Chapter 22: Breaking News

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Date: October 4, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM
Location: Butterfly Mansion
Weather: Partly Cloudy


"And this is why we are never going to let you visit your house again when you are still recovering..." Aoi said as she took Zenitsu's temperature. "Yes ma'am..." Zenitsu solemnly said with a bump on his head from Aoi smacking his head after Zenitsu visited his house, only to stay up late at night playing games. 

The rest of the gang including Emiko were on their phones, reading a book, or looking around. "Hey, Kanao..." Nezuko asked, "Yeah?" Kanao replied as she turned around to face her friend. "If you were to go anywhere in the world, where would it be?" Nezuko asked, "Hmmm..." Kanao pondered as she thought of a place she would go to if she had the chance, "Somewhere where the beauty is never ending, like a fresh flower field or maybe a tropical paradise. Like the Tiger Balm Garden in Hong Kong, or maybe a large city; Not Tokyo, but something else, like New York, or maybe Singapore." Kanao replied, "Wow, that was pretty poetic Kanao..." Nezuko said with an amazed look, she then looked down and started to talk, "If I were to visit any place in the world, it would be somewhere that would remind me of home. We used to live in the mountains as you know, so I would probably go to visit a famous mountain like Mt. Fuji or Mt. Kilimanjaro. If that was not a viable option, I would visit a place that would remind me of the home I had when I first moved here, the soft and warm smell of bread baking in the oven and the happy and cheerful reply we get from customers when they would buy our pastries and baked goods." Nezuko said, "As I also told you Kanao, before we moved here, my family ran a bakery after we moved from the mountains. Before I joined Kimetsu High, I was in a local middle school near the outskirts of Kimetsu. Our bakery was very popular with the entire neighborhood, and we would get customers every day. The bakery and house were separated from each other, and I would occasionally work alongside my parents in the bakery. Therefore, I arrived at school very tired, but I somehow managed to keep my GPA high enough so that I can enter Kimetsu High, but during summer break, after I completed eighth grade..." Nezuko said as she started to look a bit down, "...That's when you lost your entire family..." Kanao said as she looked at Nezuko with a solemn expression. "Yeah..." Nezuko stated, Kanao sighed as she went to comfort her friend and pat her on the back. "It's ok Nezuko, most of us have already experienced the sadness of losing their family, I know I may never feel the pain of losing my family, since my original family treated me like trash. But I know a lot of people who can help you get through this, I mean look at Emiko, Akira, and Isamu. They all lost family members and I am sure you can go to them and talk it out with them since they know how you felt." Kanao said as she smiled towards her friend, Nezuko smiled back and thanked Kanao for her advice, "Thanks, Kanao. I couldn't have asked for a better friend..." Nezuko said as Kanao went back to her bed and started to look at her phone. 


A couple of minutes pass by as the gang including Emiko were sitting in complete silence, there were some whispers here and there that can be heard by Zenitsu, but otherwise, it was a complete and awkward silence. Aoi and Kanae were in the kitchen preparing lunch for the patients and themselves, Shinobu was also grading papers in her room. And since they didn't want to disturb them, knowing how dangerous the Butterfly Sisters can be when disturbed, they decided to sit in complete silence.

"This is getting uncomfortable..." Genya thought as he looked at Zenitsu and Inosuke, "Come on and fight already! I'd rather be in a room where these two are fighting than in a room full of silence!" Genya thought as he looked back.

"HELLO EVERYONE!" A voice said from the top of the stairs, everybody immediately looked up and saw the two familiar faces of a boy with his younger sister. "Ow!" Zenitsu said as he covered his ears due to how loud Akira yelled, "Isamu-kun! Akira-chan!" Emiko yelled from her bed, "Emiko-chan!" Akira screamed back as he ran towards her best friend to give her a hug. "Hey, Emiko." Isamu bluntly stated as he carried a small box full of food, "Hello Isamu-kun!" Emiko stated, she then pointed to the box, "What's in there?" She asked. "Just some yakisoba me and Akira made for you," Isamu replied, Emiko then gasped as she immediately took the box from Isamu's hand, which left him surprised. "My favorite!" Emiko stated, "Yeah, we knew, so we decided to make it for you!" Akira happily exclaimed, "Thanks, guys!" Emiko replied.

As the three's conversation continued, the other people in the infirmary had finally begun talking to each other as they were now able to relax from the amount of tension and awkwardness they were feeling a few minutes ago.

"Hey, Isamu-san," Genya said as he waved, Isamu waved back and immediately turned around. "Bruh..." Genya thought as he looked at him with a stoic face. "Oh yeah, by the way, I brought your homework assignments that we got from school," Akira said as she took off her backpack (that she definitely had the entire time) and gave Emiko a stack of homework papers, "Thanks Akira, I'll make sure to get this done by Monday!" Emiko exclaimed, "Wait, weren't you excused from homework for an entire two weeks due to your injuries? Why are you still doing it?" Zenitsu questioned who a somewhat surprised expression. "Even though I don't have school for two weeks, I still want to keep up with my studies since if we do kill Muzan, then I am going to need a backup job since the salary of a slayer won't be able to keep me alive for long." Emiko replied, "I-"Zenitsu said as he put his hands to his mouth and began to rethink his life choices, "What happens if we do kill Muzan? Emiko is right, the salary of a slayer won't keep me alive for long in the future! What will I be in the future?" Zenitsu thought and both Genya and Inosuke looked at their friend having an existential crisis.

Nezuko chuckled at the ensuing chaos, "Finally, the silence is over." She said as she puts her hand behind her head and rests on the bed, she then looks over to her friend who is completely focused on her phone as if she saw something important. "Hey, Kanao, what's wrong?" Nezuko said as she got up from her bed with a worried expression on her face, she then looked at what was on Kanao's phone and started to focus on it too.

Tokyo Main News Channel

Host: Breaking news! A recent homicide has just happened near an abandoned warehouse that is located 5 miles South of Tokyo.

Host: We currently have a reporter over there examining the area as we speak as we will soon see her in just a second.

Reporter: Good day Takashi, I am here at the scene of the homicide where officials say that a recent homicide had occurred.

Reporter: According to the autopsy report and observations of the bodies, we know that the homicide happened yesterday night, due to the little to no decay on the victim's bodies. 

Reporter: Also, the mass homicide involved 20 people as police counted the total amount of bodies before we got here. We have also just received the autopsy report as we hinted at earlier. According to one of these reports, a victim's head was smashed to a pulp and caved with what seemed like the stock of the gun which was used to cause the damage. His arm was also crushed with what looked like to be something very heavy, but police have not been able to confirm what caused the damage and are looking more into it as we speak.

Reporter: Another interesting thing apart from several reports saying that the victim lost their head, was that police found burn marks that looked like they were caused by some sort of blade that could emit heat at astounding temperatures. Several of these burn marks could be found on most of the bodies. Also, one of the victims was found sliced in half by the torso with the same burn marks that could be found on the other victims, only larger.

As soon as Nezuko heard this, she called the others over, and every single one of the people in the room came over to see what was wrong, "What's wrong Penuko?" Inosuke asked, "Look." Nezuko replied as she pointed to Kanao's phone, everybody's attention was soon directed towards Kanao as she kept her phone in her lap.

Reporter: Another autopsy report suggested that a victim had a hole through his chest, meaning that whoever caused this is skilled in fighting or a complete beast due to the fact that several of these people had their skulls caved in, their heads were completely torn off from their bodies, or they had their necks snapped; Which happened to two of the victims. But, it appears that 3 victims were only shot and nothing else happened. But the other victims were not spared by this person. 

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