Chapter 41: Arteus Corps Part 7: The Flower Garden

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Location: [REDACTED]
Weather: [REDACTED]


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"Security Department or SD have a standard set of tasks that they have to perform in order to make sure the safety of other personnel and the integrity of our facilities are kept safe."

"SD is the easiest combative division you can get into, anyone can join if they are physically and mentally capable enough. As with R&D, SD is divided into two branches, the Main Corps and the Deployment Groups."

"The Main Corps is the easiest to describe since it's just composed of regular security guards that were given basic training on how things work around here and how to do your job, their training is just like any other military training regimen out there. But due to the advanced technology we utilize to keep things contained and safe, they are also taught how to operate the machinery and how to put on their body armor since it's sort of a complex process. They are the bulk of the force and the majority of SD are in the Main Corps."

"The Main Corps is stationed almost everywhere in order to keep the peace and security of this facility, they are also taught the basics on how to contain certain anomalies in case one of the ever breached, as compared to the Deployment Groups which are specialized groups that focus on containing anomalies that require much more manpower and effort."

"The first of these that we have is the Biohazard/Chemical Containment Unit. These people are specially trained to deal with anomalies that can biologically harm a member through various means such as releasing airborne spores, excreting toxic liquids, and somehow changing the biological makeup of some of the members that come into contact with it. The unit is armed with specially designed, full-body uniforms that cover the entire body of the person who is wearing it while also allowing for 100% maneuverability and speed. The armor they are told to put on is covered in a special coating of a substance that we like to call 'Bio-wax' that allows any airborne disease or spores released by the anomaly to just slide off the armor instead of sticking on to it, they are also armed with highly-advanced gas masks that can filter any contaminated air that can be caused by the anomaly. The weapons these guys are armed with it is just the regular weapons that are assigned to any other branch or sub-division of SD, they also have the clearance to use flamethrowers at any given time in order to accomplish the task since these anomalies that they deal with can be commonly contained by using fires. "

"The next one that we have is the Multi-Ordinance Unit. They are the heavy hitters and make up the majority of our personnel that serve in the Deployment Groups. Armed with heavier weapons such as machine guns and explosives. Their armor is also much heavier and bulkier with it being able to absorb more hits than the standard armor that the other units get in comparison, they work alongside other units in case of multiple anomalies breaching containment. They have their own vehicles such as troop transport vehicles, helicopters, armored vehicles, etc. but, they are only allowed to use them in the open world and not in facilities since you know, our facilities are thousands of feet below sea level. Anyway, these members are vital for being the ones to take the most hits as the other units work in unison to try to contain the threat and protect our facilities."

"Another one of the groups that we have are the Specialized Rapid Reaction Force. As the name suggests, these people specialize in getting to the scene first, they are there before any other unit as soon as a breach starts and are tasked with holding off the anomaly until other units arrive or keeping it at bay before the situation escalates even further. In order to achieve this and be able to get to the scene of the breach as fast as they can, they are outfitted with exoskeletons that help them run even faster and cut corners as fast as they possibly can, while also giving them a small boost in strength and endurance. Their armor is probably the most versatile out of every other armor that the other personnel are equipped with, with their armor being much stronger than the traditional armor that we utilize, more flexible, and more resilient to contamination and other forms of damage since these guys are primarily deployed to every breach that has occurred in this organization, meaning that they need to be well-rounded and flexible to deal with any situation at all."

"The next one that we have on our list is the Anomaly Containment Unit. Which, I admit sounds a bit bland when it comes to naming, but let it be known that these guys are the special forces of the Security Department. These people study each and every anomaly that we have and find a weak point to exploit in order to re-contain it if they ever breach, they are trained in tactics that no other unit is trained in and their training is much more physically exerting than the other trainings that the other divisions have. They are armored with the same type of armor that the SRRF is equipped with, but it is much more stronger and durable as well as enhancing the strength and stamina of the wielder by a much larger margin than the SRRF body armor. They are called in when everything goes to shit and not any amount of SD personnel can help improve the situation, they are also armed with reality-bending devices that can restore a certain object back to its original state if it is damaged along with equipment that is used to contain the anomalies."

"The last ones that we have are called The Round Table Guards. They are the private guards that only work for The Board, their training is the most mentally exerting out of any other training provided by the other divisions, and only the most loyal and strong-willed of SD members are chosen to be a part of this elite unit due to the program causing multiple amounts of mental pressure to be exerted by the trainees as they are forced to make very tough decisions and choices that prove their worth to The Board. They are outfitted with specialized armor, but there is not much really to them, only it being much more durable and stronger than the normal armor. Their weapons are not that specialized with the occasion of some members being armed with the occasional machine gun and grenade launcher. But these guys do have authority over all the other divisions and branches of SD due to them passing down orders from The Board whenever they receive one."

"Now that we have that covered; before we move on to the next department, the main floor for SD has several branch rooms for training and planning, but the area is not split into two sections like R&D. They share different locker rooms with each room being assigned to the appropriate branch or sub-division."

"Now that we went over that, let's move on to the Medical Department and ERCPD."


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