Chapter 24: The Mine Raid Part 1

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Date: October 4, 2024
Time: 1:28 PM
Location: Butterfly Mansion
Weather: Partly Cloudy


As Kanae reaches finishes her work on her laptop, she closes her computer as she reaches for her phone, and opens it to a group chat, and smiled at the sight of an ongoing conversation.

Demon Slayer Corps Hashira GC

Sanemi: Tengen, where the f*ck did you put my Ohagi on Wednesday?!

Tengen: Jeeze, you still angry about that? I already told you, I don't know where it is...

Sanemi: Shut the f*ck up, I know it was you who took my lunch!

Tengen: For the last time, no I didn't...

Rengoku: UMAI!

Mitsuri: Iguro-kun, can you please pass me the mochi?

Iguro: Sure, but why are you texting? We're literally like 5 feet apart?

Mitsuri: S-sorry! I thought you were busy with something, it looked like you were deep in thought so I didn't want to disturb you.

Iguro: It's fine Mitsuri... I wouldn't mind talking with you at all.

Mitsuri: Really?! Thank you Iguro-kun!!

Tengen: Meanwhile, we have Iguro and Mitsuri being lovebirds here.

Sanemi: Oi! We ain't done with our conversation!

Tengen: Oh boy...

Muichiro: Where am I??

Tengen: Ah yes, the man who flamboyantly punched me in the gut has entered the chat!

Sanemi: HEY!

Tengen: Why are still upholding about some dam Ohagi!? It was literally 2 days ago! 

Sanemi: Because that was my f*cking lunch!

Rengoku: UMAI!

Tengen: Rengoku, please help me out...

Rengoku: UMAI! Can't, I'm eating right now!

Tengen: Bruh.

Giyu: ...

Shinobu: Ara ara Tomioka-san, why are you not communicating?

Giyu: ...

Shinobu: Y'know, this is why you will always be a loner.

*Kanae has entered the chat*

Kanae: Ara ara Shinobu, I thought you were grading papers, what are you doing here chatting with the others?

Shinobu: Nee-san! I-um... I finished the papers a while ago, so I just decided to come here in order to tease Tomioka-san.

Giyu: What...

Shinobu: Shut up loner!

Kanae: Ara ara Shinobu please be kind to your fellow colleagues, even if he is a bit more introverted than us.

Kanae: You to Sanemi-kun!

Sanemi: Ye-yes ma'am...

Tengen: Thank you Kocho, Sanemi has been DM'ing me ever since Thursday since he accused me of stealing his Ohagi.

Kanae: Ara ara Sanmei-kun, I didn't know that you were this upheld about some Ohagi.

Sanemi: But it was made by you, I didn't want to let your food go to waste so I wanted to eat it for lunch.

Kanae: How considerate of you Sanemi-kun! But please don't be so angry about it, I can always make another batch of Ohagi, especially for you!

Sanemi: Thanks Kanae...

Kanae: Now that we got that over with, please apologize to Tegen-kun over here.

Sanemi: Sorry Tengen...

Tengen: I flamboyantly accept your apology, my dear friend!

Rengoku: UMAI!

Muichiro: Who are you people...

Mitsuri: KYAAA! Hello Kanae-chan!

Kanae: Hello Mitsuri-chan!

Iguro: Everybody's online...

Shinobu: Including the loner!

Giyu: I'm not alone... People like me...

Shinobu: People will only like you if you socialize more Tomioka-san!

Giyu: I don't need to socialize in order to get people to like me...

Shinobu: Really? Then why is it that you have no friends?

Giyu: I-

Rengoku: UMAI!

Tengen: Still eating bud?

Rengoku: Yep!

*Gyomei has entered the chat*

Gyomei: Good morning everyone.

Iguro: Oh yeah, I forgot about Goymei...

Mitsuri: Hello Gyomei!

Gyomei: Good morning Mitsuri and others.

Kanae: Hello Gyomei!

Gyomei: Hello Kanae.

Sanemi: Wait how are you ty- oh wait braille.

Goymei: Indeed it is Sanemi.

Rengoku: I have just finished eating, I am now fully online!

Kanae: Good! Now that everyone is online, I have a question to ask you all!

Sanemi: What is it?

Tengen: I will flamboyantly answer that question!

Giyu: ?

Shinobu: Ara ara Tomiko-san, it seems like you can't even reply properly too.

Giyu: ...

Mitsuri: What is it Kanae-chan?

Gyomei: You may speak your question Kanae.

Rengoku: What is this question of yours?!

Kanae: Does everyone know what happened on the news today?

Rengoku: Ah yes Kocho, something about a mass murder!

Gyomei: I shall pray for those souls who lost their lives that day.

Mitsuri: KYAAA! Really! A murder?! Here!

Iguro: Mitsuri calm down, you are panicking too much...

Mitsuri: S-sorry Iguro-kun!

Tengen: Ah yes that flamboyant murder that happened last night!

Sanemi: ...

Iguro: ...

Giyu: ...

Tengen: What?!

Sanemi: Anyways...Yeah, I heard about it.

Iguro: Same here.

Muichiro: Where am I again? And what are those clouds shaped like?

Sanemi: Let's move on from him, I'm sure he heard about it and stored it somewhere in that brain of his.

Giyu: Yeah, I saw the news...

Shinobu: Ara ara Giyu, are you really that boring that you watch the news all day?

Giyu: I watch other things...

Shinobu: Like what?

Giyu: ...

Kanae: Ok, anyways everybody. I just want to talk about a few things about what happened in the news that could play into our next move on finding out who that man or person is.

Mitsuri: REALLY?!

Iguro: Now I am interested.

Sanemi: Ditto.

Giyu: ...

Shinobu: I believe that is loner for "I am paying attention." 

Tengen: What a flamboyant discovery you have made Kocho!

Gyomei: Please tell us Kocho.

Muichiro: Who are you?

Rengoku: That is certainly good news!

Kanae: You guys know how government agents came to the scene?


Kanae: Ara ara Sanemi-kun, please calm down.

Sanemi: Y-yes...

Iguro: He's with the government?!

Mitsuri: Oh my, we may be in trouble.

Tengen: This is not as flamboyant as I thought it would be...

Rengoku: This may be a problem Kocho.

Giyu: I believe so too.

Shinbou: Ara-

Kanae: Shinobu, I think it's the time to stop, it's getting serious after all.

Shinobu: Y-yes nee-san.

Gyomei: This man may be the cause of our downfall if we don't stop him.

Kanae: That's what I thought.

Sanemi: This threat may be more serious than we thought after all.

Iguro: Yeah same.

Shinobu: I believe we should tell Master about this tomorrow.

Rengoku: I will do it since I will be the first to meet him.

Kanae: Since we have that covered, let's discuss what we are dealing with right now.

Sanemi: As demon slayers, we are currently dealing with two problems.

Iguro: Demons and the government...

Tengen: And since we have a potential government agent on our a*ses, we might need to deal with this more cautiously.

Mitsuri: It's so tense here...

Kanae: Ara ara it seems that you are right Mitsuri-chan!

Iguro: Wait, I thought you said this was se-

Kanae: That doesn't mean we can't have a little fun.

Sanemi: Pft.

Tengen: So anyways, just a random thought, I just wanted to know who this man is...

Tengen: What if it could be someone we know or something?

Sanemi: I highly doubt that either way, nothing could stop us from our current goal of killing all demons.

Kanae: Sanemi-kun does have a point.

Rengoku: I agree!

Shinobu: I also wanted to know why he has been targeting our ore supplies.

Mitsuri: Maybe he found something interesting in our ore...

Iguro: I mean, our ore is unique due to its properties.

Sanemi: Maybe that's why he is targeting it.

Muichiro: What are you guys talking about?

Tengen: Nothing bud...

Kanae: Why don't we give that man a new name? We can't just keep calling him "that man"! Sounds boring!

Shinobu: Wait what?

Tengen: I shall give this man a flamboyant nickname!

Sanemi: Wait we are here now?

Iguro: Count me out.

Giyu: Same.

Rengoku: I like that sound of that!

Mitsuri: KYAAA! I hope it will be a cool nickname!

Tengen: I have decided to nickname him...

Tengen: Masked Outlaw!

Sanemi: It's ehh...

Iguro: Agreed.

Mitsuri: I think it's cool!

Iguro: S-same here.

Rengoku: Very cool nickname Tengen!

Kanae: It's amazing!

Giyu: It's good I guess.

Shinobu: So you finally decided to chime in loner?

Giyu: Yes...

Shinobu: Your so hopeless Tomioka-san.

Giyu: ...

Kanae: Anyways, with that settled, I believe our conversation is over about what happened on the news and we have finally come up with a new nickname for the man.

Kanae: And while I am here, why don't we talk about something we did in our lives? Y'know, brighten up the day!

Iguro: Oh yeah Tengen where is my 100 yen?

Tengen: B R U H!

As Kanae texted with her fellow teachers and hashiras, she can be heard letting out a few giggles from her room as she heard the front door close, meaning that her two youngest sisters have left the house along with their patients.


Date: October 5, 2024
Time: 5:45 AM
Location: Principal's Office
Weather: Mostly Cloudy


As Ubuyashiki sat in his office while filling out paperwork and taking calls from both external numbers and numbers from the other teachers.

"It seems that a lot of people would like to join this school..." Ubuyashiki thought as he smiled, "I'm glad that many people want to join our institution."  He thought as he continued to file paperwork.


A few minutes pass by of pure silence and serenity. Ubuyashiki was so focused on his work that he didn't even notice the knock on the door.

As the knocking got louder, he was finally snapped out of his trance as he looked towards the door a bit startled, but still keeping his soft smile plastered on his face.

"Come in" he softly spoke as a man with yellow hair and red tips came in.

"Ah, Rengoku-san, please sit down." Ubuyashiki said as he pointed to the seat in front of his desk.

"Thank you for the offer Master, but it's really one thing I just want to talk about," Rengoku said as he closed the door behind him. "Then please speak what you want to say." Ubuyashiki asked, "I and the other hashira talked about this yesterday about what happened on the news a few nights ago." Rengoku said as he scratched his head, "The murder right? I also saw it too, I suspected that it was that man who was behind that." Ubuyashiki calmly spoke. "We also suspected that to Master, but we just want to tell you that we have another inquiry about him." Rengoku said, "Please say this inquiry of yours, my child." Ubuyashiki replied, "Since we already knew government agents came on the scene, we suspected that he might be with the government. That's all Master..." Rengoku said as Ubuyashiki went silent for a second.

"Very well Rengoku-san, you may leave, I will address this issue myself, thank you for informing me my child," Ubuyashiki said as Rengoku nodded and left the office.

Ubuyashiki then got on his phone and started to dial a number as the phone began to ring.

The call was answered with a "Hello?" From the other side, "Yes, hello, please tell the crows to follow the convoy that will be picking up the ore shipment on Friday." Ubuyashiki said into his phone, "Aye, sir, how many do you want?" The voice said back, "A "modest" number." Ubuyashiki calmly said with a smile on his face.

"Very well sir, as you please." The voice said as Ubuyashiki's phone beeped as the voice ended the call, Ubuyashiki smiled, "This may be a bit more serious than I thought..." He thought as his smile dropped a bit before rising up again.


Date: October 11, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Tanjiro's House
Weather: Clear


"...And that was when Inosuke flew through the roof..." Tanjiro said as his best friend laughed hysterically.

"Ah... That's some funny shit you got there from your new friend group." Minato said as he tried to calm down, "Now that you think about it...Yes, it is." Tanjiro replied as he chuckled a bit, recalling that memory. "Hey, I know, they kinda sound similar to us and the others. With the dumb instances and shenanigans that we would always get into when we were kids. And we still do that today!" Mintao stated.

Tanjiro smiled, "Yep, I can't come back to HQ and see you again." Tanjiro said, "And about that, the others are coming back too!" Minato said, Tanjiro then stood up in his chair in excitement, "Really?! Holy hell would this be one of a kind reunion!" Tanjiro exclaimed, "How'd you find out?" Tanjiro added. "They said so, I manage the other's mission and yours too, and they each personally said that they will be here when you come back," Minato replied.

"Nice!" Tanjiro said, "Yep! Anyways, referring back to the conversation with you and your school friend group, I noticed that you talked a bit more about this Kanao person." Minato said with a smug face, "Wh-what..." Tanjiro replied with a bit of a bland tone. Though you couldn't hear his voice, Minato knew his friend was surprised at this sudden comment due to his stuttering.

"Oh come on man, you can tell me, I may be able to help you." Minato said, "She's just a friend bro..." Tanjiro replied back, "Are you sure?" Minato questioned. Tanjiro was about to reply before he took a brief second to think, "Yeah, I'm sure..." He said. "Are you REALLY sure?!" Minato said as he looked at Tanjiro through the holographic projection. 

"Yes, I am sure." Tanjiro said, Minato just sat back and chuckled, "Oh Tanjiro, you and love, you guys are like mortal enemies!" Mintao joked, "Well it's because I found no one to love over the years that I worked for the corps..." Tanjiro replied, "Also I shouldn't be focusing on love right now, I have a much more important thing to do." Tanjiro added. "Maybe, but one-day Tanjiro, one day you will find somebody you will love." Minato said with a sigh as he smiled, "You can't deny it." He added while keeping his smile.

Tanjiro sighed as this, knowing his and his friend's stubbornness, he imagined that if Minato kept talking, they would soon be bickering for god knows how long.

"You're right, but we still have a job to do." Tanjiro said, "Remember our motto." He added. Minato said, "Yeah yeah, 'Humanity is our first, middle, and last concern'."  He said as he waved his hands and rolled his eyes. 

"Good, anyways, I think it's time to start today's mission..." Tanjiro said as he stood upright in his chair, Minato also followed suit as he started typing on his keyboard.

"Aight' so basically, Fukushima Mine is located about 40 or so miles from your house, I'll imagine that you will make it in time due to your speed, and I'll put other assets on standby just like always..." Minato said as he navigates his computer.

"Right, anything unusual?" Tanjiro said as he got up from his seat and starts to prepare his clothes and items for tonight's mission.

"A lot of crows out tonight..." Minato said, "Cool." Tanjiro simply replies as he holds his suit in his arms and grabs his mask from the container.

"How many people are in that convoy?" Tanjiro said, "Huh, it appears that they have satellite jamming technology..." Minato says, "Weird... I thought those things cost like millions to make..." Tanjiro replies as he begins to change, "Eh...Don't worry about it, we have our own satellites we can use." Minato simply replies as he casually switches tabs. "Hmmm, seems like they have not arrived yet..." Minato states, "I mean yeah, it's like 6:00 or something, they come at 7, you said it yourself, bro!" Tanjiro says as he raises an eyebrow, "Use your f*king brain!" Tanjiro says in a goofy tone. "I've been on 5-hour energy for the past week! My brain functions have severely decreased to the level of a goddam brick!" Minato replies back in the same tone as Tanjiro. "Are you sure it was for the past week?..." Tanjiro whispered to himself as he takes his blade and firearm from his weapon rack, along with a detachable handle.

"Ok anyways, if you manage to succeed in this mission, R&D will finally have enough ores in order to complete the testing, meaning we can focus on something else, instead of having to primarily focus on some dam rocks." Minato exclaims as Tanjiro nods, "Yeah, we can finally put our efforts towards what is really going on here instead of having to collect some rocks that R&D are just going to destroy in the end." Tanjiro said as he sits back down on his chair while fully dressed in his uniform, along with his mask. "Yep, and after this mission, I can finally treat myself to a nice cup of bubble tea at the cafe," Minato says as he sits back in his chair.

"I heard that they added some new flavors too, including some new recipes," Tanjiro said as Minato rocks back and forth in his chair. "Yep, heard that they added a mango-kiwi flavor to the bubble tea menu, and some new recipes originating from Africa." Tanjiro said as Minato nodded, "Yeah, can't wait to try them, I heard the Banga Soup is really good." Minato says as Tanjiro sighs, "Man, I can't to see you guys again, we've all been so busy with our missions lately that we've barely had time to reconnect." Tanjiro said as Minato drinks some coffee that was on his desk, "Yep." Minato says as he lays further back in his chair with his legs on the table.

"Minato, if you go any further, you might fall..." Tanjiro said as he looked at Minato with a stoic expression behind his mask, "Eh, don't worry about it...I ain't gonna fall, it's all good." Minato says as he waves his hands. Tanjiro raises his eyebrow at Minato due to his lack of concern that what he was doing was potentially dangerous.

"Ok...If you say so, but you are going to fall if you keep doing that..." Tanjiro says as Minato sips his coffee (which was still pretty hot), "Mhm." Minato says as Tanjiro sighs a bit and gets up, "I'm leaving for now, but connect to my earpiece so that we still can communicate with each other." Tanjiro says as he gets up from his chair and begins to leave the room.

"Ok- AH-" Minato says as he pushes his feet off the table one last time before falling on the ground with coffee spilling all over him.

"PSH-" Tanjiro says as begins to break out into uncontrollable laughter, "I'M F*CKIN' BURNING!" Minato says in pain as he gets up from the ground and walks to his wardrobe to get a change of clothes, "BAHAHAHA, WHAT THE F*CK WAS THAT MAN!?" Tanjiro says as he continues to laugh like a maniac, "Shut up man! That was f*ckin' painful!" Minato screams, "Naaa! But your scream though!" Tanjiro says as he tries to calm down, "I swear if I recorded that, you would have been an idol!" Tanjiro says while fully calm down, "I don't want to be immortalized in history books for my sheer stupidity!" Minato yells from across the room, "Oh! Now you finally admit it!" Tanjiro says in a joking tone as he chuckles a bit.

"Yeah, yeah, I admit, that was pretty dumb, but..." Minato says before he pauses, "I-I got nothing...Bruh..." He says before he gives a bland expression.

"This is going to be a good story to tell to the others." Tanjiro says as he smirks behind his mask, "I swear if you do! I will send you to goddam Jesus!" Minato says as he points to Tanjiro, "You can't do anything about it boy, I will just curb stomp you if you even lay a finger on me." Tanjiro says a bit sadistically, "Ok fine, just don't tell Kurian about it." Minato said as he huffed and admitted defeat, "Hmmm, ok fine, I'll only tell it to the others." Tanjiro says as Minato sighed out of happiness, "Thanks...Ok, you go on your mission, and I'll get some burn cream from the Med bay..."Minato says and Tanjiro nods.

"I'll join you in a sec by the way..." Minato says as he drops the call and exits his room to get his burn cream.

Meanwhile, Tanjiro walks out of the room and out of the basement as he thinks about what just recently happened, "Dumba*s," he thinks to himself as he chuckles a bit under his mask. 

As he exits his house and locks the door behind him, he then quickly speeds off into the direction of Fukushima Mine as his integrated GPS guides him toward the location.


Another entry of "High School Gossip" brought to you by Rengoku!

Renogku: Hello! In Kimetsu High School, we are strict with schedules for both our students and teachers!

Rengoku: Us teachers have to prepare our classes for today's lessons ahead of every school day! That's why we always come to school early hours before it starts.

Rengoku: It appears that I am always first when arriving at school since I am the most active teacher, I usually come in at around 4 AM! The next teachers to then come in are usually Tengen, Gyomei, or Giyu! Depending on how long each of them stayed up last night grading papers! 

Rengoku: They usually come in at around 5 AM every day! They are soon followed by the Butterfly sisters who come in at around 5:30 AM! Sanemi and Iguro then follow suit as they usually come from 5:45 AM to 6 AM!

Rengoku: Sadly, not all of us make it in time, such as Mitsuri for example, she usually oversleeps a bit and her house is the furthest away from the school, so her students wait for her while they use the free time they have to their advantage! She usually arrives in at about 6:45 PM every day and occasionally arrives a bit later than that, she once even came in when school had already started 30 minutes ago!

Rengoku: Though I don't mind, since Mitsuri is a promising and kind teacher!

Rengoku: Now with that over, go ahead and read the next chapter, "The Mine Raid Part 2" to witness the mine raid that "Masked Outlaw" will perform!

Rengoku: While you read that, I'll be eating my udon over here!

Rengoku sits down on a bench as he eats udon

Rengoku: UMAI!

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