Chapter 62: The Field Trip Part 2

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Date: December 24, 2024
Time: 5:36 AM
Location: B U S 
Weather: Heavy Snow and Light Wind




We join our main cast on the road in their own respective buses; Genya, Aoi, Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Nezuko were in one bus. Isamu, Akira, and Emiko in another. And finally, Tanjiro, Andrew, Edmund, and Kanao were on a bus together.

We don't gotta worry about Jakuna though.

Let's see what our favorite redhead, black man, depressed white man, and the teenage girl who can't control her hormones when thinking about the autistic redhead are up to.

Edmund was scrolling on his phone next to Andrew who was listening to some music on his airpods. "Still watching Warhammer 40K lore?" Andrew thought as he transmitted the message through the communicator. 

"Yes, now don't bother me." Edmund thought back with a frown aimed towards Andrew, "Still the Lamenters?" Andrew thought with a confused look, "They really don't deserve dude, I mean ... have you seen the video from TTS?" Edmund thought with an eyebrow raise. "True." Andrew shrugged and turned around.

"Is Edmund still watching shit about the Lamenters?" Tanjiro soon interrupted their telepathic conversation, "Yep." Andrew simply replied. 

"God dammit, we already talked about this! Yes, those dudes are pretty goddam sad, but there is no reason to mope about it! After all, they are only a concept put on paper ..." Tanjiro thought before a realization hit in.

"Like this book ..." He thought as he cut off communication with his two friends and opened his eyes in a bit of existential dread before returning to normal and the conversation at once. "Shut up! You don't understand true pain! Kill yourself!" Edmund thought with a comedic and joking tone as well as a sarcastic frown. "My parents literally died dude! Yours are just retired!" Tanjiro exclaimed back with the same tone, "Excuse me?" Andrew soon interrupted.

"Ope, forgot Andrew was there for a second." Edmund thought before turning his attention to the window as he felt Andrew's judging stare on his shoulder. "Anyways, Eddie, buddy ... why are you so interested in a chapter that literally has space vampire geneseed in it?" Tanjiro thought, "I mean ... 2-ton demigods covered in the thickest armor available while also being able to live longer just by drinking blood while having two very significant flaws in their geneseed that can turn them from a noble and honorable warrior to a war criminal in mere seconds while also having probably the literal most 'perfect' primarch available to them die at the hands of the arch-traitor. Not to mention they have glorious red and gold armor which as you know, me like." Tanjiro thought with a smile as Kanao (who was sitting next to him) was starting to get curious about his sudden changes in facial expressions.

"Yeah, that's because deranged war criminals who have a fetish for melee combat and blood is a very YOU thing." Edmund replied, "Hey! The only reason you like the Salamanders is because they are literally the only black legion! And fire ..." Tanjiro stated. "No! It's because they are honorable warriors who actually care about people!" Edmund argued, "Could you guys chill, remember the last time Tanjiro got in a disagreement with one of us?" Andrew interrupted again, "Bro! That was 4 years ago! It was literally one of our first missions!" Tanjiro said.

"Yeah, say that to the dead monkeys that you and Minato led into battle against each other over some f*cking bananas," Andrew stated.



The setting was a thick and dense rainforest in the middle of the African wilderness, the atmosphere was tense and the only thing that could be heard was the natural ambiance coming from the surrounding rainforest.

The ground was wet with the continuous crunching of leaves and dead vegetation being abundant. In a clearing, stood a massive army of Nigerian-Cameroon chimpanzees, most of whom were armed with makeshift spears, bows, and slingshots made from the tree bark, leaves, sticks, and rocks. They stood in front of a large stone slab with another chimpanzee on top of it as he watched over his army.

The silence of the jungle and the army was soon interrupted by a cough; directing all of their attention to the large stone slab. And out of the wilderness came Tanjiro, who looked a bit more younger than current but still just as much as a menace. He was wearing his agent uniform along with a sash made of leaves and vines going from his left shoulder to the right side of his waist. 

"My fellow chimps ..." Tanjiro stated as he started pacing around the slab, the chimps looked at him with serious faces as if they were hearing the speech of a lifetime.

"As you know, a week ago, the Mona menace had attacked your land."

"They have ravaged your food supply and kicked us out of your territory that you and your families have inhabited for generations ..." 

"Hundreds of our fellow brother chimps have perished in the line of combat during this war."

"But fortunately, today we might see the end of this mindless slaughter of monkey life. We have pushed back our enemy to the point where they will have to make a last stand at Grove's End, which is we will meet our enemy head-on and finally eradicate them from our land permanently."

"Today is the day where we shall go back and finally be able to see our wives and children again after all of this endless slaughter."

"Today is the day when they will be able to eat comfortably without anybody going hungry."

"Today shall be the day where peace will be re-established within this dense jungle."

"Today is the day when the dead will finally be able able to rest!"


"Today shall be our last stand, and by god, for every inch of land they take from us! Tens of chimps shall fall on that inch of ground!" The screen suddenly changed to Minato's perspective as he stood in front of a large army of Mona monkeys with similar weaponry to the chimps albeit a little bit more slingshots and ranged weaponry, another monkey was standing next to Minato with a sash on both of them as well, although a different color.

"We shall use the trees as cover and rain down hell on the bastard chimps!"

"They attacked us first, and now we will fight till the last monkey to show them what it truly means to be the lord of the trees!" 

"SO WHO IS WITH ME?!" Minato screamed.


"SO WHO IS WITH ME?!" Tanjiro screamed as the screen then switched to him and his chimp army.

The entire chimp army then erupted into endless cheering, screams, and shouts as the last sentence really hit differently.

"SO COME ON, SHALL WE FIGHT LIKE COWARDS OR LIKE REAL WARRIORS! TO THE DEATH?" Tanjiro screamed as the battle cries grew louder and louder.

"THEN FOLLOW ME, FORWARD TO VICTORY, FOR OUR PRIDE, OUR FAMILIES, AND OUR BANANAS!" Tanjiro screamed before he turned around to face Minato who was standing across from him on a hill.

They both looked at each other with smiles before they raised their hands and pointed at each other.

"CHARGE!" They both yelled before an onslaught of monkeys and chimpanzees ran down their respective hills with battle cries filling the morning sky before engaging in a bloody struggle for food.


"God dammit, I ran out of Akara ..." Lorenzo whispered to himself as he looked at his food which was kept in a plastic, disposable container. 

Edmund and Andrew were also sitting next to him on a tree branch as they ate the local cuisines from a nearby town and watched the murder of tens of monkeys and chimpanzees.

"Here ..." Edmund said as he gave Lorenzo another piece of Akara to chow down on. "Thanks," He replied before taking a bite out of it.

"By the way, where is Johan?" Andrew asked, "He's down there recording the thing." Lorenzo pointed to Johan who was taking cover in a nearby bush as he recorded the massacre with an S200EXR camera.


(The Chimp-Monkey War of 2020 coming to theatres Friday!)


Flashback End

"It was literally one of our first missions, cut me some slack!" Tanjiro thought with a tick mark forming on his face.

"Tanjiro, a-re you ok?" Kanao soon spoke as she saw Tanjiro becoming angry over seemingly nothing to her point of view.

"Uhh ... yeah! You don't have to worry about me!" Tanjiro soon spoke back in a reassuring tone, "Really?" Kanao spoke with a shy voice. "Yep! If you need something Kanao, you could always just ask me!" Tanjiro replied with a great smile.

"Th-thank you! But I was just a bit worried about you, you seemed to be angry about something ..." Kanao said. 

"Oh, that's fine! I was just thinking about something, that's all!" Tanjiro answered. "You should really talk about it with us if that's getting you angry ..." Kanao replied with a soft and calming voice, "It's fine really!" Tanjiro stated with still the same tone, "O-ok ... but if you want to talk about it ... I-I'm free to help you ..." Kanao said.

Tanjiro smiled and chuckled a bit at Kanao's shy, quiet, yet supportive, and kind demeanor. "That was kind of cute ... heh ..." He thought.

"YOOOOO." He heard a voice suddenly interrupt his train of thought, "You forgot to close off the channels idiot, we heard what you said." Andrew thought through the communicator.


"SHUT UP, I SWEAR TO GOD." Tanjiro thought back while also trying to keep a smile on his face without attracting any attention. "MAN FINALLY HAS HIS FIRST CRUSH, GOD DAM!" Edmund joked, "If you need any help with relationships, just ask me." Andrew stated.

"I-NO-WHAT?" Tanjiro refuted, "Naaa, it's confirmed, our boy has a crush." Edmund stated. "You guys would be perfect for each other, not gonna lie, plus, I really think you're gonna need someone to keep you sane," He added.

"Two people of Japanese descent?" Andrew thought, "What's that supposed to mean?" Tanjiro thought with a confused tone. "I don't know, I didn't know what to say," Andrew replied.

"Huh ..." Tanjiro thought before laying back and relaxing for the 3-hour journey ahead.


(TLDR: I forgot to add that the roads from Kimetsu to Tokyo were already cleared, so we don't have to worry about anything bad happening :) )


"I'm tired Nezuko-channn!" Zenitsu complained as he leaned on the window.

"It's ok Zenitsu! You could go to sleep if you want!" Nezuko, who was sitting next to him said.

"There goes the crybaby again ..." Genya whispered to himself as he sat with Inosuke (The two were sitting behind Zenitsu and Nezuko), "Yo, boar head, you gonna say something or what?" Genya turned to Inosuke who was oddly very silent, "Yes." Inosuke replied with a very direct and harsh tone, "Jesus man, I only talked to her for like 5 seconds man, plus it was a misunderstanding. You're really hopeless if you don't look at the fact that I and her are just friends, just like we are." Genya stated as pointed to himself and Inosuke.

"Tch, maybe ..." Inosuke replied with a sigh before he leaned back and tapped his left index on his right hand.

Genya eyed Inosuke up and down and soon saw a change in expression from Inosuke; from a tense and aggravated one to a more calm and methodical expression. "Anyways, after we're done getting Tanjiro and Kanao to confess to each other on the trip, we'll focus on you," Genya whispered to Inosuke, "Mhm ..." Inosuke slowly nodded as he puckered his lips inside his mouth.

His eyes seemed to tell Genya that he was not listening at all and was just agreeing to what Genya said, "Let me guess ... this is not about her anymore?" Genya asked, "Mhm ..." Inosuke answered.

A face of clear confusion went across Genya as he couldn't tell if he was being literal or not, "Tell me, what's on your mind right now?" Genya asked, "I'm just thinking about how Jeff managed to clear the mansion last night ..." Inosuke stated.

"Huh," Genya asked with another face of confusion, "Who the f*ck is 'Jeff'?" Genya stated, "Monjiro!" Inosuke silently whispered, "Oh ...! Then get his name right, idiot! In what way does 'Jeff' even resemble 'Tanjiro'?!" Genya whispered back, "I just heard the name in our English class, I forgot ok?!" Inosuke replied.

"Ok ok ok, anyways, going back to what you previously said ... yeah, now that you mention it, it's very odd that Tanjiro managed to clear out an entire mansion that was filled with demons while also taking out a former member of the Kizuki ..." 

"There were like 3 demons dude!" A voice interrupted the conversation.

(I swear to god, I'll remove your organs.)

"Ok ok, I'm out." The voice disappeared from the screen.

"Oh yeah! That reminds me!" Genya stated as he stood up and looked at Aoi who was sitting across from Zenitsu and Nezuko.

"Aoi, did you submit the report?"
Genya said, Aoi just looked back at Genya with a confused look, "From yesterday night!" Genya added. 

"O-oh ... oh shit ... I forgot ..." Aoi replied with an "I'm f*cked" expression.

"..." Genya didn't say anything but rather inhaled deeply with his hands clasped together over his mouth before he pointed them at her.

"Woman." In a pale but formal tone before sitting down.

"What?! I fell asleep!" Aoi replied as she turned to face Genya.

"Couldn't you just wake up your sisters or something?! I mean they were literally right in the room next to yours?!" Genya asked, "F*ck no! I don't wanna die!" Aoi answered. "What do you mean?!" Genya argued back.

"I mean that if I woke Shinobu nee-san up, she would probably kill me! Same with Kanae nee-san!" Aoi replied, "You have no idea how scary they are when they don't get their sleep!"  She added.

"But what about before we left?!" Genya asked, "I did not think of that ..." Aoi suddenly realized.

"... I'm not even going to at this point ..." Genya said to himself with a heavy sigh.

"I heard someone forgot something?" Tengen soon interrupted their conversation as he crouched in the middle of the row between Aoi and Genya.

The surrounding students were surprised at the sudden intrusion of the art teacher but kept talking after a while of surprise.

"Aoi forgot to submit the report from last night's mission to her sisters." Genya stated, "Hmmm, and why is that?" Tengen asked as he turned to Aoi with a skeptical face. "Because I fell asleep ..." Aoi replied.

"Alright then fill me in on the details, I'll fill out the digital form and send it to Master," Tengen stated with a snap.

"Alright, fine ..." Genya said with a sigh before he started to talk.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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