Chapter 45: New Students

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Date: December 2, 2024
Time: 6:13 AM
Location: Banzai Rd.
Weather: Chilly/Windy


"Do do do do do do do." Tanjiro hummed to the tune of the Jeopardy theme. He walked down the road with a smile as he carried his backpack with one hand and wore a green coat that went over his school uniform. His coat flailed in the wind and he soon closed his eyes in order to not get any dust or gunk stuck in there.

Even though he couldn't see where he was going, he was still walking happily along the side of the road with no care at all in the world. "Peace at last!" He said to himself, he then took out his pen that was in his breast pocket in his shirt and started to click it again and again.

"Wait...just to make sure..." Tanjiro thought as he looked at the pen and press down on the clip and slid it down.

As soon as he did that, a small blade ejected from the top of the pen, "Perfect." He thought to himself as he slid the clip back up and the blade went back into its slot.


He arrived on the school grounds a few minutes later and stopped near the large wall that surrounded the entire school. He looked around for a few seconds before seeing that anybody was in the area and to his shock, there was no one. "I guess everyone must be a little tired from school starting again..." He said as he went ahead and jumped the 7 feet fence and landed perfectly on the other side.

Meanwhile, Giyu was sitting in his office as he waited for the other students to arrive, "Why is nobody here...?" He thought while taking a sip of the coffee that he had and looking at papers from before the break.

He noticed something in the corner of his eye, he thought he saw Tanjiro jump the 7 feet wall and he immediately looked in his direction with a face of curiousness. "That's weird..." He thought, "I thought I saw him jump that wall..." He contemplated. with himself before turning back to read the papers. "He wasn't there the last second, and the next second he just appeared..." He wondered. " not to think about it..." He thought as he shrugged and took a sip of his coffee.

"Glad to know someone is here on time though..." He said to himself.


"Hello, Tomioka-sensei! Nice to see you again!" Tanjiro waved at his homeroom teacher with a smile as he went to sit down in his seat, "Good morning, Tanjiro. Nice to see you too." Giyu replied back with a bland tone and still looked at his papers.

Tanjiro sat down and got his things out as well as his pen which he put on his desk. "So what are we learning today?" Tanjiro asked as he attempted to make some small talk with the rather introverted gym teacher. "It's homeroom, you don't learn anything. You just study for your upcoming classes after you're done with my assignments." Giyu stated. "Oh..." Tanjiro replied while looking around the room. He sat there in silence as the teacher started to take out a pen and mark some of the papers.

"So much for small talk..." Tanjiro thought as he picked up his pen and started playing with it.

A few minutes pass by of pure silence between the two people while sitting in the empty room. The only thing that was actually making a sound was the clock over the door that kept ticking again and again.

The clock marked 6:25 which meant class was about to start, but no one was in the class except for Tanjiro and Giyu.

But all of that changed when aggressive knocks were heard at the door which interrupted the silence. Giyu went to open the door but was absolutely flattened by the mob of students who were rushing to class in order to not get late.

"HOLY!" Tanjiro thought as he started to snicker a bit, "He almost got turned into Flat Stanley!" He said in his mind.

The students all sat down in their assigned seats and began to take out their books and pens.

Giyu slowly got up looking very beat up and sore, but nevertheless, went to the board to begin class.

"Alright class, welcome back to school..." Giyu said as he put his arms on the desk and began to lean on it, "Today is a free period for you guys so you can catch up from where you left off in your classes..." He stated. "Also I might need to lay this damage off, so if you have questions, just keep them to yourself until later..." He added.

"But before I do that, I have to mention that we'll be getting new students. Specifically, transfer students," Giyu said while walking over to the door.

The students in the room began to whisper to each other about the new students, "I wonder who they are?" One of them whispered, "I hope they're hot!" A girl said.

Zenitsu leaned over to Tanjiro who looked back at him, "Yo Tanjiro, do you think you know who they are?" Zenitsu asked. "Nope! I wonder who they are too!" Tanjiro stated, "Hey! What are you guys talking about?" Inosuke barged in. "Bro, was I talking to you?!" Zenitsu whispered to Inosuke angrily.

But before they could get into an argument, Giyu whacked his kendo against the wall which effectively quieted the entire class.

"Now everybody, please say hello to our two new transfer students," Giyu said as he opened to door.

Tanjiro didn't mind it as he reached for his bottle and took a sip of water but immediately spit it back out into his arm at the sudden sight of the two students.

"Everyone, these are our two new students, Edmund Tau from South Africa and Andrew Beltoff from America," Giyu said as he sat down at his desk, "Hello, everyone!" Edmund said as he bowed.

"WHAT THE F-" Tanjiro said out loud in German while coughing up some water that accidentally flowed into his lungs.

The entire class seem puzzled at Tanjiro's sudden scene, but they soon ignored it as the teacher began to speak up. "Alright you two, go take a seat in the back," Giyu said as he pointed to the two seats that were all the way in the back of the classroom.

"Ok," Edmund said as he and Andrew started to walk to the back.

He heard the students around him talk about him and Andrew, but the only thing he was worried about now is the redhead himself who was shooting a death glare at Edmund and Andrew.

"Ah...shit..." He thought with a goofy smile and sweat beads dripping down his face.

"We shouldn't have come here..." Edmund said to Andrew who raised his eyebrow, "Told you, now we have to face the consequences," Andrew said as he sat down at a desk next to Edmund.

"Yo Tanjiro. You know those people?" Zenitsu said while nudging him on the side. Tanjiro slowly turned to him with several tick marks on his face and a forced smile. "Nope!" He said with the most ensuring tone he could say at the time. "Ok..." Zenitsu stated while slowly nodding his head and turning back to his seat.

Tanjiro tried to calm himself down by writing in his notebook, but once you saw what was in his notebook, you could tell he was not happy right now...

"If they are here, then WHO THE EVER-LOVING B*TCH F*CK IS TAKING CARE OF THE THREE RETARDS BACK AT BASE?!" Tanjiro screamed inside his mind before turning to the sound of a commotion happening at the back of the class.

"I am the great Inosuke, the ruler of this class! And you two shall be my new underlings!" Inosuke exclaimed while one foot on a student's task and pointing to Edmund. "The frick...?" Edmund thought to himself while looking utterly confused, "Is this the Inosuke fellow Tanjiro was talking about?" He thought we leaning over Tanjiro who was glaring at him with a stare full of absolutely zero emotion. He pointed to Inosuke asking "Is this him?" nonverbally, Tanjiro didn't say anything but nodded and turned around in his chair to face Zenitsu and start a conversation with him.

"Hey! Look at me when I am speaking!" Inosuke demanded which Edmund replied with a stoic expression aimed directly at Inosuke, the same could go for Andrew who was just trying to tie his shoe. "As you can see there, they are my two loyal servants and underlings! If I say anything to them, they shall listen and must follow what I say!" Inosuke exclaimed, "Ok." Edmund blatantly replied, "If you two wish to join my ranks and become worthy slaves, then you must prove your worth by fighting me-" Inosuke tried to say before getting cut off by Tanjiro who covered his mouth and dragged him back to his sleep.

"Let's not try to disturb new students ok? They just joined, so maybe you can let them explore the school first before you try to 'recruit' them into your squad." Tanjiro said before putting Inosuke back into his seat.

"What the f*ck...?" Andrew said in English to Edmund, "I know right, Tanjiro made some weird friends..." Edmund replied back. "Remember what we are here for though..." Andrew corrected before writing in his notebook and soon stopping, "Wait...what the f*ck are we even learning in this school...?" Andrew said with a confused expression.


Meanwhile, in Kanae's class, all students were seated neatly in their seats with Kanae herself on the desk smiling at the students as they waited for class to start. The bell rang which meant class has started and Kanae walked to the front of the room to greet all the students with a big smile on her face.

"Welcome back everyone!" Kanae said, "I hope you had a wonderful break, but now it's time to start learning again!" She excitedly stated, "But...before we move on, we have a new student joining us today, his name is Jakuna Yoshitamu! He is new, so whenever he needs help, I recommend you teach him the ropes so he gets more used to how we operate in this school!" Kanae said before opening the door.

"You can come in now!" She said as a boy with gray hair and red eyes entered the classroom.

Just like the students in Giyu's classroom, the students were whispering about the new student as he turned to the teacher and asked for his seat. "Where do I sit, teacher-sensei?" He asked, "Right over there, next to Kanao, and me Kanae-sensei!" She said as she pointed to an empty seat next to Kanao and Aoi.

The boy nodded and started to walk to his seat while Kanao, on the other hand, was writing her notes on her pad when she accidentally dropped her pencil on the ground.

"Oh-" She said as she reached down to grab the pencil, "Here you go!" The boy said with a large smile on his face as he picked up the pencil and gave it to Kanao.

"Thank you." Kanao said as she replied back with her own smile, "Welcome to the school by the way." She added. "Thank you! I wonder if you could show me around the school since I'm new here!" The boy said.

"Gladly," Kanao replied, "Alright, when can we start?" Jakuna asked. "We can start at lunch, just come to the front of the school so we can start our tour," Kanao stated. "Ok! That sounds like a great idea!" He replied.

The two then faced forward and started to do their own separate tasks.

Aoi was watching the whole ordeal unfold, "Wow...Kanao becomes friends with him fast..." Aoi thought. "It took us a while for Kanao to accept us as her friends, the only person who managed to become her friend instantly, was Tanjiro..." Aoi contemplated.

"Maybe she's learning how to make friends fast after Tanjiro opened her heart." She thought, "Yeah..." She contemplated before returning right back to her task.

Kanae also saw this and smiled, "How nice! Kanao is making more friends faster than ever!" She thought, "But...if he gets too close to her, then he is in trouble. Tanjiro is the only boy Kanao will ever love and she said it herself...well, kind of..." Kanae said as the joy in her eyes faded and her smile soon became emotionless.

"Well anyways...back to work!" She suddenly thought while looking back at her computer and started to type and move her mouse.


"Ara ara Tomioka-san, this is why you should take care of yourself more instead of needing me to do it," Shinobu said as Giyu lays in her lap while placing an ice pack on Giyu's head. "It wasn't my was the students..." He said, "Oh ho ho, don't blame the students for your own mistakes, if you keep doing that then surely no one will ever know to like you." Shinobu said while chuckling sarcastically.

The ice pack was dripping some water since it was just ice in a small plastic bag. It bothered Giyu a bit so he removed a small cloth from his pocket and wiped his face with it, he then put it over Shinobu's side while feeling the cold temperature of the ice pack finally setting in and the swelling on his forehead going down. "He's hopeless..." Shinobu thought, "Tomioka-san, you seem more depressed than usual. Is it because the break is over and now you have to deal with the students again?" Shinobu said to which Giyu nodded slightly.

"I mean...I was having fun during the break you could say..." Giyu said while puckering his lips, "Ara ara, no way! The depressed loner had fun?! In all my years of working with you, I never would be able to think that you would have actual fun like the rest of us! This is an achievement Tomioka-san! We should celebrate it!" Shinbou joked, Giyu replied with an unamused expression and slightly turned his head to face her. "Just joking Tomioka-san." Shinobu said as she pushed his head back to where it was with her hand.

"Great news!-" Kanae said while bursting into the teacher's lounge only to see nobody there except for Shinobu and Giyu. She stopped for a brief moment to think about what she was going to say next, "Ok...first, where is everyone?" She asked while looking very confused. "Oh, they decided to eat in their own classrooms since they 'felt' like it..." Shinobu said. "How do you know?" Kanae asked her younger sister, "Mitsuri-san..." Shinobu replied. "Oh ok..." Kanae stated.

Giyu took the ice pack from Shinobu and sat up properly next to her while pressing the ice pack against his forehead. "Awww..." Kanae said with a bit of a sad tone, "What's wrong nee-san?" Shinobu asked, "You two looked so cute together with Giyu-kun laying in your lap while you tend to his injuries!" Kanae said while pouting. "EH?!" Shinobu said with a very flustered look and Giyu looked at Kanae with an emotionless face.

He then looked at Shinobu who took his cloth and smacked his face with it. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT, IDIOT?!" Shinobu exclaimed.

Shinobu hit Giyu so hard that he actually flipped over the couch and landed on the ground. Kanae gasped at this, "Is he ok?" She asked, "I'm fine..." Giyu said while raising his thumb in the air so it can be seen by Kanae. "Great!" Kanae exclaimed, "So Shinobu, great news! Kanao made a new friend today!" She said.

Shinobu smiled at this, "Really?! Who?!" She excitedly asked. "It's our new student, Jakuna Yoshitamu!" Kanae replied. Shinobu's face suddenly dropped to that of the face of an overprotective sister watching their sibling going out with someone, "Really? It's a boy?" Shinobu asked while raising her fist slowly. "Yep! But don't worry Shinobu! I'm sure he won't touch her! And besides, Kanao only loves Tanjiro!" Kanae said.

Shinobu calmed down a bit at the certainty of Kanae's sentence. "Fine, I believe you. But if something bad happens to her because of him, don't say I didn't warn you." She said while scoffing at her. "Aww...aren't you happy that our sister is finally making friends?" Kanae said with puppy dog eyes. "I am happy...I just want to make sure she is safe because this world is a cruel place and criminals roam everywhere." Shinobu stated.

"Don't worry, Kanao is a strong girl, I'm sure she can handle it on her own!" Kanae stated.

"Fine..." Shinobu finally gave in.

"Now, let's have some lunch!" Kanae said as she went into a cabinet in the lounge and pulled out two paper bags. "Ok," Shinobu stated while taking her own and opening it to start eating it. "Giyu-kun, do you want one?" Kanae asked.

There was no reply from behind the couch, which interested the two sisters as they looked behind the couch and saw our blue (both literally and mentally) friend sleeping. "The idiot is sleeping..." Shinobu said with an unenthusiastic face.

Kanae picked up Giyu from behind the couch and placed him on the other couch that was next to the couch the sisters were sitting on. "Sleep tight Giyu-kun!" Kanae said while walking to her sister and sitting down before grabbing her lunch.

Shinobu watched Giyu sleep while eating her lunch, "He looks kind of cute..." She thought before getting angry at herself for thinking such thoughts. "NO! YOU DO NOT LOVE THAT LONER SHINOBU, YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!" Shinobu thought with a frustrated look and tick marks on her face.

Kanae noticed this and chuckled a bit before returning back to her meal, "Silly Shinobu! When will you realize?" She thought.


Meanwhile, the Kamaboko squad was eating lunch inside a classroom as they watched chaos ensuing between Inosuke and Genya. Kanao was not there since she was giving the new student a tour.

"Give me back my watermelon!" Genya said while holding Inosuke's arm in the hair and tugging at his hair, "Then fight me for it!" Inosuke exclaimed as he tried his best to keep a watermelon slice away from Genya.

"Typical..." Aoi said with the rest of the squad sharing the same stoic expression as her. "Amen." Zenitus said while nodding, "Oh hey, did you guys know that three new students joined the school? Two of them are transfer students too!" Nezuko said. "Oh yeah, we know...we definitely know..." Tanjiro replied while putting little emphasis on "definitely".

Tanjiro decided to get up after finishing a piece of egg toast that he prepared for himself this morning. "I'm going to get some water." He said while picking up his water bottle and exiting the room.

"Where the ever-loving f*ck f*ckity f*ck are those two retards?" He thought with a very frustrated face as he made his way down the hall.

He turned a corner and found the two of them sitting down in front of him. They soon looked up and began sweating bullets at the sight of their leader looking at them with a very menacing aura. "H-hey Tanjiro...suprise..." Edmund said as he gulped hard.

"You two better have a good explanation of why you are here," Tanjiro said as he cracked his knuckles and smiled creepily. "Uh-uh...." Edmund stuttered, "We asked HR if we could join you in your mission, and they said yes since we don't have any other missions and it looked like you could need some help." Andrew said, "I don't need-" Tanjiro stated, "Ugh! Fine!" He said while shaking his head from side to side and stroking his forehead. "But if you are here, then who is taking care of the three dumba*ses back home?" Tanjiro asked. "I'm sure they can take care of themselves. Even if they couldn't I asked Kurina to take of them since she just received a vacation from the R&D HR due to her completing all her assignments and reports." Edmund said, "That just gives her more work!" Tanjiro exclaimed, "It's fine...she said that she would be glad to do it." Edmund said.

"If she says so," Tanjiro replied while crossing his arms and sighing, "Want to meet your friends?" Edmund randomly asked, "Hmm...sure, come on." Tanjiro answered as he started walking back to the classroom with Edmund and Andrew trailing behind.

Tanjiro opened the door to the room and soon walked in, "I'm back! And guess who I brought with me!" Tanjiro said as he stepped to the side to show Edmund and Andrew who walked in after.

"Oh, hello!" Nezuko said, "You can come sit down here." Aoi said as she pointed to two seats that were open, "Thank you." Andrew said in perfect Japanese which somewhat shocked Aoi and Nezuko, "I didn't know you knew Japanese." Nezuko said. "I transferred here for a reason." Andrew dully said while facing Nezuko with no emotion.

"Aha! If it isn't the two new servants!" Inosuke said as he walked up to the two. "Now that you have joined us, allow me to introduce you to my group!" He exclaimed, "Over there is Kamaboko Gonpachiro! He's my best servant! He treats me with all sorts of gifts and treasures!" Inosuke said while pointing to Tanjiro. Edmund raised an eyebrow at Tanjiro to which Tanjiro responds by just shrugging at him.

"Over there is Montisu Sentatsuma! He's a big crybaby that complains a lot and also simps for every woman he sees!" Inosuke said as Zenitsu shot him a glare.

As Inosuke continued on Tanjiro leaned over to Aoi and began to speak with her, "Hey, do you know where Kanao is?" Tanjiro asked, "Yeah, she's giving a tour to another new student." Aoi said while drinking some water, "Apparently his name is Jakuna Yoshiteru." Aoi added, "Jakuna, huh?" Tanjiro stated. "How is he?" Tanjiro asked, "He seems like a nice boy, and he and Kanao quickly became friends." Aoi replied, "That's nice." Tanjiro stated.

"What does he look like?" He asked, "Grey hair and red eyes." Aoi simply stated back to him.

The two then stopped talking with each other and watched the boar head make a scene of himself in front of the new students.


"Alright, and here is the last room..." Kanao said to Jakuna as she opened the room to the stage. "Wow! This school is amazing Tsuyuri-san!" He said while looking very impressed, "Thanks, our principal's family is very rich, so we can build large rooms and feed our students better quality food than any other high school in our vicinity." Kanao said, "Also, please, call me Kanao." She added.

"Ok, Kanao-san!" Jakuna said while smiling, Kanao also smiled back and the two kept walking down the hall.

The bell rang soon and they soon saw students enter through the hallways to their next class.

"It seems that our time has been cut short, I had a great time with you." Kanao said as she bowed, "Ah! It's no problem Kanao-san, I also had a great time with you! I hope we can see each other again soon!" Jakuna stated.

Kanao smiled at him and walked to her next class while Jakuna turned around and started walking away.

"She's kind of cute..." He thought while smiling a bit.


Halo! It seems that we are overdue for a segment of "Kimetsu Gossip"! So let's get into it!

Tanjiro: ...

Tanjiro: Anyway, hello! Welcome back!

Edmund: Hi!


Tanjiro: You see? I'm completely fine when we do a different type of segment, but the "Spy's Diary" is MY segment, ok?

Edmund: Yes, sir...

Tanjiro: Good! Now you know when and when not to intrude on which segment.

Edmund: Yes...

Tanjiro: Anyway, back on topic. The teachers in this school do understand English, but they don't speak with a natural accent at all since, you know...they're Japanese and Japanese is their first language...

Tanjiro: That's why I yelled in German, so Giyu won't hear me cuss in the middle of class. But I'm pretty sure that he was too injured to even mind it...

Edmund: Man got trampled.

Tanjiro. Oof!

Tanjiro: Sorry for such a short segment, but we'll make it up to you in the next chapter: "Scouting" Where me and these two idiots finally go on our very first mission together in a while to spy on and collect some information on a certain criminal organization!

Edmund: Woo! I'm so hyped!

Tanjiro: Me too man!

Andrew: Yes...

Tanjiro: Bye!

Edmund: Bye-bye!

Andrew: *Waves*

Tanjiro: At least speak man...

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