Chapter 47: Another Mission

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Date: December 4th, 2024
Time: 12:34 PM
Location: Kimetsu High School
Weather: Cloudy and Windy


"Alrighty..." Tanjiro said as he broke the silence that was surrounding the entire group. "So...what are we doing? And why are we so quiet?" Tanjiro asked, "I honestly don't know..." Edmund replied.

Upon getting to meet Tanjiro's other friend group, both Andrew and Edmund were immediately accepted into the group because...quote from Nezuko, "Anybody we feel like to add to the group, we'll add almost immediately!" She said back then.

"So! Andrew...tell us a little bit about seem a bit quiet...almost as much as our depressed gym teacher," Genya said while clapping his hands and turning to Andrew. Andrew looked back at Genya with a dull expression, but it slightly dropped into a melancholy expression.

"Do I have to?" Andrew asked, the group looked at him with worried faces since they all felt familiar with the vibe that Andrew was giving off, except for Tanjiro and Edmund, because they knew that they were going to be in for some shit. 

"O-oh...I-I'm sorry...I didn't know that was a subject you don't like to talk about..." Genya said as he faced the ground in guilt, "I'll do it." Edmund volunteered as he spoke up for Andrew. The rest of the group then started to listen in to hear what he had to say, except for Tanjiro who had a bit of an uneasy face, along with Andrew who looked away from the group.

"So...a few years ago Andrew over here had two parents and a girlfriend..." Edmund stated, "Life was going good for him as you could say, his parents were very nice and kind toward him, and his girlfriend was very loyal toward him..." He added. "But...all of it soon changed one day when both of his parents died in an accident, I can't describe which one because apparently, he said that that is sensitive information that only he knows," Edmund said.

At this point, the entire group recalled the pain that they felt from losing their parents or the ones that had parents. "His girlfriend was with him all the way until she too died in the same accident..." Edmund stated with an uneasy tone, "The loss of his girlfriend hit him the hardest since she was the only person he had left to truly love and cherish, but with her gone, he just thinks of himself as a lost cause and always very quiet about things he doesn't want to talk about or about things are not important to him." He added before finishing the story.

The group (Mainly, the OG Kamaboko Sqaud (Nezuko, Kanao, Aoi, Zenitsu, Genya, and Inosuke)) was now hit with a massive wave of guilt and uneasiness since they too also suffered a similar fate. (Except for Inosuke, of course.) "Andrew...I'm so sorry..." Nezuko said while facing the man who now had a depressed look on his face. "It's fine..." He replied, "It's never ok to keep things to yourself, man." Genya stated, "I got it out a long time ago, there's no need to get it out now." Andrew said back.

"Even if, if you need help dealing with that issue, come talk to us or one of the teachers. We know how to deal with this type of problem because...we also suffered a similar fate." Nezuko added, "I see...I'm sorry for your loss..." Andrew replied in a deep tone, "Thank you for the suggestion by the way, I'll consider it if things get more problematic for me regarding my past." He added. "No problem man, just because we're a bit kooky sometimes, doesn't mean we don't know how to handle each other feelings," Zenitsu said as he got up and patted Andrew's back.

Edmund and Tanjiro watched the ongoing scene unfold. He turned to Tanjiro and turned his mouth into a slight smile as he gave him a thumbs up, Tanjiro returned the expression and simply nodded. "Weird..." Kanao thought while witnessing the small interaction between Tanjiro and Edmund.

But before she could think any more of it, the PA system above them started to ring out.

"May Kanao Tsuyuri, Aoi Kanzaki, Inosuke Hashibara, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Nezuko Kamado, and Genya Shinazugawa report to Kanae's classroom please." 

It said before it suddenly turned off, "Oh! Sorry you three, but we have to go, but we'll be back in a minute!" Nezuko said as she and the people who were mentioned earlier started to leave. "No problem Nezuko! Just stay safe!" Tanjiro said happily as he waved at her. Nezuko waved back as she ran off with the group that was already ahead of her.

"So now they are gone, what are we going to do now...?" Edmund asked, "What we usually do when we're alone..." Tanjiro said with a cheeky grin.


"You called us Kanae-sensei?" Nezuko said as she entered the room along with the others. "Ah! Nezuko-chan! Hello!" Kanae stated cheerfully, "What do you need us for Kanae-sama?" Genya asked. "Oh yeah! Ubuyashiki-sama told me that you guys have a mission later tonight, but he was too busy right now, so he told me to tell you about it!" Kanae replied, "A mission? Where?" Kanao asked. "It's on the outskirts of town, not too far from here, just head South for about 50 minutes, and you'll be there. There should be an abandoned old hut there, so you'll know you are there when you see it." Kanae stated.

"The mission details on the other hand...just to sum it up, there have been reports from our crows that there have been a handful of demons scurrying around in the area, and it looks like they have been carrying some sort of item with them. Lord knows what they are doing with it, but our primary focus is to eliminate the demons there so they can't harm anyone else." Kanae added, "What time do we have to be there?" Nezuko asked, "Around sundown." Kanae replied as she stroked her chin for a bit.

"Is that it?" Genya asked, "Yeah... pretty much!" Kanae said while smiling, "You guys can go!" She stated. "Alright, thanks for the mission Kanae-sama!" Nezuko said as she bowed to her along with the others (except for Inosuke, who had to be forced by Aoi). 


"We're bac-what the are you guys doing?" Nezuko asked with a cheerful expression that soon dropped to a state of confusion at the sight of what seemed to be Andrew about to hit Edmund with a big stick that he found and Tanjiro just sitting on the sidelines with his phone out while recording it.

"Uhh...." Andrew says as he chucked the stick to the side and helped Edmund up, "We were doing what we like to call a little 'tomfoolery' with each other." Edmund said in a fancy accent. "Tomfoolery?" Kanao asked, "It means messing around, it's a boy's thing..." Aoi said while releasing a sigh. "Oh..." Kanao said in response.

"Anyway, come on, your lunch is getting cold."
Tanjiro said as he directed the group to their seats, "We only have like 15 or so minutes left of lunch, so eat up while you can!" Tanjiro started with a joyful expression.

The group sat and ate for the entire duration of lunch in peace...

Or as much peace as they can get when they have a boar, a simp, two giants, and one depressed man.


The clock had struck 7 on Kanao's phone while waiting in a part of the forest that surrounds Kimetsu City. She was wearing her slayer uniform and stood in the middle of the trees that surrounded her.

"Where are they?" She thought to herself as she tapped her foot in boredom, "Hello, Aoi?" Kanao spoke into her earpiece, "Yeah?" Aoi replied. "Where are the others?" She asked, "They aren't there with you?" Aoi exclaimed, Kanao shook her head and groaned "No". "Ugh..hold on..." Aoi said as she got out her phone and started to dial a few numbers.

As Kanao waited, she began to collect her thoughts of what happened over the past few days and weeks. "I have two in math and one in language arts..." Kanao thought, "The math test is this Friday, so that means I will have to study for that first...the language arts test is next Monday, so I'll study for that next." She thought to herself, "I only have about two more weeks until the semester break, so I can relax a bit more next week. But midterms are also in January, so I probably have to study for those too during the break..." She thought as she tapped her foot.

"So that cares of my school for now...but for the situation that I am most concerned with is that man reappearing again along with some of his friends..." She contemplated, "He's disappeared for a week and now he came back? And now that there are more of them, this will be a lot more trickier..." She thought, "I mean what if those two are just as powerful as him?! What if they know who were are?!" Kanao thought while closing her eyes and tapping her foot faster.

"What if-" She thought before getting interrupted by a voice, "AHHHH INOSUKE, STOP CHASING ME!" Zenitsu screamed as he ran through the bushes with Inosuke closely trailing behind, "HAHAHA, COME BACK HERE! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO IS BOSS!" Inosuke screamed while headbutting Zenitsu and the back and launching the two into a nearby tree. 

"Inosuke! No!" Nezuko screamed as she emerges from the bushes along with Genya with a very unamused and tired face. "Why do you look so tired Genya?" Kanao asked, "Stuff..." Genya simply replied.

"So...are we ready?" Kanao asked, "I don't know, ask the leader..." Genya said while pointing to Nezuko who was aiding Zenitsu with Inosuke rubbing his head from Nezuko hitting him.

"Maybe a minute more..."
Kanao mumbled, "No! We're fine!" Nezuko said with a sudden expression of positivity as she turned to her. "Oh ok, so where do we from here?" Genya asked, "Simple, we just head South." Nezuko said while pointing straight ahead, the group then started to walk in the direction Nezuko pointed soon after they organized.

"So's life?" Nezuko asked in order to start up some talk between the two, "It's fine..." Kanao said with a slight smile. "That's nice," Nezuko replied, "Just two more weeks until our next break!" She added, "Yeah..." Kanao replied measly. 

"What's wrong with you?" Nezuko asked after seeing her friend reply with such a bland tone, "N-nothing...just thinking about something." Kanao answered, "Really? What are you thinking about?" Nezuko said with a Lenny face. "Stop with the face Nezuko, it's not about Tanjiro, I-I swear!" Kanao suddenly exclaimed with a blush on her face. "Oh really? Then what are you thinking about that could possibly be more important than Tanjiro?" Nezuko teased.

"St-stop! Please! It's just something about the man that we've been chasing after." Kanao said, "Oh? Him?" Nezuko replied while raising one eyebrow, "Yeah...He recently appeared a few nights ago when I went to a restaurant with Aoi and my nee-sans." Kanao stated, "He also brought some backup, there was one with the same mask as him but with a blue color to it, and another with a pure white glow to it." Kanao added.

"More problems to deal with..." Nezuko replied with a groan. "Yeah...I know...I just wish he would go, it's stressing me and the others out." Kanao said with a sigh.

"He's probably not leaving anytime soon considering he brought backup..." Nezuko replied, "Also, you know what's funny?" Nezuko asked. "Yeah?" Kanao replied in curiosity, "It seems like the man disappeared for the break when Tanjiro left, and as soon as Tanjiro came back, he returned." Nezuko said.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence, or maybe that man has a target..." Nezuko said as Kanao's eyes widen in fear, "Could it be Tanjiro?!" Kanao exclaimed in worry. "I don't know, but we might have to remain more conscious and frosty if we ever see him again," Nezuko stated with a serious tone.

"We're here!" Genya screamed as the group soon walked into a clearing with a large old hut that dated back to the Taisho period. 

"Alright, everybody look around for some clues on where the demon might be or will be," Nezuko said as she motioned her hand to order the others. "Of course Nezuko-chan!" Zenitsu said as he happily began prancing around while "looking for clues".

After a few minutes of searching, Nezuko began to get bored of continuously looking through bushes with sharp leaves, going through said bushes to look for more clues deeper into the forest, and having to turn over rocks with several bugs on them.

"I feel like that whatever demon lurks here is hiding somewhere..." Nezuko thought as she lifted up a rock and saw a snake that suddenly slithered away, "Eek!" She yelped while stepping back. The group turned around to look at her with confusion, "Nezuko-chan! Are you ok-Puh!" Zenitsu said before getting launched through the walls of the old hut by something that resembled a small funnel of wind hitting him in the chest and sending him back.

The group then diverted their attention from where the attack came from and saw a demon with two horns, grey skin, a green shirt, and black pants. 

"My back..." Zenitsu whimpered as he tried to get up from the wreckage he was launched into.

"How could you?!"
Nezuko screamed out of anger, "Ever heard of demons having no hearts?" The demon simply responded which only fueled Nezuko's anger.

"Come on, attack me." The demon overconfidently said before Genya shot two shotgun rounds at him, which he effortlessly dodged. 

"Great, now my turn." The demon responded before raising his hand in the air, "Blood Demon Art: Whirlwind of Furry!" The demon said as he lowered his hand and two gusts of very strong winds propelled the slayers off their feet and into the nearby trees.

The only people who were able to hold their ground were Genya and Inosuke who clung onto branches in order to not get launched into the trees like the other two did. "Gah!" Nezuko screamed as she hit the tree. She and Kanao got up and quickly stretched their backs before going in for the attack. "Water Breathing: First Form: Water Surface Slash!" Nezuko said as she swung her sword in order to decapitate the demon, but the demon jumped back and went on his guard.

"Flower Breathing: Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo!" Kanao exclaimed as she appeared on the demon's side and try to slice him in half. The demon deflected the attack by sacrificing his arms and soon kicking Kanao which she deflected with her sword but was sent back.

She performed a backflip and landed gracefully before seeing Inosuke come in from behind, "Beast Breathing: First Fang: Pierce!" He shouted as he tried to stab the demon in the neck, but he quickly regenerated his arms and tried to punch Inosuke in the stomach. Inosuke flipped over his attack and almost reached the demon's neck, but he soon pushed himself back to dodge the swords.

As he landed, he was met with two more rounds of buckshot which he ducked under. "These kids..." He thought as a tick mark grew on his forehead, "Blood Demon Art: Typhoon of Pain!" He yelled before a large dome of wind started to form around the slayers, and slowly, things were getting picked up in the dome from small things such as rocks to literal trees.

The slayer's tried to keep their ground by stabbing their Katanas and Wakizashi into the ground and used them as a grip to hold onto.

But the slayers' efforts were useless as they soon all got pulled into the typhoon and started spinning around in it. 

"Wah!" Inosuke screamed while dodging pieces of debris in the dome. Genya took out two more shells and tried to reload them, but the wind took them away in its power. "Shit!" He thought before looking around to see anything he can do.

He then saw Zenitsu who was cowering in fear while on the pile of rubble, barely able to move. "Bruh..." He thought before seeing a large piece of wood above his head. "I got it!" He thought before he took out one more shell and loaded it into the gun.

By the time he came around again, he was about to face the hut but he decided to fire a bit early since the wind that the sphere was generating would off put the rounds, so he took aim and focused his eyes on the wooden beam before firing.


And to his prediction, the buckshot did curve a bit and perfectly hit the wooden beam that fell on Zenitsu's head and knocked him out.

"Anytime now!" Genya thought as he saw a large piece of tree approach him as he soon dodged it by riding on top of it.

Meanwhile, Kanao saw a nearby tree that was close enough to stab her sword in and pull herself out of the sphere, which she did. She grabbed onto the back edge of the blade and forcefully pulled herself out with all of her strength. 

She grabbed the sword from the tree as she got out and backed away from the sphere in order to not get sucked up in it again. 

"I need to get back in!" She thought as she looked for a gap in the dome that she can pierce through in order to decapitate the demon. While looking, she saw Zenitsu on the other side in a stance as he readied himself for an attack. 

Kanao looked at Zenitsu and he simply nodded back to her. She then looked back at the dome and looked very closely for an opening that she could maneuver through in order to get to the demon.

To her, it felt like time slowed down as she used all of her effort to find an opening. There was no clear sign of an opening to be found since most of the dome was covered in trees, but to her luck, she found a very small opening that she could barely fit through circling around toward her.

Despite the size of the hole, it was enough she needed. She readied herself by focusing all her strength on her back leg and taking a massive breath as the oxygen from the air quickly circulated into her body she tensed them up and waited for Zenitsu's cue.

Zenitsu did the same as he took a breath and entered the same stance as Kanao did.

"Thunder Breathing: First Form: Thunder Clap and Flash!" He said as he charged forward at near-blinding speeds and managed to pierce through the dome along with the debris that was in his way. 

Kanao did the same as she released all the tension in her legs and charge forward as well. "Flower Breathing: Sixth Form: Whirling Peach." She said while maneuvering through the small gap that was provided to her and soon coming face-to-face with the demon.

"Wh-" The demon said in surprise before getting decapitated by Kanao and sliced in half by Zenitsu in a flurry of both lightning and flower petals fluttering all over the place.

The dome soon quickly disintegrated and all the debris that was flying around in it along with Nezuko, Genya, and Inosuke dropped on the floor. "NOOOO!" The demon screamed as he rotted away into nothing.

"Great job Zenitsu and Kanao!" Nezuko said as she went up to the two along with Genya and Inosuke. "Thanks," Kanao said while smiling, Zenitsu on the other hand dropped on the floor fast asleep.

Genya sighed and picked Zenitsu up on his back, "I'll carry him until he wakes up." He said, "Great! So I guess this means we could go back now..." Nezuko said, "But it was only one demon." Kanao stated. "So far, I sense no other demon in the area, so I guess that could mean we're done!" Nezuko said as she pumped her fist into the air, "And besides, today is a school night, and I need to complete the rest of my homework before tomorrow." Nezuko stated while walking through the forest and back to the city.

"And plus, you don't want to look beat up after a long night of fighting because Tanjiro will start worrying about you, and try to take care of you..." Nezuko said with another teasing expression.

Kanao blushed again (for like the 1500th time) and waved her hands in her direction, "No-no! I'm fine really!" Kanao said, "What do you mean? Tanjiro isn't even here?" Nezuko said with a confused tone but quickly returned to her previous expression. "Why do you guys tease me like this!" Kanao said as she covered her face in embarrassment, "Because it's fun seeing you like this, you used to be so bland and emotionless! But now, since your emotions returned, we can see you act like your true self! And I have to admit, you're pretty funny when you are embarrassed." Genya said as Nezuko nodded in response.

"Change topic!"
Kanao yelped as she heard Nezuko and Genya laugh, "What is it? What are we laughing about that's so funny?!" Inosuke exclaimed as he barged into the conversation.


"In all my life, I never thought I would see a woman so down bad for you Tanjiro." Edmund said as he sat on a tree, "What do you mean? I got the looks, the personality, the strength, etc. What's not there to like?" Tanjiro said while slouching on a tree next to Edmund, "Whatever...just make sure that you got that fight recorded." Edmund said, "Already have." Tanjiro simply responded.

"Good, but for now, let's go back." He said as he turned around and started to jump from tree to tree, "Man's embracing his heritage." Tanjiro stated as he chuckled and started to do the same along with Andrew who was sitting on another tree in silence.


Yesh! Another segment of "High School Gossip" separates us from the continuous stream of "The Spy's Diary". This episode is brought to you by Zenitsu and readers like you! Thank you! (Hehe)

Zenitsu: Hello everyone!

Zenitsu: So if you're wondering why I have bandages on my head, the wooden beam that Genya shot which dropped on me actually caused a concussion. 

Zenitsu: Everything is fine for now, but Genya got scolded for some reason, and Shinobu-sama patched me up and I had to stay the night in the Butterfly Mansion.

Zenitsu: Back on track, all students in Kimetsu High must take a language class for college credits, as I assume it is for most high schools around the world. 

Zenitsu: There are multiple languages that we can learn such as Spanish, French, Chinese, and English. 

Zenitsu: English is probably the most taken class out of the entire school, while also being the most recommended since it's the most useful language to learn when traveling. I and the others decided to take English while Tanjiro decided to take Chinese, which confused me until we finally learned that he could speak fluent English.

Zenitsu: Anyway, sorry for such a short segment, but why don't you read the next chapter, "Confused Feelings" where we witness Tanjiro expressing an emotion that he had not felt in a long time.

Zenitsu: Bye!

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