaS: BRUH.

ZenitsuA: YES!

NezukoK: Ok!

GenyaS: Btw, has anybody seen Inosuke?

AoiK: Probably busy...

GenyaS: That guy?

AoiK: I-yeah, you got a point...he's probably doing something stupid right now downtown since that is his favorite place to go...which is the place we are conveniently going to. So we'll notify you if we see him.

GenyaS: I mean...he is not my responsibility...but that's fine I guess...

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