Chapter 35: Arteus Corps Part 1: The Corporation

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(Picture above is mine, sorry if it's underwhelming, I plan to try to find a way to make it better in the future)

Location: [REDACTED]
Weather: [REDACTED]



   Video POV

Before this video starts, all of the following footage will be REDACTED in the future to  protect  the privacy of our agents

Video 1 of  9

"Congratulations to you Mr. and Mrs. Davi, you have been shown to meet the requirements of joining the corporation."

"Thank you, Sir."

"Before you start working with us, there are a few things you need to know prior to joining Arteus."

"The process has been the same with all of our external applicants we have interviewed, so remember, you are not special."

"Yes, Sir."

"Good, a few things to know about before joining Arteus are the three fundamental rules that all members no matter what rank must follow.

"1. Listen and respect your superiors, they know more than you and are more experienced. If you are caught disrespecting any high-ranking member, you will be reported to the Ethics Board immediately."

"2. Always follow the Ethics Guidelines. We are sophisticated and a cultured group of individuals that have a set of morals that we are to follow at all times. You will be provided with the pamphlet as soon as this interview is over."

"3. And finally. Loyalty is expected from you at ALL times, if we even have the slightest spark of betrayal coming from you, we will NOT hesitate to make you disappear from the history books and the memories of your loved ones. Your job is a dangerous one that requires a lot of sacrifices, but if you maintain loyalty to Arteus, we will provide for you back."

"Do you two understand now?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Now onto the basic history of our corporation."

"As you can see here, in these files I will provide for you. They look over how Arteus was founded and its long history."

"As you can two read. Arteus Corps was founded on August 2nd, 1928 by the group of people you will soon know as 'The Board'. Our goal is to rid this world of the underground where criminal empires, gangs, mafias, and hackers rule with an iron fist. We aim to purify this world to make it a better place for those who want to live in it and provide for it beneficially. We also want to rid this world of other unspeakable horrors that we in this foundation called, 'Anomalies'. As the name suggests, these anomalies are completely abnormal on the basis of how life works. They find a way to weave past being a normal human or animal and somehow manage to achieve an unbelievable amount of power which most of the time is used in evil and despicable ways. Their mental state changes along with their physical state with most of them having warped and disfigured bodies with some sort of discoloration or mutation to their skin. Our organization also specializes in containing and eliminating these anomalies, along with studying them on how they work. 

"Every once in a while, a new anomaly appears on our radar. As soon as we spot it, we deploy agents to try and capture it before it causes any harm. And if we can't capture it, we eliminate them on the spot. 

"But if the anomalies are multiplying at a rate where we can't capture all of them, then we put our best minds to work in order to find a way to control and eliminate the threat.

"Are you following you two?" 

"Yes, Sir."

"Good, as you heard before if we catch you breaking one of these rules. We will not hesitate to make you into dust."

"And do not doubt our capabilities either. Our organization is so powerful that not only do we have the support of every country and their funding, but we can make one of those countries disappear entirely."

"Really, Sir?"

"Absolutely. Tell me, do guys remember North Korea?"

"North what? I thought there was only one Korea."

"There we originally 2 ever since 1948. But due to some complications in trying to negotiate with North Korea in 2008 to get them to support us, we made them disappear entirely. We wiped the country clean of everything. The once-before population of North Korea is now just recognized as part of the Democratic Republic of Korea."

"And that's what happens to people who mess with us, thinking they're all so powerful. But in the end, get wiped from the face of existence."

"Do you two understand what our capabilities are?" 

"Yes, Sir."


"Anyways, continuing on..."



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