Chapter 42: Arteus Corps Part 8: Solemn Respects

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Location: [REDACTED]
Weather: [REDACTED]


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"You two know that it's ok to ask questions, right? I haven't heard you guys speak in a while."

"It's because, we don't have any questions so far, sir. Everything you said so far seems pretty understandable."

"Good, glad to know you guys are still following, even after all this time."

"Thank you, sir."

"No problem. Now, let's move on to our final four departments, starting with McD, or the Medical Department."

"The way our McD staff is organized here is just like your typical hospitals. We have doctors, nurses, therapists, physiologists, etc. but they are all specialized in treating anomalous diseases, which is not something you'd usually find your doctor practicing."

"We also have the Anamolus Disease Outbreak and Control department which focuses on containing massive outbreaks of lethal diseases that the anomalies can cause anywhere in the world, they work alongside the ScD to create cures for these diseases which could take a while or not time at all, depending on how advanced the disease is."

"In the meantime, the ADOC department works alongside ERCPD in order to control the amount of information going out to the public about this disease and where it originated from. They cut off the section that is affected by the disease and quarantine it from the rest of the world, the quarantine zone, which is a circle with a radius of 25 miles from the center which is the point where the disease originated is guarded by SD members 24/7 to make sure that no sign of the disease ever escapes into public."

"Apart from that, the McD main headquarters is styled just like a normal hospital, only the doctors there are much smarter than regular doctors, and they don't charge an arm and a limb, unlike some countries."

"Now that we have completed the McD, let's move on to ERCPD."

"ERCPD or External Relations, Cybersecurity, and Privacy Department is split into 3 departments. Governmental Relations, Public Cybersecurity, and the Privacy Department."

"To start us off, let's being with the Governmental Relations Department. These guys are hired to establish and maintain relations with the governments of other countries, this is where our funding comes from and we owe it to these guys, since due to several shifts in policies and opinions of every government, it gets tricky to try and maintain our terms with them since some of the actions that we perform are sometimes in-humanitarian and violate basic human rights. We only do this so we can protect the safety of our world and the humans that live in it,'s not that hard I would say since every government around the world would like to keep their people safe from harm from both anomalies and large criminal empires. Some governments are not on board with us though, which is a bummer for them and us, mostly them, since our budget is near infinite right now, and adding one more investor wouldn't change a lot."

"Next is the Public Cybersecurity Department, which specializes in maintaining the identity of Arteus Corps a secret from the public eye, which is the internet. You see, the PCD was actually our most recently established department since the internet wasn't a thing back when the corps was first founded. We had to create an entirely new department as well as change the name of the main department to the name that we call it today. Anyway, these members help exterminate any info that is leaked to the public that regards anything that our corporation has participated in or has some relation to via the internet."

"The process of how the PCD manages to regulate info on a platform where just one tweet can become a worldwide sensation in under a second is easier said than done...mostly. They first delete the picture or info about the corps off the platform that it was originally posted on, then they move onto other platforms that the same message was re-tweeted and delete those, and then they wipe the memories of the people with the information by altering videos and websites with a picture that can wipe the memory of an individual depending on how long they were exposed to the leaked footage or data."

"That's a basic summary of the PCD, now let's move on to the Privacy Department or PD."

"In all honesty, the PCD and PD do have the same purpose which is to eliminate any sources of leaked information about the corporations that can be seen or heard from the public. The difference is that PCD specializes in privacy online instead of other forms, that's where the PD comes in. If the information is leaked by mouth, then that can spread pretty fast, which is why the moment a rumor is made up that regards us in any way, shape, or form, then the PD is sent to deal with it. They are allowed to do anything they want in order to make sure that the information does not spread any faster, and by anything, I mean anything."

"They are allowed to kill a few people if they so desire, or contaminate airways or water supplies of large cities and infrastructures with a memory-wiping tablet. Which is usually used in order to completely eliminate the threat of further leaks."

"The PCD and PD work together most of the time due to rumors that were heard by someone else would soon quickly spark up online which requires both PCD and PD intervention in order to keep our identities safe."

"Information breaches frequently happen which causes the PCD and PD to work all the time, and trying to brainwash an entire population is a lot of work. So we truly do owe it to them to keep our identities safe from the public and allow us to operate in secrecy all the time."

"Now that we have finally completed those two departments, let's move on to our final two before you guys sign your waivers."


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