Chapter 9: A New Kind

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Date: September 25, 2024
Time: 8:00 PM
Location: Downtown Tokyo
Weather: Mostly Cloudy


Tanjiro sits casually on a building with one air pod plugged into his ear and watching the skylines of Tokyo.

"So any new info or missions?" He speaks into his earpiece, "None for now, but I'll contact you once I find more parcels or info about what's going on." The voice said. "Thanks, and also, how's the testing going for those ores?" Tanjiro replied, "We already finished phase 1 of the tests, but the problem is that we have almost finished our supply of them, so that's why we need more," The voice said. "Roger, so far we have acquired 12kgs of that ore right?" Tanjiro questioned, "Yep, so that means that you have 38kgs more to steal so we can finally be completed with these tests," The voice said back, "Alright but when I do that, I want you to find where these ores are coming from, these don't seem like regular ores to me in any way." Tanjiro stated. "I'll try to do that, but for now I'm trying to locate more deliveries so you can intercept them," the voice replied. "Alright, thanks for telling me that, I'll go back for now," Tanjiro said, "Alright, bye." The voice replied.

Tanjiro disconnected the call on his earpiece and stood up from his spot, he began to look around as if he spotted someone or something. He decided to shake it off and began to run from rooftop to rooftop.

A menacing chuckle was heard from behind the rooftop entrance of the building that Tanjiro was sitting on. "I need to report this to my lord immediately." He said as he began to dismount the building and walk back into the dark alleyway and into the night.


Date: September 25, 2024
Time: 8:30 PM
Location: ???
Weather: Most Cloudly


As the man was sitting on the ground, he was surrounded by what seemed to look like an entire labyrinth of walls, hallways, and corridors of ancient Japanese architecture. While waiting he seemed to be shaking a little due to him not knowing the reaction of his "lord."

"May I ask why did you call me?" A voice angrily said in front of him, the man looked up and instantly recognized him, and he then bowed his head down, "M-my lord! I have come with sudden news," he says, the man in front of him scoffs, "And what is this news you bring to me?" He says in a threatening tone, "Remember, if you waste my time, I will not hesitate to kill you on the spot," he adds. The man bowing begins to shake even more as his "lord's," words intimidate him. "Well... What is it?! Don't start shaking in front of me!" He says with a pissed tone. "I-I found information on the slayer's new threat!" The bowing man says. The man in front calms down a bit, "Very well, you may continue, but if you disappoint me, I will not hesitate to kill you," the man says. "This mysterious man is targetting the slayer's ore supply, he also managed to completely destroy two high-ranking slayers." The man said, "Very interesting news you managed to bring to me," the man in front of him says while smirking, "Congratulations you have gained my mercy for today, but that doesn't mean I won't kill you," he says in a sadistic tone, "Y-yes my lord," the man on the ground says.

The standing man who is dressed in a suit, with a white fedora, and semi-long hair begins to frown, "If there is one emotion I value, it's revenge, and after that fight years ago, I have been wanting to destroy the slayers myself." The man in the suit says in a pissed tone, "I can't have a random man in a fancy suit go and destroy the slayers by himself, that's my job that no one else can have!" He shouts. "Y-yes my lord, no one but you can destroy the slayers." The man on the ground says. "Dam right!" He says. He begins to think for a bit as the man on the ground is still shaking due to fear. "Though I might have to give my condolences for Mr. Fancy Pants here, he's made my job a bit easier due to him stealing the ores that the slayers see oh so valuable," the man in the suit says as he gets an idea. "You!" He shouts at the man on the ground, "Find me this man, bring him to me, and I'll give him my "condolences"." He says, "We might also be able to find out the location of the mine where he's getting the ore from so we can stop the production of the slayer's weapons," the man adds as he starts to laugh like a maniac. "Hahaha! what valuable information you have brought me, I am actually happy for once in a while," the man says as he smiles like a psychopath, "But my lord, we may have a problem," the man on the ground says, the man looks back at him with a somewhat pissed expression, "Which is?" The man says, "The way he dealt with those two slayers was like no other, it looked like he wasn't trying at all," the man said, "So?" The man in the suit asked, "I fear that I may not be strong enough to face him," the man who is still bowing asked, "What do you ask of me?" The man in the suit said in a menacing tone.

The man bowing was now stuttering due to how scared of me, "I-I just want to ask for a little amount of y-your blood my lord, j-just a little so I-I can be strong enough to bring this man to you!" The man said while sweating like crazy. The man in the suit was very pissed but something changed his mind. "Raise your head," he said threateningly, the man who was bowing raised his head and his eyes met the eyes of his lord. The man in the suit then put his hand out and extended his nails and pierced the man's skull. The man on the ground fainted and after a while, he woke back up, "I have given you some of my blood because I am in a happy mood today, but that doesn't mean that I like you, I put trust in you to bring me that man if you fail, I will happily kill you myself." The man in the suit said to the man on the ground, "Yes, my lord, I will not fail you." He said, "Good, now go!" The man in the suit said as the man on the ground was teleported out of the area.


"Akira, can you pass the tempura?" Isamu says as he is sitting on the bed next to Akira's, Akira nods and passes him a tempura that was sitting on a desk next to her. "Thanks," Isamu says as he starts eating it.

While eating his mind begins to wander off, "What did he mean by "it will come and bite me in the a*s"?" He thinks as he is eating his tempura, Akira notices that his brother is currently thinking about something, "What's wrong, oni-chan?" Akira says as Isamu snaps out of trance, "N-nothing Akira," Isamu says, "Please don't lie to me oni-chan, if there is something bothering you, then just tell me." Akira says with a worried tone. Isamu just sighs and starts talking, "After you were knocked out by that man a few days ago, I and him began to fight, he had the upper hand and I was knocked out along with you, but before I fell to the ground, he said something about not going all out in rage when someone I know is out of battle, for now. He said it would cloud my judgment and train of thought. But he also said he has been there before, which made me wonder who this man is." Isamu said as he looks at the ground. "Oh, now that you said, I also remember that he also lost his parents, and if I were to guess, I would say that's where he got that memory from," Akira says, Isamu sighs "I guess it's best to not worry about it," Isamu says as he eats from his plate that was on his lap.

As the two siblings are eating they hear footsteps come down the stairs, they look to see Aoi carrying a clipboard and pencil. "Oh hey Aoi-san," Isamu says, "Hello Isamu-san," Aoi says as she starts walking towards Akira, "Will be you taking our checkups Aoi-san?" Akira says, Aoi nodded. "Also you will have a visitor today," she says while taking a thermometer, a stethoscope, and a few other things. "Also, this is the first time I've seen you do checkups, doesn't Kanae-sensei usually do them?" Akira asks, "Nee-san taught me how to do basic checkups a few weeks ago, this is my first time doing a basic checkup, she trained me because lately, she has been busy with other business such as being a teacher and a hashira at the same time, the amount of papers she has to grade and fill out is overflowing right now," Aoi says as she checks Akira's heartbeat, "Say ahh..." She says to Akira as Akira opens her mouth and Aoi puts a cotton swab in her mouth, Akira chokes a little bit, but Aoi takes the swab out of her mouth and into a small canister. "Who's is visiting us?" Isamu says as he watches Aoi take Akira's checkup, "Emiko-san," Aoi says, which causes Isamu's eyes to widen a little bit, "Emiko, that's nice I guess," Isamu says as he continues to watch Aoi take Akira's checkup.


As Aoi finished Akira's checkup, she moves on to Isamu and begins to take his checkup too. "We haven't seen Emiko-chan in a long time oni-chan haven't we?" Akira says to Isamu, "You may have not seen her in a long time, but it's only been a few days for me since we both share a period in math together," Isamu says as he opens his mouth and Aoi puts a swab in his mouth. "I wonder how she is doing now?" Akira says as she strokes her chin, "She's doing fine, I can assure you that from the last time I saw her," Isamu says. "Oh ok," Akira replies.


As Akira and Isamu talk to each other about recent events in school and slayer life, they hear the doorbell ring. "I'll get it!" Aoi says as she runs from the kitchen to the door, Aoi opens the door only to see a girl as tall as her greet her with a happy expression, "Hello again Aoi-chan!" She says, "Hey Emiko." Aoi says happily, "So where are the two patients?" Emiko says, "Ah, right down this way." Aoi says as she guides her guest down toward the basement.

Codename: Silver Dragonfly
Identity: Emiko Hoga

Description: Along with being a slayer and a second-year student at Kimetsu High, Emiko is also Isamu's and Akria's childhood friend, her family was also murdered around the time the Hamada's were massacred too, though she went through a difficult past, she is rather very cheery and happy all the time. She rarely gets angry, only getting angry at people who hurt her dear friends. She also mastered Water Breathing and trained alongside the Hamada's during their training for a while until she had to leave to participate in the Final Selection. She passed in the end and is a slayer similarly ranked to the Hamada's. She views the Hamada's as her best friends and would always worry about them whenever they go on missions, especially Isamu.

As the two siblings are talking they hear two pairs of feet come down the stairs, "Yoohoo! Akira-chan, Isamu-kun!" Emiko screams as she runs to the siblings and hugs Akira, "Emiko-chan! How are you doing, I haven't seen you in so long!" Akira says as she hugs Emiko back, "Fine! How about you and Isamu-kun?" Emiko says as she lets go of the hug, "We're doing fine Emiko," Isamu says with somewhat of a smile, "That's great!" Emiko says happily.

As the two are talking, Aoi looks at the three friends having a great time together, she somewhat smiles at the happy reunion and goes back upstairs. "Aoi!" Kanae says from the top of the stairs, Aoi looks at her and responds, "Yes nee-san?" Kanae then signals for her to come upstairs with her, she follows her upstairs and goes into her room.

"What do you need me for nee-san?" Aoi says, "A mission," Kanae says.


Date: September 26, 2024
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: Tanjiro's House
Weather: Partly Cloudy


As Tanjiro exits his bathroom after just taking a shower, he goes to his room to change and dry off. "I wonder what I am going to wear during the dance..." he thinks to himself as he is changing, "It's a month away from now, so I have time left, anyways I should probably be focusing on my current mission," he thinks as he fully changed into his clothes and goes to his computer to boot it up.

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