Chapter 56: Sleepover

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Date: December 20, 2024
Time: 2:30 PM
Location: Kimetsu High School
Weather: Cold and Windy


"Today was wild man," Edmund said to Tanjiro in English while leaning on the wall of the gate. Tanjiro was looking at a piece of paper, "Mhm...yeah..." He replied while chewing the back of his pencil, "What are you doing?" Edmund asked as he leaned over to see what was on the paper.

"Why do you have a shopping list?" He asked, "To give as a sacrifice to the blood god..." Tanjiro replied with a sarcastic voice, "Cool, can I join?" Edmund asked as he too also picked up on the sarcasm. "No, I'm just doing some shopping to resupply because I'm having a sleepover tomorrow with the other guys," Tanjiro stated as he pointed to the Kamaboko squad, who were helping out Giyu with something.

"Hey...why didn't you invite me and Andrew?"
Edmund asked, "Because if I do, then you'll probably do some crazy shit, such as summoning some Eldrich horror in the bathroom while I and the others watch a movie." Tanjiro answered, "True." Edmund quickly replied. "But, come on! At least give us a chance!" Edmund begged as he got to his knees to beg, "No...not again..." Tanjiro stated as he slowly backed away.

"Please!" Edmund begged, "I swear to god, I will send you to the plantations." Tanjiro joked. "But I wanna come!" Edmund continued to beg, "Bruh...ok...fine...but you and Andrew are staying in the dam basement." Tanjiro said as he sighed and shook his head. "Yes!" Edmund celebrated as he got back up.

"You're going to have to keep quiet since I don't want Zenitsu hearing your fata*ses through the dam floor." Tanjiro added, "But isn't your room soundproof?" Edmund asked. "Yes, but just to make sure," Tanjiro replied.

"What do you think, Andrew?" Edmund asked while turning to Andrew who just appeared out of nowhere. Tanjiro was looking very confused by the sudden appearance of Andrew, he was so confused that he did a triple take and looked around from where he came from.

"Da fuq, where did this man pop from?" Tanjiro asked before shaking his head and looking at the two. 

"Yo!" Genya yelped from behind the three as he approached them with the others behind them.

"So, when are you keeping your end of the deal, Tanjiro?" Genya asked as he wrapped his arm around Tanjiro's shoulder, "Probably tomorrow, I have to do some shopping before you guys come." Tanjiro replied as he slowly removed his hand. "Yes!" Genya exclaimed as he and the rest of the group cheered.

Kanao was smiling and celebrating in silence, "I've never been to Tanjiro's house before, I wonder what it's like..." Kanao thought as she wondered what her crush's house was like. 

"Hey, Kanao-san!" Jakuna stated while tapping her on the shoulder, Kanao jumped a bit before turning around to face him. "Yes, Jakuna-san?" Kanao asked, "I was wondering if you would like to help me with my homework tomorrow?" He questioned.

"Sorry, Jakuna-san. I have to go to someone's house tomorrow and I'll probably be a bit busy on the weekend, I hope you can find someone else to do it with you." Kanao replied while shaking her head, "Oh..." Jakuna said with a bit of a sad tone. "Who's house is it?" He asked.

"Tanjiro's," Kanao replied as she pointed to him. "I see..." Jakuna stated as he leaned over to look at the redhead who was being approached from all sides.

Tanjiro looked over in the general direction of the two and gave them a wave with a bright smile.

Kanao blushed a bit and waved back while smiling. 

Jakuna noticed this and decided to walk away, "Alright, Kanao-san, see you later!" He said before walking away. "Oh! Bye, see you later too." Kanao replied as she waved at him.

"So...that's who she likes...the popular kid, eh?" Jakuna thought while walking away, "Good to know...good to know..." He thought to himself while smiling a bit sinisterly.


"Welp, bye for now! See you guys tomorrow!" Tanjiro exclaimed as he waved to the group who were going the other way.

"Bye!" They all simultaneously replied.

" I have some things to do..." Tanjiro thought with a sigh before walking away into the sunset.


It was the next day afternoon, Tanjiro was sitting on his TV while waiting for the first guests to arrive. 

"Why am I watching my own anime?" Tanjiro asked.

"They only come out with arc per year...I believe they are currently animating the Infinity Castle arc..." Tanjiro stated to himself, "There's like another arc after this, and that's it! I mean if the plot was longer, then it would be good." Tanjiro said, "Well...can't blame the author...I believe they had things to do in their life, which is why they ended it so early." Tanjiro thought while shrugging.

*Ding dong*

Tanjiro quickly turned off the TV and went to the door to see who it was.

"Probably Edmund and Andrew..." Tanjiro thought as he opened the door.

Not to his surprise, he saw Edmund and Andrew in front of him. "About time." Tanjiro stated as he let the two walk in, "Not even a 'hello'?" Edmund asked. "Nope, also, I thought you guys would be here a bit later than expected..." Tanjiro said as he opened to door to the basement and led the two down the stairs.

"Cause you know...Andrew..." Tanjiro whispered to Edmund while pointing at the very clueless American, "Naa, I dragged him out of bed. He didn't like it..." Edmund replied.

"Haha...he almost tried to kill me...legit turned into some sort of monster..." Edmund stated as he nervously chuckled, "Man got his day off and didn't want to leave bed." Tanjiro joked as he chuckled a bit. Edmund also chuckled a bit, "Well you shouldn't have forcibly dragged me out of bed, then I wouldn't have hit you with a literal chair." Andrew butted in while crossing his arms, "My guy, you had a decision whether to do that or not. And you decide to choose violence..." Edmund replied.

"Violence is technically a viable option for every situation." Andrew replied, "Facts." Tanjiro stated while wagging his finger at Andrew.

Tanjiro opened the secret room in his basement with his remote and led the two inside. "So this is what they meant by this house is 'special'." Edmund said as he looked around, "Yeah, it also has a full-on security system and defense system. Not even the ATF or CIA can get through it." Tanjiro joked, "Bet, now I know a safe haven where I can freely evade my taxes." Edmund replied with a soft chuckle.

"You saying that reminds me of the time we were in the New York City sewers a few years back." Andrew stated while grabbing a chair and sitting down as the others did the same, "After we helped the IRS and FBI bust a drug syndicate who had a mysterious past of not paying taxes, even though we could've just killed them and ended the mission there..." Andrew stated, "Yeah, but they wanted them alive." Tanjiro replied. "Which sucks, including the fact that we had to go into the sewers to chase the remaining members. And keep in mind, these were New York City sewers and they have a serious rat problem." Andrew said, "Yeah, rats galore. And we somehow lost them because the tunnels there are harder to manage than a f*cking room full of hyper-active kindergartners." Tanjiro stated, "Mhm. And remember how long we were stuck in there for?" Andrew asked, "Yeah, we were stuck there for so long that Edmund actually made a rat friend." Tanjiro stated while looking at Edmund.

"God dam! I had to sacrifice Gilbert for this! You ungrateful bastard, kill yourself!" Edmund exclaimed while pointing at Tanjiro, "One day bud." Tanjiro jokingly replied with a snort.

*Ding Dong*

"And...that must be the others...remember, if I hear anything from down here, I'll drop kick you two so hard, that I'll make you wish your sister never gave birth to you." Tanjiro threatened as he left the remote on the table before walking out.

"Wut..." Edmund stated with a stoic expression while slowly turning to Andrew, "I don't know, I'm an only child..." Andrew replied.

Edmund nodded and looked under the table for something, "I heard Tanjiro put some games in here..." He stated to himself, "Ah! Found it!" Edmund said as he pulled out some board games. "So...we got Monopoly, uno, connect 4, ludo, chess, checkers, backgammon...basically the whole shebang," Edmund added while pulling out board games.

"So...what do you want to start with?" He asked, "Uno..." Andrew said while pulling out the uno cards and setting up the deck.

Meanwhile, Tanjiro was at the front door and opened it for his friends who were carrying some bags with them.

"Hello!" He cheerfully said before letting them in, "Tanjiro! Thanks for inviting us!" Nezuko happily stated before hugging him shortly before heading over to the living room. "What's up, man?" Genya said while giving Tanjiro a high five before following Nezuko, "Waha! This sleepover will be great since I am here!" Inosuke as he shoved his face into Tanjiro's and ran off. "Thanks, man." Zenitsu followed behind while giving a fist bump to Tanjiro.

"Hey, Tanjiro...Inosuke, get back here!" Aoi greeted before running after Inosuke. "Kanao, glad to see you here!" Tanjiro stated as he reached out his hand to shake it. "M-mhm..." Kanao said with a little blush as she shook his hand and continued down the hallway with Tanjiro following shortly after.

"So...what do you think?" Tanjiro asked, "Y-your house is nice! I-I like it..." Kanao weakly said with a bit of a squeak due to her nervousness at the moment, "Thanks!" Tanjiro happily said with a large smile as the two walked into the living and saw the chaos erupting.

"Alright, everyone! Before we start, let me lay down some ground rules..." Tanjiro said as he clapped his hands to get everyone's attention.

"First rule, don't enter the basement. I am currently doing some renovations down there, and I really don't want anyone to go there and mess anything up." He said as he watched everyone nod in response, "Second rule if you mess something up, you have to clean it up...which is basically just common sense." Tanjiro added, "Also, the third rule if you want to go into my room, you have to ask permission to go." He stated as everyone nodded again.

"Got it?" He asked, "Yes!" Everybody replied in unison. "Talk about obeying...dam these guys are good...although I might have to look out for Inosuke..." Tanjiro thought with a huff before smiling again.

"Alright, let's get to it!" He stated as he walked into the middle of the living room and sat down.

"So...what do you do first...?"
Tanjiro asked, "How about 'Truth or Dare'?" Nezuko asked, "Yeah, I would like to do that." Genya said, "Anyone else?" Tanjiro questioned while everyone nodded in agreement at him.

"Ok...guess we are playing T or D." Tanjiro stated with a shrug, "Nezuko, since you offered the idea, why don't you go first?" Tanjiro asked. Nezuko happily nodded in response, "So...Tanjiro...truth or dare?" Nezuko asked, "Truth." Tanjiro immediately answered. "Weak!" Inosuke stated, "Look, I'll do a dare later, but for now, I'll pick the truth so I know what I'm getting into." Tanjiro rebutted, "Ok...hmmm...are you actually a demon slayer?" Nezuko asked. "Of course I am. Why does everyone seem so surprised?" Tanjiro responded, "Because...of your physical education grade..." Nezuko stated.

"Just because I have a lower physical education grade than all of you, doesn't mean I can't become a demon slayer." Tanjiro replied, "Alright...then let's see your blade!" Nezuko suddenly asked. "Ok...fine..." Tanjiro stated before going upstairs to his room to grab his sword.


He grabbed both his sword and his Dad's sword and brought them downstairs to show the others, "Here..." He said as he placed the sword in the middle. 

The others were pretty shocked at the design and beauty of his Dad's sword, so much so that they completely ignored Tanjiro's personal sword. "Whoah! Who's is this?" Genya asked with starry eyes in admiration of the beauty of the Ninchrin sword, "It was my father's..." Tanjiro responded. 

"Your Dad was a demon slayer?" Aoi asked, "Probably, I mean the sword is made out of the same materials as this one." Tanjiro said as he picked up his own sword and showed it to them.

"Can I see the blade?" Genya asked, Tanjiro nodded and thus boosted Genya's excitement. He slowly unsheathed the sword and saw the crimson wave design on the black blade which furthered the astonishment of the group, even Inosuke was impressed. "Holy shit...this is beautiful..." Genya said in astonishment.

"I've never seen a black blade before..." Zenitsu stated, "My sword is the same..." Tanjiro said as he unsheathed his own sword. "Is there any meaning to it?" Tanjiro asked, "I heard from Urokodaki-sama one time that there have been a small number of black blade wielders throughout time..." Nezuko answered, "He also said that the reason for that is because that those who wield a black sword don't usually survive the longest..." Nezuko added as she soon dipped in tone.

"Oh..." Tanjiro stated with a similar tone, "Test me, fate. I ain't scared of you." He thought while smiling in his mind. "W-what do you mean, 'Won't survive the longest.'?" Kanao asked with a little shock to her tone, "Just as it says, those who have a black blade probably won't be able to survive the longest as compared to other slayers." Nezuko responded.

Kanao and the others didn't know what to say but just turned to Tanjiro with sympathetic faces. Tanjiro on the other hand was confused and expressed a stoic expression, "It's fine...I'm not going to die anytime soon..." He reassured them, "Even if I do, I have the best friends one could ever ask for, I have nothing I regret doing now that I know I have you by my side." He added with a large smile that brightened everyone up.

"What about us?" Tanjiro heard a voice inside his head, coming from his communicator. "Shut up, you don't count." He thought back.

Edmund's expression dropped in a comedic way, which confused Andrew as the two played uno.

"Oh...what breathing style do you have, Tanjiro?" Aoi asked, "Uhh...I don't possess one..." Tanjiro replied.


"WHAT?!" Everybody (except Inosuke, since he couldn't really understand what's the big deal about it) said in unison. "What?" Tanjiro replied, "You passed the Final Selection without a breathing style?! You know how hard that is?!" Genya stated, "No..." Tanjiro answered. 

"W-who the hell are you?!" Zenitsu asked while grabbing Tanjiro's face and shaking it ferociously. "Now I'm beyond confused..." Genya said while stroking his forehead in the sheer amount of confusion that he was getting at this point.

" you want to learn one...?" Aoi asked, "It's fine if I want to learn one, I'll tell you later..." Tanjiro replied while casually waving her off. Aoi was actually very surprised since she actually meant that as a serious question, "I swear...I need to find out more about Tanjiro...what is he hiding...?" Aoi thought.

"Hey, guys...let's stop this conversation for now, and let's continue on with the game...I feel like we're going to be on this topic for the entire sleepover and not getting anything actually done." Tanjiro stated.

Everybody calmed down and agreed and decided to move on with the game.


"Anybody wants to watch a movie?" Tanjiro asked as he returned from the kitchen while everybody was lying down and talking with each other.

"Sure." Zenitsu and Genya replied, "Yes!" Nezuko answered. 

"Great! Kanao, Aoi, you two in?"
Tanjiro asked, "Yep." Aoi stated as Kanao nodded, "Ok, what genre?" Tanjiro asked, "I was about to say horror, but...I already watched a horror movie a few days ago, so let's go for something wholesome..." Genya stated, " for something feel-good...anybody else?" Tanjiro asked.

"Yeah, I haven't watched a movie in a while, so let's start off with something nice before going on to other things!" Nezuko exclaimed with her fist raised in the air, "Haha! No! Let's do something scary! The great Inosuke can guarantee you that he will not be scared while all of you others cower in fear." Inosuke stated, " quiet..." Zenitsu said.

"What'd you say to me mop-head?!" Inosuke responded as he ran up to Zenitsu and shoved his face into his, "I said to be quiet, I don't want to get scared in this sleepover." Zenitsu replied, "Pah! You're just weak!" Inosuke scoffed and looked away.

"No, I'm not!" Zenitsu said, "Guys, let's not escalate this further..." Tanjiro said as he held the two apart from each other to keep them from going at one another. "It's fine, we can probably watch something scary after we watch the movie..." Tanjiro stated while calming the two down.

"Alright..." Zenitsu stated as he slowly backed off and sat back down, "If you say so, Monjiro..." Inosuke also said while sitting back down.

"'re good..." Aoi stated, "Better than me..." She added. "Nah! It's fine! It's all in being responsible!" Tanjiro said while waving his hand at her, acting like he was flattered by the compliment.

"Now you guys sit here, I'll go get some snacks..." Tanjiro asked everyone before going to the kitchen.

"Now..." He stated to himself, "What do we have?" He asked before opening a cabinet. 

To his surprise, there was nothing there, "Wut..." He thought to himself before frantically looking around the kitchen for some snacks. "Did I forget the buy snacks...I swear to god..." Tanjiro thought while screaming inside of his mind.

"Welp...turns out we don't have snacks..." Tanjiro said as he walked back into the living room, most of everybody groaned because of this, but our redhead was still optimistic. "Hey...come on now...there is a store nearby that is open for 24 hours, I bet if we go there, we can surely find something to eat," Tanjiro stated.

"Ooo! Can I come?" Nezuko asked while giving Tanjiro puppy eyes, "I guess." Tanjiro stated with a bright smile, "I think I may need some more people..." Tanjiro thought while turning to Aoi and Kanao, "You two want to come with me?" He asked while pointing at the two, "Hmmm...sure." Aoi answered.

Kanao only nodded in response with a little blush, but that didn't bother Tanjiro. "Welp! It's settled, I, Kanao, Aoi, and Nezuko will go get some snacks. You three are going to have to stay here and not mess anything up while I'm gone." Tanjiro said with a bright smile.

"They are definitely going to mess something up." He thought before walking to the front door and taking the keys and wallet from his little cup, "Come on guys, if we don't come back quick, then we might go to sleep late." Tanjiro said while signaling the girls to follow him.

"Coming!" Nezuko said while running up to Tanjiro as Aoi and Kanao soon followed behind. 

He opened the door and the girls stepped out before he did, but before he left the three boys in his house he turned to them. "Genya, please make sure these guys don't mess anything up..." He said before closing the door and locking it.

"Will do!" Genya said with a thumbs up and turned to Zentisu, who felt a little betrayed.

"'re fine...the only problem is Inosuke..." Genya stated as he looked around for the boar head, "Speaking of Inosuke...where the hell is he...?" He asked as Zenitsu shrugged. 


The two heard a loud sound echoing throughout the house. At the scene, Inosuke tried to headbutt the basement door in an attempt of trying to open it. "INOSUKE!" Genya screamed, "What the hell are you doing, doofus?!" Zenitsu exclaimed while running up to Inosuke, "What do you think? I'm trying to get in!" Inosuke responded back while getting back up, "Tanjiro said to not enter the basement!" Genya stated while trying to hold him back, "Come on! It can't be that bad! I'm sure he won't mind us!" Inosuke replied as he struggled to get out of Genya's firm grip, "But he said 'no'!" Genya responded.

"Come on! We've never been here before, why can't we just look around for a bit?" Inosuke asked, "Because Tanjiro said 'no'!" Genya said.

The two went back and forth for a while before Inosuke managed to get out of Genya's hand and start charging the door.

But before he could break open the door, Zenitsu was there to open the door for him so he wouldn't be able to bust it down.

"E-" Inosuke said as he was caught by surprise before tumbling down the stairs and landing with a *thud* on the ground. "Oooo...that's going to leave a mark..." Zenitsu said, "Yeah...might have to get Aoi to check on that..." Genya replied.

"Should we?" Zenitsu asked, "I mean...this is the first time visiting his house...better to get to know the place..." He added, "Ugh...fine...but we'll only stay there for 5 minutes!" Genya replied while stroking his forehead before taking out his phone.

He opened the flashlight and headed downstairs with Zenitsu following behind him.

As the two got down the steps, they were not surprised at the dusty, old, and dark basement. " looks like it was made in the 1900s..." Genya said, "Yeah...I can see why Tanjiro is doing renovations on it." Zenitsu stated. 

They found Inosuke looking around the basement for something, "What are you doing?" Genya asked with concern, "I swear I saw something move down here...fight me!" He shouted, "I swear to god if it's a cockroach..." Zentisu stated.

"Hey! Don't say that! You know I am also terrified of cockroaches!" Genya said while lightly smacking Zenitsu.

"Aha! There you are! My one and only true foe!" Inosuke stated as he pointed to a random area in the basement, Genya slowly moved his light to see what Inosuke was pointing at. 

Zenitsu was hiding behind Genya as he watched him slowly hover his light to the area that Inosuke was looking at.

And in the corner of the dark basement was something they all fear...

Something worse than imagination can come up with...

A revelation so big, that their brains stopped working...

A menace bigger than all...


A cockroach...

Insouke immediately picked up a box and threw it at the cockroach.

The cockroach immediately moved away and started to scurry along the ground. "AHHH! HOLY SHIT!" Zentisu screamed while running back upstairs, "I AIN'T WANT NONE OF THIS SHITTTT!" Genya also screamed as he followed Zenitsu back up the stairs, "Weaklings!" Inosuke screamed as he looked at the cockroach.

He picked up the box and threw it at the cockroach again, but this time, the cockroach used its wings to avoid the box and started flying around the basement. "I'm out." Inosuke simply said before running out of the basement and closing the door.

"Is it gone?" Genya said as he and Zenitsu were peering from behind a wall. "Yep!" Inosuke stated as he turned around to face the door.

Both Genya and Zenitsu went silent for a second as straight-up fear started to fill their brains, their eyes shrunk at the sight of the cockroach on Inosuke's back. "IT'S IN THE HOUSE!" Zentisu screamed before running around the place, "Wha-" Inosuke stammered before feeling on his back and touching the hard shell of the cockroach, his eyes shrunk too and he quickly flicked the cockroach away and started running around and screaming like a little baby.

The cockroach started to fly again, which caused the three boys to run around the entire first floor of the house.


"I can't wait for the movie!" Nezuko said as she, Kanao, Aoi, and Tanjiro were carrying bags full of snacks for the movie. "Me too, Nezuko!" Tanjiro replied, "Let's just hope the boys didn't mess up the house..." Aoi said with a little huff.

"Don't worry, I trust Genya." Tanjiro replied, "Ok...if you say so..." Aoi said.

"I can't wait to see the movie...I hope I get to sit next to Tanjiro..." Kanao thought with a blush on her face, "Wait-what am I thinking of!" She thought as she blushed more and quickly shook her head to get rid of the thought.

"You alright, Kanao?" Tanjiro asked as he saw literal steam emitting from her head.

"M-mhm..." Kanao weakly replied while slowly nodding, "Well, if you think..." Tanjiro said as the four finally reached the doorstep.

Tanjiro reached for his keys and opened the door and the four entered to the sight of a literal battle scene. "What happened..." Tanjiro said as he noticed a cockroach on the ground.

He quickly smooshed it and kicked it outside, the boys came out of hiding and cheered at Tanjiro for killing the cockroach.

They all had kitchen gear on as armor so they all looked very goofy went they came out. "What..." Tanjiro said, "WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!" Aoi screamed which caused everybody to go silent.

"Ow..." Tanjiro thought as was standing right next to Aoi as she screamed, " see..." Genya tried to explain, "ARE YOU GUYS INSANE? THIS IS ANOTHER PERSON'S HOUSE! NOT YOURS! YOU THINK YOU CAN COME IN HERE AND MESS UP THE ENTIRE THING! DO YOU GUYS HAVE NO SENSE OF SHAME?!" Aoi shouted which caused the boys to look down in guilt. 

"'s ok..." Tanjiro stated, "I DON'T WANT ANYTHING FROM YOU TANJIRO, I WANT TO HEAR FROM THESE THREE!" Aoi exclaimed before walking up to the three.

"I THOUGHT TANJIRO COULD TRUST YOU, GENYA! BUT HERE WE ARE!" Aoi yelled as she scolded him, "There was a cockroach though..." Genya replied. "YOU GUYS WERE SCARED OF A LITTLE COCKROACH?! WHAT ARE YOU? BABIES?!" Aoi asked as the three weakly shook their heads.

"WELL THEN! IF YOU THINK YOU GUYS ARE MEN, THEN CLEAN UP THIS HOUSE NOW!" Aoi yelled as the three immediately nodded in unison and started to clean up.

Meanwhile, in the secret room, Edmund and Andrew have switched from playing uno the playing Monopoly.

"The hell?" Edmund said as he looked up at the sudden commotion coming from upstairs,  "Hey, focus, give me my payment." Andrew stated as he snapped at Edmund to gain his attention.

"God dammit...I thought I was safe from taxes and bills...but it seems like they still follow me wherever I go..." Edmund stated.

"No matter what, the IRS will find you." Andrew joked as Edmund chuckled a bit at the joke.


After thirty minutes of cleaning, the entire first floor was spotless.

The cleaning actually tired out the boys so much, that they all fell asleep midway through the movie.

The only people who were awake were the girls who were pretty tired and started to doze off and Tanjiro, who was still wide awake.

After ten minutes, the movie ended, Tanjiro picked up the remote, closed the TV, and saw everyone already asleep.

Nezuko was sleeping in Zenitsu's lap, Aoi and Inosuke were sleeping on each other, and Genya was lying against the couch as he softly snored.

"Guess everybody is tired..." Tanjiro thought with a genuine smile on his place, he turned to see Kanao who fell asleep on his shoulder. Tanjiro didn't even notice that she fell asleep on him and initially looked at her with a bit of confusion before accepting it, pulling her head closer to his shoulder, and pulling a blanket over the two.

"Sleep tight..." Tanjiro said as he softly smiled and patted her head, Kanao somewhat moved around and started to hug Tanjiro's arm as she softly started to murmur in her sleep, "So warm..." She stated.

Tanjiro continued to smile at her wholesomeness before he too, decided to drift off to sleep.

Spy's Diary

Entry 26


Andrew: Yo, Tanjiro, you're segment is up.

Andrew enters through a door that has Tanjiro's name on it, he opens it and finds an entire ritual going on, but this time, Tanjiro is wearing a dark crimson robe, and the pentagram in the had candles around it. Tanjiro was also reciting some sort of satanic chant.

Andrew: What the secure, contain, protected-fu....

Andrew slowly closes the door.

Edmund: So?

Andrew: Tanjiro is summoning the devil himself.

Edmund: As usual...welp...we're going to have to do the segment without him, I guess.

Andrew: You think he will like that?

Edmund: He's currently in the middle of something, plus, I haven't done any of these in a long time.

Andrew: Weren't you on one a while ago?

Edmund: I was emphasizing...

Andrew: Ok...anyway...let's talk about our masks for today...

Andrew: You guys are familiar with the full mask that we usually wear on missions, right?

Andrew: Yeah, well we have different variants of those types of masks, depending on what is required for the mission. 

Andrew: We have glasses and an earpiece, which you see most federal agents wear. Half masks, meaning that they cover half the face, whether be it from the top or the bottom. And a Fullbringer mask, which is basically built like a block of tungsten in regular standards, I mean, nothing can break this mask.

Andrew: The reason we have these types of coverings is because the default mask that we usually wear is a bit...bulky, which is why we sometimes utilize the earpiece and glasses and half masks. We still can conceal our identity by...wiping the people who saw us... *cough* *cough*

Andrew: And for very extreme missions where the amount of firepower the enemy has far exceeds the durability of our equipment, we have the Fullbringer mask which can deflect and block literally anything. 

Andrew: Anyway...that should be it for today's segment, join us next time-

A large worm monster with a large mouth bursts through the room Tanjiro is in.

Andrew: WHAT THE?!

Andrew unsheathes and ignites his staff and prepares to fight it, but before he can make a move, Edmund comes in with a flamethrower and starts burning the worm demon to a crisp.




Andrew: What the hell is going on...

Edmund: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!


Edmund: Finally.

Andrew: I need to take a rest...

Tanjiro: Hello!

Edmund: Oh hey Tanjiro! Finally, done with your ritual?

Tanjiro: Yep! And hey look! Dinner's served!

Edmund: I wouldn't advise eating that...I forgot the seasoning...

Tanjiro takes a knife and fork from his pocket, takes a chunk out of the worm, and eats it.

Tanjiro: *mhh* Yo...holy shit...this is good! 

Edmund: Really? Let me have a bite

Tanjiro hands Edmund a piece and he takes a bite from it.

Edmund: Yo...this is fire...

Tanjiro: C'mon! Help me carry this back to the others!

Edmund: Alright, Andrew, you with us?

Andrew: I-wh-fine...

Tanjiro, Edmund, and Andrew all manage to pick up the giant worm beast and carry it on their shoulders to an unknown location.

Tanjiro: Join us next time in the chapter, "Water v Sun, Round 2", where I go in my uniform as a spy, not as a demon slayer, and I meet my first Hashira which is conveniently Giyu. I wonder how the fight will go...

Tanjiro: Anyway, bye!

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