Chapter 34: New Expansion

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Date: November 3, 2024
Time: 4:30 PM
Location: Ubuyashiki Mansion
Weather: Chilly and Windy


"Brrrrt" the doorbell rang as Kanao stood on the steps of the Ubuyashiki estate.

"I know the crow should have already sent the report of yesterday's mission to Master, but I think I may need to talk more in-depth with him about what happened." Kanao thought to herself.

The door then rattled a bit as a small child with white hair cut into short bangs and very wide plum-colored eyes with pure white irises opened the door and met Kanao face to face.

"Hello, Kanata-san, is your dad home?" Kanao asked. "Yes, right this way," Kanata said while leading the girl to her father who was on a couch in the living room. "Dad! We have a visitor!" Kanata said with a bit of a robotic voice to her speech, "Ah, yes, please come over here." Ubuyashiki said as he waved his hands.

The two girls soon moved over and sat in front of the older man who still had his soft and calming smile on his face, completely ignoring the fact that he was slowly dying.

"Hello, Master," Kanao said while prostrating herself on the ground. "Ah, Kanao, welcome again." Ubuyashiki said as Kanao soon stood up.

"What brings you here my child? I'm assured that your crow has already brought the report on your successful mission from yesterday." Ubuyashiki stated with a hint of curiousness in his tone. "I just came by to tell you something that I found quite unusual on yesterday's mission." Kanao replied, "Hmm? Please tell me, my child." Ubuyashiki who was now intrigued asked.

Kanao cleared her throat and began to speak. "Yesterday, during my mission, I am sure that the crow told you that I successfully killed the demon in the area," Kanao said. Ubuyashiki nodded in response as Kanao continued to talk, "There were actually two demons in the area and one of them was about to pounce on me until some bullet or projectile flew throw the demon's head and decapitated it." Kanao stated, "The demon died right on the spot, so it could have been a Nichirin gun, as the one Genya has, but I am pretty sure Genya was not assigned any missions yesterday." Kanao added. "That is surprising my child, Genya is the only one in our organization to wield a firearm that can kill demons. And you are correct about the other claim you made, Genya was not assigned any mission yesterday. So it is quite mysterious how a demon died with a shot from a firearm..." Ubuyashiki stated while holding his fingers under his chin. "That's not all Master, as soon as I got up and tried to see who it was, I wasn't able to find whoever shot the round that killed the demon. I quickly left after that since I didn't want to get into any more trouble." Kanao replied, "Hmmm, that is certainly interesting my child, thank you for bringing me this information." Ubuyashiki stated while smiling at the young girl.

"I also have another suspicion, Master. What if was that man who was there that day?" Kanao said, "Do you mean 'Masked Outlaw'?" Ubuyashiki replied, "If that is the name that we gave him then yes." Kanao answered, "You bring up a valid point Kanao, I will take my time in assessing these claims. In the meantime, why don't you go back home? You have to prepare for school tomorrow anyways." Ubuyashiki said.

"Very well, Master," Kanao says while getting up on her feet and bowing to her leader. "Thank you for allowing me to borrow your time, I will be on my way now, so as if to not disturb you anymore." She states, "No problem my child, I am confident you have not disturbed me in any way. But now please, you may go if you want." Ubuyashiki said with his smile still on his face.

"Thank you, Master," Kanao says as she starts to walk towards the door. She opens the front door and takes a step outside, "Goodbye! See you tomorrow, Ubuyashiki-sama!" Kanao said with a smile and waved to him as Ubuyashiki waved back. "See you tomorrow too, Kanao." He replied.

Kanao then closed the door and walked away from the Ubuyashiki estate.


Date: November 20, 2024
Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Kimetsu High School
Weather: Cloudy and Windy


As the bell rang, the students pilled out of their classes and started to make their way to their next class.

Tanjiro who just walked out of Chemistry class along with Zenitsu was looking at a paper while making his way down the hall.

Zenitsu meanwhile was having a bit of difficulty trying to figure out a problem on his homework that they had just received. "Ummm... Tanjiro, can you help me out?" Zenitsu asked. Tanjiro looked over to Zenitsu and looked at his sheet and pointed to the question he was stuck on, "Just apply all three laws that we learned a week ago." Tanjiro said, "Oh." Zenitsu replied, "Thanks." He stated, "Don't mention it." Tanjiro answered.

The PA then started to ding as a message was soon broadcasted by the principal for the entire school. "Please pardon the interruption, but may all students please head to the West Wing of the school, we have prepared a little surprise for you all. And make sure not to be pushy and shove each other out of the way, there is plenty of time we have to spare for all students to gather in the hall." The PA stated as all the students in the hall then started to head in the opposite direction.

"The West Wing? Isn't it the part that was under construction?" Tanjiro said, "Yeah, maybe they are opening it!" Zenitsu said with a bit of excitement as the two soon turned around and headed for the West Wing.


The two turned the corner to see a large group of students crowding the hallway with teachers next to them making sure that no one is pushing or shoving. "Now now everyone, there is enough room for all of us!" Kanae said while Sanemi was in the corner giving everybody a death stare.

"Ara ara Sanemi-kun, the students are getting scared." Kanae said, "If I don't stop, they will make more ruckus again." Sanemi replied. Kanae chuckled at his response a bit, "Ok Sanemi-kun, you do you!" She said with a smile.

Sanemi's cheeks were now a slight tint of pink for a second, but he quickly shook his head and continued what he was doing before.

Giyu and Shinobu were at the front holding scissors while a large ribbon was blocking the entrance of a brand-new portion of the school. Giyu had a whistle in his mouth with the large ribbon-cutting scissors posted right next to him and Shinobu was on the other side of Giyu with an innocent but mischievous smile on her face as she was also looking for disrespectful students.

Giyu looked at his watch and lifted the scissors in his hand. Shinobu then turned around to the crowd and began to speak. "Attention all students! After months of hard work done by the construction team, we now introduce the new West Wing of Kimetsu High!" Shinbou said with an excited expression as Giyu lifted the scissors toward the ribbon and cut it in half.

The students in the hall were clapping and cheering along with some of the teachers. 

Giyu then blew his whistle and the entire hallway started to quiet down. "Alright, that's enough, now get back to class! And by the way, those who chose human ethics as an elective earlier on in the year, follow me." Giyu said with a straight tone.

Some of the students groaned and others started walking back to class. Tanjiro meanwhile, started to walk along with Giyu who was walking with a lot of other students down the hall. 

Tanjiro selected human ethics when he was presented with the elective sheet when he first joined. He was genuinely interested in the material that the class would teach and decided to sign up for it along with art.

But during that time the human ethics class was being built, he was in computer science which was taught by a Sanemi. He liked the class but was more interested in what human ethics had to provide for him.

As the students walked down the hallway which smelt like fresh paint and wood and were very sleek. They were soon met with double doors that opened to a large room that had multiple chairs all in a row along with a miniature stage along with a small podium that had wheels under it.

The room was like a mini version of the theatre they had in their school already, but the room looked new and fresh so it smelled pretty good and felt nice to be inside of.

The students were amazed by how the room was different compared to the usual classrooms which were a bit small and cramped with large desks taking up most of the room along with the whiteboard that was at the front of every classroom.

"Your names are engraved on the back of your assigned seat, so take the time to find them and have a seat quickly, class will start in a moment," Giyu said while walking towards the podium on the stage.

The students started to look for their seats as Tanjiro already found his name on a seat in the third row from the front. He checked if the seats were bolted into the ground by giving it a little kick to see if it moved, "Nice," he thought while sitting down.

As all the students settled down and sat in their seats, Giyu took a remote that caused a screen to lower behind him and a projector to start running as it projected a blank white video.

The students were all partially surprised to see the usual whiteboard they were stuck with being replaced by a projector screen. 

Giyu moved his podium to the left side of the stage in order to let the students see what was on the screen which had nothing on yet. He then coughed a bit to get the student's attention as they all turned around to face him, "Hello, yes, welcome to human ethics class." He said, "In this class, you will learn about the human mind and its way of thinking and deciding what is morally good or wrong." He added. "Now everyone take out your notebooks and be prepared to take notes," Giyu commanded while walking behind the stage where a small laptop was located that had all the lesson plans for the class uploaded on the device.

He opened it and logged in with his screen also showing on the big screen in the front since the laptop was connected to the projector. He then opened a file which led to a lot of presentation files being shown. He clicked the one that said "Lesson 1. Cognitive Psychology and Human Basics".

He left the laptop open and walked back to his podium as he saw all of his students with notepads and notebooks out in their hands and writing the lesson name.

"Great. Now make sure you write the lesson number and topics on your notebooks since there are a lot of things we are going to cover in this class." He said as he pressed a button on his remote which switched the slide on the presentation.

The title of the slide read, "What does being 'human' mean?" As Giyu looked at his class and started to talk. "As you all know, we are human beings, the most intelligent species on the planet." He said, "But sometimes, with intelligence comes abuse and misuse." Giyu added.

"True..." Tanjiro thought while writing in his notebook, "So that's why in this class we will learn how to properly decide what is good and what is wrong." The gym teacher lectured, "And before we continue on, we might want to answer the question about what makes a human." He said, "Now, who wants to answer the question?" He asked while looking at all the students in the room who were thinking and sweating a bit.

Some of the students had their hands raised but Giyu was focused on one person who was making eye contact with him while also writing in his notebook. He looked dazed and distracted so Giyu decided to call on him.

"Tanjiro, would you care to answer the question?" He said, "Huh-hu, oh, yes." Tanjiro replied with a bit of a stutter.

"A human being is made up of several components when it comes to acting like one. Such as having morality, culture, intelligence, etc. But the main thing that makes us act like 'humans' is asking the question: 'Did I do the right thing or the wrong thing?' Every human has their own moral compass, but most humans should know whether they have done what was morally right or wrong. In general, humans must treat each other with kindness and respect in every way. When they see others in pain or trouble, they are obligated to help them. Being human means putting others before yourself so that way everybody you love is safe from harm, and providing a sense of support when others are not" Tanjiro said with incredible confidence. The class was surprised at Tanjiro's lengthy, but very thorough response. Giyu was a bit more surprised than the class, not at the descriptiveness of his response, but rather its similarity to a saying that he heard from his mentor. "Isn't that what Urokodaki-sama said when I asked him that question?!" Giyu thought before shaking and clearing his head of thoughts before continuing on with the class.

"Y-yes, that is the correct answer, anyways, moving on to the next slide." He said as he clicked on his remote and continued his lecture.


The entire gang was sitting in the room after school since Kanao, Aoi, and Genya had to wait for a bit since their older siblings were occupied with something. Zenitsu and Inosuke got detention earlier for causing a ruckus in class. Nezuko had some homework that she wanted to finish with Tanjiro since he offered to help her.

"Thanks, Tanjiro for helping me!" Nezuko said while hugging Tanjiro, "Eh, no problem, Nezuko, I'm always happy to help." The redhead replied while patting her head. 

The others were kind of bored since they had nothing to do because they already finished all of their homework in class today, and Aoi was just finishing up helping Inosuke with his homework.

"Pffft, I'm bored..." Zenitsu said as he exhaled deeply and put his feet on a nearby desk, "Same..." Genya replied. "Well if you guys are bored, then why don't we just play a game or something?" Tanjiro replied which caught the attention of the entire group, "Which one?" Genya said, "Uhhh, I don't know, Truth or Dare, or something like that..." Tanjiro measly replied, "I mean, it's the only game I could think of as of right now if we play anything else because if we play any other game, I'm confident that it's going to go South..." Tanjiro said.

"Sure, I guess," Zenitsu said while taking his feet off the desk and looking at Tanjiro, the others did the same as they waited for Tanjiro to start the game.

Tanjiro inhaled a bit before turning to Zenitsu, "Zenitsu, truth or dare?" He asked, "Hmmm, dare." Zenitsu said as he snapped his fingers. "Ok, do a handstand for 25 seconds." Tanjiro said, "Easy." Zenitsu replied overconfidently, "Wait! There is a catch. Every 5 seconds you survive, we add books to balance on your feet. If you drop any of these books, you would have to do 10 pushups with one of us on your back." Tanjiro said while smirking a bit.

"EH!? Ok fine!" Zenitsu exclaimed while beginning to stretch and Tanjiro got a few books that were in his backpack along with some books that were offered by the others.

"Ready?" Tanjiro said. Zenitsu nodded while sweating a bit as he got on the ground and flipped himself onto his hands, "Kanao, count." Tanjiro said. 

Kanao nodded and began to count as Tanjiro listened in. Meanwhile, Zenitsu was starting to sweat a bit more but kept completely still.

Tanjiro then added a book to one of Zenitsu's feet as Kanao reached the 5-second mark. This caught Zenitsu off-balance as he started to wobble a little to the side, "C'mon Zenitsu, keep steady!" Genya hollered as the others looked at Zenitsu while quietly cheering for him.

Tanjiro added two books, one on Zenitsu's left foot and another on Zenitsu's right. Meaning he had two books on his right leg and one book on his leg. Zenitsu wobbled even more to the right since his body started to lose balance. "H-hey! That's not fair!" Zenitsu said, "It's ok, just a few more seconds!" Tanjiro cheered while adding another book. 

"Agh!" Zenitsu struggled as he was starting to wobble even more, "10 more seconds!" Tanjiro said, "You can do it Zenitsu!" Nezuko cheered. 

This was enough for Zenitsu to hear in order to give him that confidence boost that he needed. He fixed his posture and tried his best to maintain his balance as Tanjiro added on the last few books.

"Last one!" Tanjiro said while putting a book on Zenitsu's feet, at this point, there were 5 books on Zenitsu's left foot and 7 books and Zenitsu's right. 

"25!" Kanao counted as Zenitsu plopped to the ground while panting. The others were cheering and clapping for him while Genya recorded the entire thing. Zenitsu got up weakly and held his arms in the air in victory, "I f*cking did it!" He screamed at the top of his lungs as his friends cheered for him.

He then sat down along with the others so they could progress on to the next round. "Genya, you go." Tanjiro said, "Ok," Genya said while thinking of a person to pick, "Nezuko, truth or dare?" Genya said. "Dare!" Nezuko happily replied, "Hmmm, ok. I dare you to do the makeup on the person who is on your right!" Genya said while smirking at Tanjiro who started sweating and all eyes soon lay on Tanjiro and Nezuko.

"Oh shit, frick you Genya." Tanjiro thought, "With what?" Nezuko said as Tanjiro started to calm down since Nezuko didn't have anything to do Tanjiro's makeup. "Hold on, I got something," Aoi said as she reached into her bag and pulled out a makeup kit.

"Just like every woman should carry their makeup just in case..." Aoi said as Nezuko smiled and took the case, "Aoi, I swear." Tanjiro thought as he started sweating again out of pure nervousness. "Thanks, Aoi! Now Tanjiro, where were w-" Nezuko said while turning around to look at Tanjiro who was not in his seat.

"I ain't doing this!" Tanjiro screamed from the other side of the room with his heading peeking out of the main entrance and into the room. He then did the peace out sign with his hands and slammed the door and started to make a run for it. The entire group was caught by surprise at Tanjiro's sudden exit.

"Hey! Get him!" Genya screamed as the entire group got up from their chairs and started to chase the man.

(Insert Spongebob Chase theme)

"The hell has gotten into him?!" Zenitsu said while running alongside Genya. "I don't know!" Genya replied, "Tanjiro, come back!" Kanao screamed while running.

"I'm not getting makeup on my face!" Tanjiro screamed back, "You made Zenitsu do his dare! Now you have to let Nezuko do it too!" Genya yelled back.

"Not when it comes to giving me a makeover!" Tanjiro replied back. He quickly looked ahead and turned the corner, he shifted his foot and started booking it down a separate hallway. "Zenitsu cut him off," Genya said to Zenitsu who nodded and went in a different direction from the group.

Nezuko and Aoi decided to split off too so they could hatch a plan to cut Tanjiro off and capture him. "Monjiro! Where are you!" Inosuke screamed, "Nowhere!" Tanjiro screamed from a couple of halls behind them. 

"What the?!" Inosuke said as he turned around to see Tanjiro running down the hallway behind them, "Tanjiro you idiot, get back here!" Genya exclaimed. "Change the dare!" Tanjiro yelled, "Not on my life!" Genya replied back. 

"Frick you then!" Tanjiro stated. Genya was now a bit ticked off at this, "Kanao, use your speed to get him," Genya said as Kanao nodded. She stopped for a moment and took a breath as she relaxed all the muscles in her leg. She tighten the muscles in her back leg and bent it, "Sorry Tanjiro..." Kanao thought with a slight frown. She released the pressure in her legs and stormed down the hall at blinding speeds toward Tanjiro.

"Shit! That's Kanao!" Tanjiro thought as his nose quickly picked up the unmistakable trace of flowers coming from behind him at a very fast pace. Kanao quickly approached Tanjiro as she was about to grab him with her hands, but to her surprise, Tanjiro ducked under her and made eye contact as she quickly flew by. Tanjiro then grabbed her by the legs before she could go crashing into the wall and twisted her body and landed in his arms.

"EH?!" Kanao thought as Tanjiro quickly placed Kanao on the ground and continued running. "Wh-What just happened?!" She thought to herself while very flabbergasted. Genya who saw the entire thing was also very confused, "Wait what?" He thought while trying to chase down the man, "Who is this man?! I thought he was not that fast! Why is running faster than a dam bullet train?!" He thought, "And he looks like he's not tired!" Genya contemplated as he turned the corner and saw Tanjiro running down the hallway. "What the f*ck?! I'm starting to get exhausted, and I'm a f*ckin' slayer?!" Genya thought while running after the redhead. 

Tanjiro continued to run down hallways while making turns and twists into the next hall.

"I ain't getting makeup on my face again!" He thought as he reached a four-way intersection. He stopped for a brief moment to look where everybody was, "I may have lost them for now..." He thought.

"Tanjiro!" Zenitsu screamed as he stood across from him from one end of the hallway. "What?" Tanjiro answered as he slowly backed away. "Why are you running dude, it's just makeup?!"Zenitsu said, "Thanks, but I like to preserve my dignity thank you very much!" Tanjiro replied before backing up into Genya who was about to grab him, "Gah!" He said before Tanjiro quickly turned around and jumped back to avoid Genya from grabbing him.

"Bro, what are you doing? Just do the dare and get over with it." Genya said, "Over my dead body." Tanjiro goofily stated. Tanjiro took a quick glance from his left and right to see Inosuke, Aoi, Kanao (Who was blushing a bit), and Nezuko slowly closing up on him.

"Nein..." Tanjiro thought as he soon made his way into the middle of the intersection. "Monjiro, what's gotten into you, you act as if you have seen a cockroach or something?!" Inosuke exclaimed (FYI, Inosuke's only fear is cockroaches; Genya and Zenitsu also fear cockroaches a lot too. I did this because I am also deadly terrified of roaches...). "Tanjiro please calm down, it's only makeup," Nezuko said while trying to calm Tanjiro down.

"Just makeup?! I lost the respect of my friends and others for a few days the last time I had makeup!" Tanjiro thought, "Genya, change the dare." Tanjiro said he said with a bit of seriousness, "Chill bro, what the f*ck! Why are you so uptight about this?!" Genya exclaimed, "Personal reason that I don't want to state." Tanjiro replied back.

"Come on, it's just a little makeup..." Aoi said as she walked closer to Tanjiro with her hands out ready to grab him. "You're not changing your minds?" Tanjiro asked simply as the entire group nodded.

Tanjiro sighed, "What have I gotten myself into..." He thought as his nose started to pick up a "smell".

He perked up straight and looked in a specific direction with a curious face, "Wait, what's that smell?" He asked as everyone looked where Tanjiro was looking.

Little did they know, it was a distraction for Tanjiro to make his escape as he soon jumped over Kanao and Aoi who were caught initially by surprise. 

The group turned to look at Tanjiro who had a cheeky face on him, "Tanjiro Tsugikuni, you cheeky bastard!" Zenitsu yelled as the group started to chase him again.

"Sorry- Ugh!" Tanjiro said while crashing into a large object.

He looked up to see what he had bumped into and saw Giyu standing over him with a straight face.

"Tomioka-sensei! I'm so sorry!" Tanjiro said as he got up and bowed, "What were you doing? I heard a lot of noises from the floor below and decided to check up on what you were doing." Giyu asked, "We dared Nezuko to give Tanjiro a makeover, but Tanjiro chickened out and started a wild goose chase around the halls." Genya said.

"Is that so?" Giyu said while looking at Tanjiro with no expression, "I'm f*cked..." Tanjiro thought while waiting for his superior to reply, "I won't punish you now, but if I catch you guys doing this again, we are going to have a talk. I am currently very busy right now, and I can't deal with your shenanigans too. So just leave the school grounds and play your game somewhere else." Giyu said to the surprise of the entire group as they all looked at him with their eyes wide open in surprise.

"Th-thank you Tomioka-sensei!" Tanjiro said as Giyu sighed and walked away. "We're saved..." Tanjiro said as he turned around only to be met with Genya, Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Aoi glaring at him with Nezuko and Kanao in the back trying to calm them down.

"Be careful next time dingus, you almost got us in trouble!" Zenitsu exclaimed, "It was just a simple dare!" Genya said. "I am a man of culture that would like to preserve his dignity, that's all." Tanjiro replied, "Man of culture this!" Inosuke said before launching at Tanjiro.

Inosuke was caught and held by Genya and Zenitsu as he tried to reach out and grab Tanjiro. "Let me go!" Inosuke exclaimed, "Guys, I'm sorry for what I have done. I'll promise to make it up to you with something..." Tanjiro said as he started to walk back to the classroom they were originally in to grab his bag.

"Come on, we have to go soon, you heard Tomioka-sensei!" Tanjiro said as the group followed him back to the classroom.


Once out of the school grounds and walking down the side of the road, the group of friends was talking amongst each other while Genya was somewhat scolding Tanjiro for the uncalled-for chase they had today.

"What was that man? You ran off like a scared chicken! And you manage to outrun us all! Even Kanao!" Genya said while Tanjiro waved his hands at him, "I guess you get a boost of adrenaline when your shame and dignity are at stake." Tanjiro replied, "Y'know, it's gonna take a while for us to forgive you." Zenitsu butted in.

"Yeah, I know, but I told you that I would treat you guys to something. Like a sleepover maybe... I don't know." Tanjiro said with a bit of doubt, "Oh yay, a sleepover!" Nezuko said with excitement.

"Wa-wait, Nezuko I didn't-" Tanjiro was about to say before being interrupted, "A sleepover at Monjiro's house? Hell yes! This will be the best sleepover since I will be there!" Inosuke said. "I kind of want to go to Tanjiro's house too." Kanao quietly said.

Genya took a while to respond as he took a look at Tanjiro and the others and smiled, "Alright fine, a sleepover at Tanjiro's it is then." Genya said while turning his smile into a smirk.

The entire group celebrated as Tanjiro looked at the ground with a deadpan/defeated look, "Why do I talk?" He thought to himself as he looked at his friends who were now very happy and excited.

"Fine, I guess. But it can't be this week since I am going to Kyoto next week, maybe sometime in December." Tanjiro said as the group nodded. "Also, I'll be leaving very early in the morning on Saturday, so you guys can't visit me when I am leaving, so we can say goodbye when we are dismissed on Friday." He said while the group groaned a bit in response to hearing about his departure time. "Calm down, it's not the end of the world, I'll see you guys after break hopefully. Plus we could call each other if we want to." Tanjiro said while looking at his friend's faces which suddenly brightened up again.

He smiled and put his hands behind his head and chuckled, "You guys are something else..." He thought as he watched his friends talk amongst each other for the duration of the trip.

Spy's Diary 

Entry 13


Tanjiro: Ok, we gotta make this quick since the author doesn't have time and this is some vital information that I will spill out for you guys before the next chapter starts.

Tanjiro: When I passed all the requirements to become an agent in my organization. I was taken to an operating room where they implanted a microchip into my head.

Tanjiro: It took 20 minutes to complete, and it was harmless. But those would probably be the most vital 20 minutes that an agent has to spare in order to truly become one of the elite.

Tanjiro: This microchip serves many purposes in the agency. It allows for alternate forms of accessing agency tech to be a thing in case it gets hacked or stolen, a locator for all agents, a short-range telepathic communication device that transmits waves from our brain and turns it into radio waves that send the waves to another microchip, which allows us to communicate with other agents without even having to talk.

Tanjiro: It also serves as an identifier for agents since all microchips are specialized with the data of the agent uploaded to the chip. It's also wirelessly connected to our masks and weapons which is why you sometimes saw me ignite my heat blade without having to press the button on the hilt itself.

Tanjiro: This chip is a very important asset in our database and in fact, one of our very first inventions along with the heat blade.

Tanjiro: Anyways, join us next time in "Arteus Corps Part 1: The Corporation" where we finally figure out the name of the agency I work in and what we do.

Tanjiro: Finally after 34 f*ckin' chapters, the author finally decides to spill the name of the agency I work in.

Tanjiro then leans in toward the screen

Tanjiro: If any of you are wondering why I acted like that earlier, I have permanent trauma that occurred when I got a similar dare from my other group of friends when I was young. I was laughed at them for a week and I lost my dignity and felt shameful for days on end... 

Tanjiro: Anyways, bye!

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